A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
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This is one of the hottest, erection-provoking memories of my life... but also kind of regretful. I'm still pretty torn on how I should feel, but hopefully, you at least enjoy the story. It's also kind of a long story, so hang in there lol.
The summer was over and it was time for Stacey to move back into school. She kept two of the three roommates that she had last year, and was adding a new one. The new girl's name was Nancy, and looked like she could have been a runway model. She was tall and very slim with striking beauty... and very long legs. The relationship between Stacey and I was deteriorating, but I was still in that relationship, so doing anything beyond an occasional glance at Nancy just wasn't happening.
It looked like Nancy and Stacey were friends immediately, and they just got closer and closer. On one visit early in the semester, the three of us had pizza in their apartment. As we talked, Nancy had divulged that she had a fiance. I nearly choked to death; this young woman, who hadn't even seen her 21st birthday, was engaged to be married. I was pondering it as she waxed poetically about her man, so I barely heard her... until I vaguely heard her say "Marine."
"Wait," I blurted, "your fiance is in the Marine Corps?" Nancy just chuckled a little and, when she answered in the affirmative, I instantly liked and respected her man. I had, and still have, a huge soft spot in my heart for our servicemen and servicewomen. The conversation swiftly shifted to how her soon-to-be husband got into the service, where he'd been, etc. I thought it was awesome, as he was overseas in a warzone, I and couldn't pick Nancy's brain enough.
As the days and weeks went by, Nancy seemed even more cool and Stacey seemed to be getting along with her better and better every time I spoke to her. One day, however, threw me for a loop. I called one day, just to check in and could not have been more shocked by what ensued.
"I was talking to Nancy," Stacey began shyly, "and she said she'd be willing to help me live out my threesome fantasy."
"What?" I blurted, lacking complete self-control.
"She wants to have a threesome with me," she answered, matter-of-factly.
"Who's the guy?" I said stupidly, trying to sound nonchalant about it. The truth is I wasn't jealous (or, at least, I don't think I was); I really just wanted to know if it was someone I knew. And... well... it was.
"You, silly," Stacey answered, giving me the giggle that I loved hearing.
Shocking. I definitely had reservations, not the least of which being that I thought I sucked at sex.
"Wait... isn't she about to be married?" I asked instead. "I don't wanna screw up her marriage before it even starts. And... like... he could be getting shot at right now. Horrible idea." Stacey had an answer for that, too.
"No, she already talked to him. He's okay with it, he knows she has needs," she replied. I thought it sounded like bullshit, but a part of me was thinking that she was starting to make a lot of sense. I was beginning to get turned on but it was so surprising; Nancy was usually pretty reserved and didn't strike me as the type to want sex with a mostly-random guy...
"Hang on," I started quietly, "How drunk was she when this conversation was happening?"
Stacey snorted a little; it sounded like she was trying not to laugh. She said "Pretty drunk." I decided right then to dismiss it.
However, on a visit soon after, we talked about it. Nancy admitted to being drunk, but she was serious. I was still really hesitant... until Nancy showed me a letter (supposedly) from her fiance, giving her the OK. In my horny, stupid brain, that was all the verification that I needed. We'd work our way up to sex: first, I'd just watch the girls, the next time, they'd pleasure each other and Stacey would take care of me, and finally all three together.
My next visit after our discussion, Nancy couldn't hang out with us the first night because she had to go to work. Pretty much as soon as she left, Stacey and I were all over each other. And then... this is when Nancy came home early and caught us (as described in Busted! But Not in a Good Way). I was mortified. Not only was I completely naked, but we'd given Nancy an unexpected glimpse into our fetish life. We tried hanging out the next morning, but it was insanely awkward. I didn't even stay the following night; I just went home with my tail between my legs.
Very soon after the incident, I was sitting at home at my computer when I got an IM from a screenname I didn't recognize.
Stranger: Hi, is this Eric?
Me: yes, who's this?
Stranger: Hi!! It's Nancy!
Oh boy, I thought to myself. This is going to be awkward as hell.
Me: hi nancy
Nancy: How are you? Are you free to chat?
Me: i'm good. sure. before we begin, sorry about the other day. we should have warned you somehow
Nancy: That is what I wanted to talk about. I am sorry I walked in on you. I came home really early, and should have known a guy would want time with his girlfriend. :-)
I couldn't believe it. She wasn't mad or disgusted, or at least hadn't said so yet.
Me: no need to apologize, i just hope we didn't show too much ;o)}
Nancy: I saw a little L.O.L. Well, it wasn't little. ;-)
Nancy: Oh my god, I am sorry, that was weird.
Me: no, it's cool. it's not everyday a woman gives me that kind of compliment lol
Nancy: And Stacey wears some really high shoes L.O.L.
Nancy: So are we okay again? I do not want things to be weird with me, you, and Stacey.
Me: yeah, we're good. :o)} and we'll lock the door next time lol
Nancy: Good! And I will be sure to knock!
Nancy: But Stacey will have to show me how she walks in those heels! :-D
Now, Nancy just made two unprompted references to Stacey's sexy black platform pumps, and while I'm not sure what I should have said, I definitely should NOT have said what I actually did...
Me: she doesn't just walk in those shoes ;o)}
Nancy: I saw L.O.L. It looked very interesting. Well, don't be afraid to come back, it is not weird anymore!
That wasn't awkward at all...
Anyway, I ended up visiting again, and, even though it was a little strange, it wasn't as painfully awkward as it would have been if Nancy and I hadn't spoken. It was our anniversary, so I came to pick Stacey up and take her to our "swanky" hotel and spend a few days there. Before we left for our destination, we hung out with Nancy a little, and it felt like before Stacey and I were caught; we were seemingly back to normal.
I know what you're thinking: why didn't he write about his 2nd anniversary? Well, if I'm being honest, it was pretty bad lol. Stacey and I basically argued the whole time, and, when the high heels/ballbusting/sex part happened... I was extremely drunk and don't really remember much of it, certainly not enough for a story. I brought her back to her apartment and it was clear to both of us that the end was near.
About a month later, on what would turn out to be one of my last visits, Stacey, Nancy, and I were hanging out. I was old enough, so I got drinks and we watched TV and drank. I was sitting on the floor and the girls were on the couch next to each other. Nancy could hold her liquor pretty well, but I could tell Stacey was getting intoxicated faster. They were giggling on the couch, murmuring to each other and, eavesdropping on their whispered conversation, I picked up a snippet or two.
"...should we...?" asked one of them.
"Why not, we're..." answered the other.
After a few minutes of hushed tones, they both got up from the couch, went into the bedroom, and closed the door behind them. Holy shit! I thought to myself. Are they about to go at each other? I was contemplating barging in and inserting myself into whatever they were about to do when I thought better of it. Even if my perverted imagination was right, me going into their room uninvited would probably stop what they were doing dead in its tracks. So, I stayed put, listening intently to laughter on the other side of the door and... what sounded like clothes coming off (I have a vivid imagination, I can't help it haha). After several minutes, I was rock hard and about to get up and go to the bathroom to... ahem, "release the building pressure"... when the bedroom door opened.
My mouth hung agape and I stared. Both of them had changed out of the comfy clothes that had been wearing into something more... enticing. My girlfriend was in that sexy black top with the lacy sleeves, her black micro-miniskirt, and the tall black heels; Nancy was in a white button-down short sleeved shirt with most of the buttons undone, revealing her navy blue bra, a short black miniskirt, and black platform pumps with a chunky 4" heel and about 1" platform (they looked like Stacey's stilts, but the top of Nancy's foot was visible). Stacey sauntered over to me, taking me by the hand and leading me into the bedroom. As Stacey was bringing me in, Nancy was moving one of their desk chairs to the middle of the room. I was gently shoved back into it, a little confused and very turned on; I had no idea what was about to happen (well, I guess I had someidea, but things like this don't happen to me haha). Nancy sat on her bed and crossed her legs... and Stacey walked in front of me, got really close, and started to dance. She moved like a seasoned stripper, grinding into me at just the right time, shaking her hips just right, thrusting her chest into my face, and before I knew it I was panting. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she smacked me across the face, HARD. I heard Nancy gasp as my head snapped back from the impact and, before I could get my bearings back, Stacey had a hold of both my wrists and she was pulling me to my feet. Holy shit, I thought, I'm about to get my balls busted in front of someone! I was immediately nervous, but also extremely excited and hot and bothered. I was maneuvered so that my back was pinned to the bedroom wall and, just when I thought Stacey was going to bury her knee between my legs, she instead leaned forward into a long, passionate kiss. My mind was reeling; what in the world is happening... And about to happen? As Stacey kissed me, I heard Nancy get up from her bed and approach us while we made out in front of her. When she broke off the kiss, she smiled at me a little... turned to Nancy and they began to kiss. It was my turn to gasp. Although Stacey was in her tall black heels, Nancy was a tall girl so, in her heels, she was much taller than my girlfriend and had to bend a little. They broke off after a bit and giggled (I wasn't sure if they were embarrassed, turned out, or a little of both).
"I don't dance like Stace does," Nancy said, moving right in front of me and sliding her soft hands onto my shoulders, "But she said you like this!" On this, Nancy tapped my groin with her knee. "How does that feel?" she asked. As I looked into her eyes, I didn't know what struck me more in the moment; the fact that her eyes were actually green with little flecks of brown, or that I had to look up a little to see them because she was taller than me in her high heels. Before I could say anything, Stacey answered.
"He can take more than that," she began, "I'll show you." Nancy took a few steps back and Stacey took her place in front of me. Without waiting to see if I was ready, she fired her knee up into my balls, and before I could react, she kneed me again. I slid down to wall, cradling my burning balls in my hands, and settled on the floor in fetal position. Nancy gasped again and started laughing, asking "Wow, that doesn't hurt him really bad?"
"Probably," Stacey answered casually, and both girls giggled a little. I was hoping against hope that they wouldn't know how crazy turned on I was when...
"Should we take his clothes off?" Nancy asked as I made my way back to my feet. Without hesitation, Stacey began undoing my belt buckle and Nancy, a second or two later, grabbed the bottom of my shirt and started pulling it up over my head. Before I knew it, I was standing before these two beautiful, suggestively-dressed ladies with my back against the wall and only in my boxers. And... they could see exactly how aroused I was. Nancy stepped right in front of me again and smirked, saying "I guess I'll aim for the tent" and, before I could tell her to go for right under it, her knee had already crashed into me. I yelped and I was about to go down and when both Stacey and Nancy held me up, and I felt another sharp knee slam into my balls (I wasn't sure which one did it). Stacey made a cute little grunt and drove her knee into my balls. I moaned a little... and then Nancy kneed me. The girls took turns kneeling me in the balls and it was starting to hurt like a bitch but it was SO SEXY. I'm not sure how much I'd taken but Nancy kneed me REALLY hard and I tore loose from their grip and crumpled to the floor, a whimpering mess. After they gave me a few minutes to recover, I started to try to get back up, but once I was back to my knees about to stand, Stacey put a gentle hand on my shoulder, wordlessly telling me to stay right there. She tapped me between my legs with the rounded toe of her shoe, and then Nancy took her turn but kicked me much harder. I bent at the waist, holding my aching balls and bent so my forehead was touching the floor.
"Oops, sorry," Nancy said, giggling a little; she didn't sound even the slightest bit sorry. When I straightened out again, the ladies took turns again, but far more easy, both of them essentially giving me love taps with feet. On one of the last soft kicks, my erect cock popped out of the front hole in my boxers. I tried shoving it back in as fast as i could, but they were both already laughing hysterically. I chuckled a little too, but was super embarrassed.
"I guess someone's ready," Stacey said, teasingly, guiding me back to my feet. She began kissing me again, sliding her hand between legs and stroking me through my underwear. She broke off the kiss and I'm not sure what she was going to do or say next when Nancy took her hand.
"Can I...?" Nancy asked her, and broke off before kissing her again. Watching them was so hot... but then she broke off from Stacey and kissed me! She was a great kisser... anyway, she suddenly stopped kissing me and stepped back, her eyes seemingly a little unfocused and her hands shaking.
"God, I want it inside me," Nancy said breathlessly, "But I can't go that far." She took Stacey's hand again and walked with her to the other side of the room, and they began having a whispered conversation. I tried with everything I had to listen in, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I guess I was too horny to focus properly. They came back over, Nancy smiling and biting her lip a little, and Stacey looking like she wanted to tear me to shreds.
"Nance wants to watch me step on you," Stacey said without preamble, using a one syllable version of her friend's name. I didn't waste time either, practically ripping my boxers off and sitting on the floor with my legs spread. Nancy went and sat on the edge of her bed again, but didn't cross her legs this time, and Stacey stepped into the V my legs created. She didn't bother to ease my cock to the floor gently; she had an audience. Stacey stomped me down onto the floor and immediately began grinding my dick into the carpet. My body tensed as the rough grips on her shoes bit into the skin of my cock and I looked over at Nancy to see what she thought about this weird act... And saw that one of her hands slipped under her skirt and she was touching herself. I couldn't believe it! My weird fetish life had a spectator, and she was enjoying what she saw! A tiny moan escaped from Nancy's lips and Stacey ground me harder, eliciting a whimper from me. Nancy kicked off her high heels, swung her legs into bed, and rubbed herself vigorously, squeezing her eyes shut. As Stacey let my cock up and stomped it back down, harder and harder, again and again, Nancy went over the edge, convulsing with orgasm.
"Wow..." I muttered to myself, awestruck. Stacey stepped off my penis and Nancy came back down to earth.
"I'm going to clean up some," Nancy said in what seemed like a slightly slurred voice, and then she got up and walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. I assumed that she went to the bathroom but didn't have long to ponder it; before I knew what was happening, I was going to Stacey's bed, being plopped unceremoniously onto it, and I had her on top of me. She straddled my waist, guiding my erection into her, and rode me like the world was going to end tomorrow. I didn't last very long haha. Stacey then straddled my face and I happily obliged; she didn't last long, either.
We both recovered and cleaned up, then I went out into the common room where Nancy was watching TV. She was still in her blouse and skirt, but her heels were still in the bedroom, so it was safe to assume that the sexiness was over. Stacey came out a few minutes later in her comfy clothes again and sat on the couch next to Nancy. I was sitting on the floor with my back to them, but I could hear them speaking to each other in hushed tones again. After a little bit of that, Nancy got up and went into the bedroom, and came back out with her heels on.
"Can I kick you in the nads one more time? I never met a guy who liked it before," said Nancy quietly. I glanced over at Stacey and she was smirking; something told me she'd enjoy watching me get kicked. I knelt and spread my legs a little so she'd have access, but she asked me to stand.
"I want to see if I can make you fall down," Nancy chuckled. I stood up slowly and braced myself, and she took a slight step back. She asked if I was ready and, when I gave her a nervous nod, she kicked her foot up to crush my balls with the rounded toe of her shoe. Amazingly, I stayed standing, although I was in a boatload of pain, so Nancy stepped forward quickly, grabbed my shoulders and kneed me hard. That sent me to the floor in a heap. She gave an exuberant cry, started laughing, and kicked off her high heels, leaving them right by my pathetic, defeated form. She sat on the couch once more and put her head on Stacey's shoulder.
The ladies soon drifted off to sleep in the couch and, letting my imagination run wild with the thoughts of what just happened, I made my way to the bathroom to finish off what that last kick had restarted.
This is still the hottest thing that has ever happened to me. I still feel really bad sometimes because Nancy was engaged, but that usually doesn't come to mind when I'm all alone, going to Rubtown lol
The End.
thanks 4 posting the story!! I really loved...I also read read your blog..I hope U will post a lot of bb stories. have a great weekend
Honestly, if she was ok with it and told her fiance who also was ok with it, I don't think you have anything to feel bad about. Awesome story!
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