This message is for anyone who watches ballbusting videos, and creators old and new.

You know, I get it; the internet can be a beautiful place, and a horrible place all the same. I think most of us understand how it operates, and how like in real life, you still have to deal with some unsavory people online as well.

For years, people have pirated, illegally downloaded, or uploaded content that isn't theirs. I completely understand that this is a normal thing. BUT! It doesn't mean it doesn't upset me when small ballbusting studios have their videos uploaded by people who are just trying to get views or traffic on content that isn't theirs. They go on to try and justify it by any means; "More people will get to see it!" "It's the internet, it happens, why are you mad?" I know this is a little extreme but if your best friend gets raped, do you go "Oh, it's just life, shit happens"? If something crappy happens, you would naturally do anything in your power to make things right. You're allowed to get upset. 

If you're a content creator, and you have your things constantly reposted, you have Every. Single. Right. to be upset and take action. The same way YouTubers make a living off of producing videos, can be the same for people making videos on Clips4sale, Patreon, OnlyFans, etc. I'm no saint, I used to edit clips that weren't mine and post those edits on the web. I don't anymore, because it would super hypocritical of me as someone who believes you should support the studio with content you enjoy. We're all human, and people feel emotions. Getting angry because some dickhead is sharing content for free that a small time producer is taking time, energy, and literally risking their balls to make, is a completely normal reaction. I don't consider Violet and I to be the best, but we are just having fun and doing what we can. So it really sucks when people try to tell us how we should feel because "lol it's the internet." Patreon literally helps us make a living, so people mucking around posting our content really ruffles my feathers, let me tell ya.

Guys, no matter what I'm always going to flag the content I don't post. Simply because I have a right to, and that's how I feel. The internet is what it is an I accept that. If more content creators did this, honestly I'd say go for it. I'm not risking my balls to make your content, and I don't wanna hurt your business. 

Being a producer of any video or digital media runs you the risk of dishonorable people sharing your content. I'm saying it's okay to be mad, and to fight back. After you're done feeling angry, get a level head and find your solutions, even if they're temporary. What you care about is worth fighting for. Never forget that.

My whole heart goes out to those who are on the same page as me, or at the very least respect our work and others who work hard doing the same. I'm sorry if Violet and I can't always be active or talking to community, but we're around, and we do care about all of you, even if there are things we unfortunately can't do to please everyone. You still mean the world to us and that won't ever change. Peace.

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Comment by ryandenn on July 15, 2019 at 11:38am

It's always a shame to see great content creators discouraged by reposters. Especially when it's specifically for the protection of those filming, I couldn't imagine seeing a video of my girlfriend kicking me being posted by other people on pornhub. My heart would sink to my stomach.

Still, I'm always flagging and reporting just about anything I see! It should just be a common courtesy to listen to the requests of tbe creators, but instead people go an ruin it for everyone. Truly a shame!

Comment by Ted on July 15, 2019 at 4:40am

First off thanks a million for the videos you have shared. They are by far the best out there.

My wife and I are not brave enough to share our videos on line. We are afraid of them been shared like yours. We both are in the public eye quite a bit and this would be very hurtful to us and people attached to us. So the stuff we do will always remain behind closed doors. 

Comment by Dustin on July 14, 2019 at 8:24pm

This is the sole reason Annie and I stopped producing videos. We posted 4 here on KITG, and then found them all over the place. We had them all removed and I haven't noticed them re-appear, thankfully. However, It's a shame for both us and the whole BB community. Our first couple of videos were just bedroom, amateur videos made on the fly. We were staring to not be so nervous filming and we had so many ideas for videos to upload - we were even going to buy a nicer camera and put some quality time into editing our videos, maybe lighting, etc.   

Annie even bought a couple of wonderful outfits to film in for y'all, but unfortunately we then found our videos re-posted places where we can't have them. 

We've thought often about making videos again but the real only alternative we have is to film with me and possibly her in a mask, and we don't want to do that. 

Joe, Violet, thank you so much for what you guys do for our community and for dealing with the bullshit. Love you guys.

Comment by tsm89 on July 14, 2019 at 12:07pm

Hey man you are entitled to protect your content. Keep on fighting against the crooks and thanks for making your videos!

Comment by Joe | Violet on July 13, 2019 at 6:58pm

Honestly I appreciate you guys who tell me my stuff is being reposted. I'll usually find it and flag it afterwards. Seriously fuck it if you download it, whatever. But it sucks because when there are a handful of people out there deliberately trying to upset me by reposting my content. If you don't like my stuff, just ignore it, there are TONS of other studios that could cater to what you like. If you don't like me, I can deal with that too. I'm grateful for the small fan-base Violet and I have. It's just really upsetting is all.

Comment by Soulfire on July 13, 2019 at 9:14am

I know exactly what you mean. Even KITG Exclusive content gets shared on pornhub or just after some hours. Half of knaves BB comics are shared online for free. It pisses me off.

One thing i noticed is: People who lack morals often lack money too. So a paywall like patreon can help a bunch even if it doesnt solve the problem completely.


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