Do you believe that a woman in her 50s is not able to neutralize a much younger man with the "appropriate" kick ???

Do you believe that a woman in her 50s is not able to neutralize a much younger man with the "appropriate" kick ???

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Comment by NickCH on April 27, 2022 at 3:47am

Hi. As one of those "much younger men", I am affirmative that a woman in her 50s would be able to incapacitate me. As the other members state a woman in her 50s could still be sporty and physically active, some much more than younger women in their 20s. Maybe I wouldn't say the same about a woman in her 80s...

A contrario, being 19 doesn't make my balls any stronger, maybe quite to the contrary... 

Comment by Lisa on April 26, 2022 at 9:37am

Stacy is 100% correct! I love the fact that even a 13 year old girl can beat up any man and put him on the floor crying for 20 minutes with one hard swift kick to the balls. It's so easy to do and it only takes one second. 

Comment by BallbustingStacy on April 25, 2022 at 4:16pm

When it comes to ballbusting, age really doesn't matter. Balls are weak regardless of age LOL and any age woman is able to kick your nuts ;)

Comment by Carolus Hagus on April 24, 2022 at 11:24am

Absolutely lol

Comment by Rooomer on April 23, 2022 at 9:06am

It's 100% possible, but not 100% guaranteed to work.  As dv said, you need the right angle and force. But someone 50+ can definitely drop a much younger person in great shape.  That's part of the fun of this kink!

Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on April 22, 2022 at 5:25pm

IN GENERAL: I'm not into female superiority nor am I a submissive, but it is very likely that with the right angle and position any human age 5 to 75 probably could disable any human male with the right impact or pressure. Notice I say human cause its not limited to females, however my primary interest is in women age 18 and up alarming and dominating male bits.

Also Vera I love your insane mean posts you are titillating and fun I enjoy reading your stuff.

SPECIFICALLY: To answer your question, the answer is Yes! I know first hand from various play partners over the years who I've played with who are over 50 now and then. Funny you ask cause 50 isn't old and immobile ... you should have chosen age 75 or 80 haha but I suppose that's not as appealing an idea of thinking of grandma or great grandma doing it :)


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