Brittani Anders's Blog (3)

Squeezing Nuts--Oh I'm Sorry Did That Hurt?

(Note Before Reading: I have had to do the ball squeeze several times on men; mostly at places where I go to drink or dance or hang. What I have written below is mainly a fictional story with many of the real parts thrown in from the various times I have had to squeeze nuts. I haven't had to do anything like this for awhile, but a few days ago I decided to write about some of my experiences and put it in a story and that way I could put my feelings and experience and some of the stuff I…


Added by Brittani Anders on July 8, 2017 at 11:39pm — 2 Comments

Dude, So Stupid...

Okay, was hanging out with some people couple nights ago andone of the guys I was with had heard I had crunched some balls in the past and was talking shit that they were weak and that I was weak...long story short he bet me that I couldn't put him on the ground with one hit between his I took the bet...Poor guy... so I walked up to him, put my hands on his shoulders,smiled at him, made sure I had a very tight grip on his shirt and drove my thigh up and under his testicles, I'm pretty… Continue

Added by Brittani Anders on May 17, 2011 at 5:02pm — 12 Comments

Twist and Squeeze Works Great

Well, I think this fits. A few months back I had to use the Twist and Squeeze on a guy who pestered me. I have taken several self defense classes in the past and they had mentioned the "Grab, Twist, Squeeze, and Yank" technique on a guy's nuts, but of course we could never practice. So it was kind of a mystery to me, until a few months ago, when this guy at this dance club wouldn't leave me alone, i tried to be nice and tell the loser to quit touching me, but he wouldn't stop, so when he… Continue

Added by Brittani Anders on August 26, 2010 at 1:52am — 20 Comments


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