I have this one woman that I pay to bust my balls and she can absolutely terrify me at times. She's not super mean or anything, but her kicks are extremely accurate and extremely strong. Normally I can take 3-5 kicks without dropping but when she kicks me, I drop every time. And not just a regular drop down, get back up after a few seconds. No like I straight up can't breathe, shivering on the floor about to pass out kinda dropped. You know how when a woman kicks you barefoot, super hard in just the right spot and you can hear that fleshy sound when her foot smashes your jewels? That happens literally every time she kicks. I actually thought she had ruptured my balls two separate times in different ballbusting sessions, just from regular frontal kicks. She's the only woman I do ballbusting sessions with that I won't ask her to kick me from behind, because I'm positive that if she did then she would actually rupture my nuts. Recently she's been trying to hit me up for another ballbusting session and I've honestly been too scared to go. Every time we're done with a session, I'm usually curled in a ball at the end of it, not even able to move or breathe for probably a good 15 or 20 minutes until after she left.

What do you think guys? Have you ever had a mistress that was too intense for you or scared the living shit outta you?

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Comment by Adrenalinerush95 on October 7, 2020 at 10:39am

@Greg, send me a message and I'll send you her contact info.

Comment by Adrenalinerush95 on October 7, 2020 at 10:39am

Great news fellas, I contacted her and she says she's down for having some more balls to bust. When I messaged her she said , "awesome! I've been looking to work some anger out!" Lol. So if you're in FL and you're looking for a brutal ballbuster, hmu.

Comment by Greg papa on October 5, 2020 at 1:50pm

@adrenalinerush95, oh wow yeah we arent far apart at all....ok yeah if you could ask her that be great and once you do if you wanna private message me with info feel free 

Comment by Adrenalinerush95 on October 5, 2020 at 11:00am

@Greg Papa, you're actually really close to me. I'm in port charlotte. I can talk to her and see what's up. She does like making money, and she definitely doesn't mind busting some balls.

@Richard, I wouldn't say she's the girl of my dreams, but she is one hell of a ballbuster. It'd be tempting, but I'm not ready to let go of my nuts just yet lol.

Comment by Gregory Patrick on October 1, 2020 at 8:45pm

The mistress I currently see intimidates the hell out of me. But I trust her not to hurt me beyond what I can handle. She certainly takes me to edge, but knows when to lay off. She is a pro for sure.

Comment by Richard on October 1, 2020 at 5:27pm

If she is someone you see as hot to you then it is worth gettin hit by her id say...id let the girl of my dreams rupture my balls

Comment by Greg papa on September 30, 2020 at 10:10pm

In fl huh? Same here im in Sarasota area is she anywhere in general vicinity? I’d love to give her some new biz

Comment by D Rawk on September 30, 2020 at 5:22pm

Sounds like a perfect session to me. What's the problem,lol?

Comment by Joe on September 30, 2020 at 4:03pm

I understand but I travel a lot too.  So I could easily come to that area and have been.  If she is willing to bust other guys that would be great.  If she is more private and doesn't want to that is fine too.  It's all OK whatever way it is.  But still I think she sounds fun and you should just have fun.  If it's too intense maybe tell her and set some boundaries.  Good luck and have fun.

Comment by Adrenalinerush95 on September 30, 2020 at 3:53pm

@Joe, first off, I'm in FL. Secondly, she's not a pro domme. She's someone I met thru another ballbusting mistress of mine. She said she had a friend who'd be interested in joining, so they both came and busted my balls. That was a pretty intense session.


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