Another Tequila, kicked in the balls story.

This recent experience of mine seems to be very popular with the members I've chatted with here and a few of you suggested i post it to the story blog. I was hosting a late Christmas party at my place in mid January, My husband and I invited several friends over for the night. One of my friends kept on feeding me shots of Tequila, this is one spirit that makes me crazy and silly, but he kept on giving me shots (five over the night) . His fun backfired on him, the Tequila got me in a very horny ballbusting mood. My husband and another friend of mine said i was acting like a 12 year old bratty girl. Once the tequila kicked in lol, I ended up kicking my friend that was giving me all the shots right in the balls (I kicked him with my gray suede boot for those of you into footwear), i dropped him to the floor. My one friend said i stood over him with my hands on my hips and wearing a very bratty victorious smile. I don't remember much from that night, apparently I made bb threats to all the guys there too before i actually kicked the guilty bartender friend. The next day, the friend I kicked told me that he was a little bruised and swollen. I don't have a lot of recollection from that night so a lot of juicy details are excluded.

Wow, this really is a short story, short, but sweet.

Views: 1327


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Comment by Andy Lee on October 23, 2015 at 3:39pm

Haha, that victory stance and smile sounds cute as! And if only you could remember more after tequila, haha. It gets you in the mood, but it makes you forget unfortunately, haha. Thanks for the story. :)

Comment by nick on February 3, 2015 at 7:52pm

haha. sounds like a fun party! except maybe for the guy who you kicked in the balls. :D

Comment by Jessika K on February 1, 2015 at 2:53pm

Thank you for the story, Suzy. Lets see if your friend has better judgment the next time he tries to overdose you on booze. I love that it backfired on him, i love that. 

Comment by greeneyedsusan on January 31, 2015 at 11:11am

Damn Tequila :S

Comment by Smoo on January 30, 2015 at 10:01pm

Great lil story!  Especially the part about being a bratty schoolgirl from the liquor!  :-P  Such a goof!


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