A Ballbusting Quiz for Couples

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If you've chatted with me, you probably know that my #1 fetish is whatever makes you happy. My #2 fetish is ballbusting. And I think a lot of people will agree: ballbusting is infinitely more fun if both sides are enjoying the activity. So, with that in mind, I wrote a little quiz that might help couples ensure they're on the same page as their partner. Well, honestly, it probably won't help anyone but still, it's a fun thing to think about.

That said, this quiz is centered around the idea of two people who trust each other, both enjoy ballbusting on some level, and utilize busting as part of foreplay/sex. This probably isn't an exciting topic for people who like more traditional "stand there and take it" type sessions, paid/unpaid femdom, or more elaborate roleplay.  However, if anyone wanted, I'm sure you could copy the format of the quiz and modify the questions/answers to be more specific to your preferred busting style and scenario. Feel free to do so if you'd like, or if I get enough requests in comments/chats, maybe I'll write another one too.

The examples provided in each answer are just thought starters, feel free to imagine better examples that are more along the lines of what you like. Anyway, enough intro, here's the quiz!

Q1. You're both feeling frisky and a busting session is about to start. What happens?

  • A) Out of nowhere, your partner busts you without any warning or buildup (perhaps a punch as you walk by, maybe a kick from behind while you're standing and looking out the window, maybe a firm squeeze, etc).
  • B) Your partner starts to passionately kiss you. You caress her and look into her eyes. She smiles and suddenly busts you mid kiss (maybe she knees you, or grabs your balls and squeezes, etc).
  • C) Your partner informs you you're about to be busted and orders you to get undressed and get into her preferred position where she then nails you a few times (standing there, legs spread. Or maybe on your knees. Up to you! Errr, up to her!)
  • D) You inform your partner you need a good busting. You assume the position you want (Maybe you get on all fours so she can nail you from behind? Maybe you put your balls on the counter so she can give them a good whack. etc.)
  • E) Write in your own response.

Q2. You've just been busted and you're starting to get turned on. Your partner wants to keep busting you. What happens next?

  • A) You're totally at your partner's mercy. She busts you at will and you can't do anything, you just have to lie there (or stand there, or stay chained there, or spreader-barred, whatever.)
  • B) Your partner commands you and you comply. Now that you're in pain, she's calling the shots and tells you exactly what to do next (stand up and take it like a man, spread your legs, move your hands away, etc).
  • C) Your partner offers an exchange- do what she wants and you'll get something in return (take 5 punches without falling and get a BJ, take 20 slaps and you can kiss her again, etc)
  • D) Your partner pulls back from busting you and goes back in to foreplay/sex. However, when you least expect it, she busts you again. This dance of fun and surprise pain continues for a little while.
  • E) Write your own response.

Q3. Things are hot and heavy. You know your partner loves it when you respond out loud to her activities. What's the most exciting things you can say to her?

  • A) Nothing. She loves your pitiful, painful responses. She just wants you grunting, yelping, whimpering, and whining as you hold yourself in pain and look up into her beautiful eyes. Don't ruin it by saying something dumb.
  • B) Defiance. She loves that you've still got a little bit of fight in you, it means she gets to beat if out of you. You're in pain, but you're still telling her off (ex."It doesn't hurt." "I can't believe you did that, you bitch." etc)
  • C) Bargaining. Maybe she'll stop if you can offer up what she really wants? You say things like "Please don't hurt my balls anymore, I'll do anything you want." (and maybe you give some fun examples of things you'd do to make it stop
  • D) Begging for it to stop. She enjoys a good show as much as the next girl and likes hearing that she's in power just as much as she likes seeing it. You lay there and say things like "Ow, my balls. Please, please, my balls. Oh god it hurts so bad, just stop."
  • E) Begging for more. She knows you love it and wants to hear you say it. You beg her to do more to you. (ex "Please, I love you so much. Kick me again.")
  • F) Write your own response.

Q4. Well, we know what you were saying. How about your partner?

  • A) Nothing. She's got a cold look in her eyes and you know you're in trouble. Maybe she laughs a little bit, but not a fun laugh. You get shivers down your spine.
  • B) Threatening. She can't stop talking about how much she's going to hurt you and what she's going to do to you. Maybe you better stop whining or she's gonna make it hurt more? Maybe you better get her off in the next 10 minutes or you're going to lose your balls!
  • C) Teasing and mocking. She's just having a blast. Smiling, giggling. She loves to ask if "the little boy is ok? Do his poor lil balls hurt?" She covers herself and bends over in mock pain before slapping you again.
  • D) Write your own response.

Q5. How does it all end?

  • A) Badly for you. She keeps going and puts you in a lot of pain until you give up one way or another (tapout, passout, or splatout). There's no happy ending for you, but maybe she has a good time looking down at her handiwork.
  • B) Close, but no cigar. She's enjoying herself, and maybe you're even helping her out a bit. Unfortunately, every time you come close to finishing, she punches you again and it's back to square one. Guess she stops when she's happy, regardless of how your Mr. Happy is doing.
  • C) Mutually beneficial! Busting is fun, but isn't busting a load more fun? You slide into your preferred sexual activity of choice (who doesn't love a good 69 while getting your balls beat up a bit) and both enjoy an orgasm or two before calling it quits.
  • D) Write your own response.

Thanks for playing. Hope everyone gets a perfect session next time they have a chance!

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Comment by KDB on August 1, 2020 at 9:01pm

Question 1 if it's an honest "A' that is very firm at all, that would be the end for most guys

Comment by tsm89 on May 5, 2020 at 9:18am

#1) Usually C or A, sometimes B.

#2) A or D most of the time

#3) B until I can't take it anymore which quickly turns into D

#4) B at the beginning, then A or C depends on the day

#5) Usually C, had A a few times

This was really cool!

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on April 23, 2020 at 11:44am

Well I can see many different variants of this list. It is highly dependent of my mood. I will start with a typical Ball Busting scenario. 

For qustion 1. A.  Most of the time it comes out of nowhere. I like catching him unaware and off guard. It sets the tone for a more aggressive ball kicking. My favorite is kicking him in the ball's from behind, full strength when he isn't paying attention. The drop and shock from a hit like that is way to yummy to ignore. If his nuts are within punching or grabbing distance and he isn't paying attention, better believe I am taking full advantage.

2. B. I command and I expect him to comply. Once he is on floor in pain I take control, telling him to stand up and spread his legs. If he cant stand up then i still expect him to spread em. I usually blast him again and immediately tell him to get up and continue to bust his nuts like this. It is aggressive and gets the adrenaline pumping for both of us. By the time I have laid into him a dozan times, he is still trying to get a grip on the situation that he is in. 

Next is 3. D. I like a little defiance, and a little fight left in him. I enjoy busting his balls until he cannot resist me anymore. I like beating it out of him. The more he resist me, the harder I kick his balls in. I love stripping the fight from him until he has none left.

4. C. I love teasing and mocking him. I tell him I am disappointed that he can't take more and try and urge him to keep taking it. I call him a baby for acting like it hurts so much and should be able to take it. They are attached to him so he should be able to handle them. You know just being a bitch anyway I can. 

Last but not least 5. A. It usually always ends bad during one these ball busitng sessions. They are spur of the moment and i usually just want to just destory him and enjoy him in agony on the floor. I love to bust his balls until he gives up.

Remember y'all, this is just my usual spur of the moment ball busitng session. There are different scenarios depending on what i want. Thank you DJ for posting this, it is an awesome post. I will add another scenario if interested just let me know. Later guys. 

Comment by DJ on April 22, 2020 at 11:46am

It'd be nice to see a few more answers, even if they're just hypothetical or historical. Like, if you could have a bust happen any way you wanted, how would it go? For example, my ideal scenario would be:

1. B. It's a surprise, but still contextual. Though I sometimes think A would be fun.

2. B and C mixed together. Order me around a bit, but also let me know there's an incentive.

3. Probably A, though C and D both could be interesting. Guess it depends on our moods.

4. C. Light hearted teasing and mocking are always great. B could be exciting too, but only occasionally.

5. C. 100%.

Comment by bbandstuff on April 16, 2020 at 7:49pm

1. A most often, C second. She’s probably more into it than me, so whenever I’m with her I know my nuts are a target.

2. B most often, followed by A. We don’t really do one-off busts that often, if I get hit once I’m probably in for it - or tied to the bed.

3. B most often, mixed with E. Sometimes D. I tend to go “that didn’t hurt at all!!”

4. B most often, sometimes C but low key ish, A was at the beginning of our relationship.

5. C, used to be A (tap out) - nowadays we’ll just end with a handjob or sex.

Comment by Smoo on April 14, 2020 at 5:53pm

Never had a bb gf, only buddies, so I can't answer this myself but I just wanted to say it's a great idea to ask and very well thought out.  Good job DJ.  Curious to see more answers as they trickle in!

Comment by Liquid Metal on April 13, 2020 at 2:18pm

Q1:B, she loves to be very close, and kiss me while squeezing, or every so often, a knee will come up. Sometimes, she will come up to me, this is usually when she's wearing heels, because she is either same height as me, or just abit taller depending on the heels, and the one eyebrow raises up, just before the knee hits it's mark, and she smiles with satisfaction, watching me struggle to not bend over too far, and she pulls me in for a kiss, then proceeds to squeeze til I can't kiss her any more, because I'm bent over, then she lets off and looks into my eyes. 

Q2:D, she seems to know my limits, she eases off, and gets back to sensual teasing, and alternates between busting and teasing, and she doesn't want to ruin her fun by making my hard on go away. She likes to receive a little abuse also, so we tend to go back and forth. 

Q3:Oh, definitely B, She actually likes a bit of fight, and basically wants to be teased and dominated also, so we end up going back and forth quite a bit. 

Q4:Mostly A, she's pretty quiet, tends to not say anything much, this is especially so since we had kids, can't make any sounds, sometimes can be tricky when you've just been slapped in the balls, and you can't let any sounds out. She likes to just look into my eyes while torturing me with a smile of satisfaction. I tend to return the favor, by squeezing her chest, or, something, so she has to hold back also, sometimes it's an excuse to kiss, thus occupying the other persons mouth while we torture them! When we are away from the kids, and by ourselves we can get abit more noisy, but even then, we aren't very loud, at least as far as we know. Our minds are typically occupied with other things to think about. 

Q5:C absolutely, like I said, she likes to get off at least a few times before it is my turn, and then she wants me to take her, and take her hard. LOL. She loves it. She at times lets me know I'm not abusing her enough, sometimes she'll slip a knee in to get me worked up more. Always mutually beneficial! I am not happy, unless she's had at least 2 or 3 orgasms. She's not happy until I give her my load. 

Comment by Foo Bar on April 13, 2020 at 7:08am

Q1: C with a little of D.  Sometimes I would beg her, but Moon always gave the orders.  "Get on your knees" for a kick, or "get on your back" for a proper beating. 

Q2: B.  I am completely obedient to her. Guess that's what happens to a man when a woman smashes his jewels on a daily basis. 

Q3: B then D, sometimes A.  Moon likes it when I show some spirit and defiance.  Then she beats all that defiance out of me.  Begging for mercy is a given when we play.  But sometimes she would ignore my begging and just beat me until I was a sobbing, defeated mess. 

Q4: A with a little C.  Moon is an ice queen when she's disciplining me.  Sure, she teases my cock, taunts me, and giggles at my reactions. But she doesn't let it get playful.  When she disciplines me it's all about pain and humiliation. She loves the control and it shows.

Q5. C, of course =)


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