Tali S's Blog (3)

Why Women Wear Groin Protectors

One more post copied from a blog of a female jiu jitsu sensei. Inspired by men and women of this site who are routinely surprised that ladies also wear cups when doing martial arts...

First-time students at our dojo often ask me, “If this is a self-defense art, why wear a cup? You wouldn’t wear one on the street.” To this I simply reply: “You’ll find out why when you get on the mat."

In my jiu jitsu dojo,…


Added by Tali S on February 10, 2012 at 4:04am — 5 Comments

'X' Marks the Spot... The Groin That Is

Another story from a female martial arts instructor... I'm sure she did not intend it to be read as a BB story :-)

Chris, my dojo's other instructor, was recently asked what the main difference is between his old style of Jiu-jitsu (Shorinjikan) and Can-ryu (our style). His answer was as follows: "It's not Can-ryu if there isn't some kind of groin strike involved." I…

Added by Tali S on December 16, 2011 at 3:24pm — No Comments

When Knee Meets Groin

I didn't write this story... this comes from a blog of a martial arts instructor, a 4th degree black belt... and a woman :-)

 In my Jiu-jitsu classes, groin protection is mandatory. When I do my MMA training, however, I don't typically wear my cup. I usually wear a rash guard and a pair of grappling board shorts.

Well last night, I brought along one of my Jiu-jitsu students to my MMA training session so that I would have a partner that doesn't outweigh me by 130 lbs.…


Added by Tali S on December 2, 2011 at 9:16am — 5 Comments


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