Hey guys, Kat and I are filming again and we wanna do a Q&A with the best questions that you guys might have about us. We'll pick the best one's and do sort of a YouTube style video answering them.

It'll be fun ^.^ Anyway, go nuts :) lmao pun intended.

Go find Kat here: http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/profile/Katkat

Views: 940


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Comment by Felipe Rodriguez on December 1, 2019 at 6:35am

Hey Kat. My question is how was your reaction when joe wanted you to kick him in the balls? What you think about doing a ballbusting video with joe using only underwear? Love you! your fan from Brazil.

Comment by Amber Gately on December 1, 2019 at 6:15am

Did Kat bust other guys before she met you?

Why do you think you're into this? Did you have some sort of formative moment you can look back on and pin your fetish to that?

Comment by DJ on November 29, 2019 at 6:00pm

What's your favorite video that you've made?

Comment by NatWest on November 28, 2019 at 1:13pm

Delighted the two of you are back filming together; you're videos often have a fun element to them while still being hard and sexy. I do hope we've not seen the last of Violet though?

Comment by JSK on November 28, 2019 at 12:06pm

Weve seen kats awesome knees and kicks but how painful are her grabs and slaps ?! 

Comment by la pulga on November 28, 2019 at 9:59am

George stole my questions lol. Lets see...how are you able to take so many hits? Were you always able to or did you just learn as you took?

Comment by George Redfield on November 28, 2019 at 9:55am

Sounds like a Great Idea, if ballbusting was integrated, would love to see Kat bust you after answering each question xD,

As for Questions, umm,

How did you and kat get into this, any uncomfortableness at first?, in some detail ^^

How did the Kat/Joe duo reuinte, if only temporary after so long away, who asked who?

probably have many other questions, most of them are probably fairly dull though,

But it''ll be great to see more Busting content from you guys in the future, with your Respective partners, or each other :)

George {Ballbustfan}


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