Hey everybody!

So this is kind of a feeler post, if it gets good results we might follow through.

I have been having conversations with a girl I used to see. We stopped seeing each other about 4 months ago because I was being dumb and didn’t want to be in a relationship. As it turns out, she has been harbouring a little bit of anger towards me and her conversations with me have REALLY shown that.

Anyway, she has been trying to convince me to let her do whatever she wants with me for one night but if I’m being honest, I’m a little nervous. She has talked about “crushing and popping” my balls more than once with a scary amount of seriousness and indifference. So since this could be an absolutely devastating session for me I was considering asking her if she wants to film it for the ballbusting community.

It would be a video where I would be her full slave and have to do whatever she says. It would mainly be ballbusting according to her since she’s so mad at me, probably some feet kissing and almost certainly some name calling humiliation.

Please comment below if this is something you would want to see and if so, would you have any suggestions for the video? Please let me know!

Thanks guys,

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Comment by Dustin on December 16, 2019 at 4:04pm

Sounds like a dream come true in some aspects, yet pretty scary too. If you do go forward (I think I would personally, after much consideration and terror - sounds like a once in a lifetime kind of session!) definitely try to film it, if not for us, just for yourself to relive and remember. 

Best of luck and if you go through with it enjoy!

Comment by Ryan moorehouse on November 29, 2019 at 6:13pm

Your safety (physical and mental) trumps everything else.

Comment by Lexeme on November 25, 2019 at 11:38pm

I think the most important thing is, rather than playing guessing games and hiding your emotions, can you talk with her about any of this? You should be able to communicate with a play partner enough to feel comfortable, at the very least set hard limits etc. I've totally let friends take out frustration (not with me in particular tho) in the form of kicks, but within limits, there's aftercare, and communication, so the anger is more of the friendly mutual joking kind, typically followed by a nice conversation and hugs when we say good night

Comment by T on November 22, 2019 at 8:26pm
Noah, that was a much better response than what I was trying to get at.

OP, our health is more important than our BB fantasies. This includes mental health. CNC play is a thing that some people engage in but you run the risk of having it negatively affecting you for the rest of your life.

I had a busting buddy a little while back who flat-out admitted dominating/torturing men gave her a feeling of satisfaction like she was getting revenge against jerks who've done her wrong in the past. But at the same time she also established rules and limits and asked me what was in it for me and why I'd even ask for this.

You know your ex a hell of a lot better than any of us do. If you're coming to us to ask for advice, and you're not just making this all up, then it might mean you are already having some reservations about following through with this plan. If you have a desire to do this, but can't go through with it until we say it's a good idea, that should be a warning sign.
Comment by Bblove on November 22, 2019 at 6:50pm

Gender politics aside, we are all adults here, and you simply need to consider the risks and realities of what you're potentially getting yourself into.  The fantasy sounds amazing and it’s one I’ve had myself, the angry ex having unfettered access to my balls to beat and destroy as she sees fit.  I chose not to because I didn’t want to have it lead to us restarting things because I felt it was a toxic relationship for both of us.  But otherwise I would have done it to fulfill the fantasy, knowing the risk, and that risk being a big driving force behind why the fantasy is so appealing (but also fully recognizing i would be behaving in a very self destructive manner).  At the same time, as the saying goes: “safe, sane, and consensual”.  Consider whether the actual risk once realized may be more than bargained for.  We of course have a member on this site who ended up losing a testicle (unintentionally and unexpectedly), and despite the intensity of the fantasy before and sometime after the fact, he’s made it clear how difficult it was physically, mentally and emotionally to go through that.  If you go through with it and film, I’ll watch, but speaking to whether you should, that’s up to you, after very careful consideration of what you might actually lose, weighed against what you think you might gain.

Comment by T on November 22, 2019 at 9:46am
As much as I want to see a video of this too we need to consider something here...

If this was a site that catered to M/f kinks and a woman was saying she had a chance to have her angry ex-boyfriend beat her, would anyone be encouraging it?
Comment by dave j on November 20, 2019 at 4:35pm

go for it! you only live once. just have a safe word.

Comment by Monika Tolic on November 20, 2019 at 2:24pm

ballbusting in socks and barefoot please <3

Comment by Destin on November 20, 2019 at 12:18pm

Jerk off before you make the decision


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