Silent Warrior's Blog (18)

Better be ready....

Oh wow. This was one of those situations where I was going into a session when I was no near ready for her. On a lot of these I will get a decent pain tolerance going and be ready by giving her something to work with. Today I was in kind of a funk from the weather, and she has such an ACCURATE intuition that it is scary. She “knew” without giving me any signal that she was going to be able to really hurt me at will on this day. And the moment she does feel this? Oh my God, she’ll taunt you.…


Added by Silent Warrior on January 14, 2018 at 7:04pm — 1 Comment

Next Level Pain

After returning from another visit to Thailand, it was time to surrender to the Queen of Pain again on the thursday night after the week I arrived home. The journey we took into my pain space was the deepest I have ever taken and fully illustrates why I am so damn addicted to her presence. It’s time for me to fully acknowledge that I am what they call a pain slut in the BDSM world. The first impression of this surrender is how absolutely stunning she looked on my arrival. This is truly one…


Added by Silent Warrior on December 9, 2017 at 2:13pm — No Comments

More Busting in Thailand

Several of my trips here have had some great busting experiences. As anywhere, many of the women will have nothing to do with the fetish, and the ones who do can be timid about it. But ask and you shall receive is certainly easier in Thailand than it is at home. Almost all of them require or have required me to show them the ropes. First was a gal from the last trip who was clueless about kicking at the time.  She has always understood how to slap them and get a reaction, but the kicks were…


Added by Silent Warrior on December 2, 2017 at 10:57am — 3 Comments

Duct Tape and Snap Kicks

At the suggestion of a member, I will include the whole visit this time. It makes sense in this particular case because my Domme upped the intensity and had more new tricks up her sleeve. Another visit with the Queen of Pain and she steps up the intensity again. My voice is a little raw from all the silenced screaming. Several new tricks were used in this session to “control” me. I also got in trouble for breaking a rule I was unaware of. Ignorance is no excuse though. She made SURE I…


Added by Silent Warrior on October 29, 2017 at 9:16pm — 3 Comments

More of the PERFECT Domme....

This is getting to be a story I LOVE telling as a practicing masochist. I’ll keep it shorter with the highlights of this visit only. The first mind game and screaming pain was maybe 20 minutes in. I commented that she was doing a good job hurting me and she grabs my face by the chin and head, and says “That was NOTHING! I want to give you an idea of how much this is ABOUT to hurt!” And then lectured me for about…


Added by Silent Warrior on October 16, 2017 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

SW owned by Queen of Pain again

The moment she was done with me was the culmination of many "Oh My God" moments combining into one. This visit had so many changes in energy, it was like the roller coaster ride that feels like it might snap your neck off on the next sudden turn. There was no mercy, often no warning, and certainly no patience for me to endure what was coming next. And like the masochist I am, I loved every second of it. On arriving, I saw that the dungeon is being re-arranged, and that the cross was…


Added by Silent Warrior on October 1, 2017 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Queen of Pain sends Silent Warrior Fetal

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My 3rd round with her, and she wins TKO by the last kick of the session which sent me fetal. With the sploiler out of the way, let's review what got me there. She was absolutely intent on making the barefoot kicks sting as much as possible. Of course, she succeeded over and over again. I can usually take the kicks and "present" again pretty quickly. With her being on her mission to blast me with every kick, that was very…


Added by Silent Warrior on September 17, 2017 at 9:01pm — No Comments

Best yet scariest DOM experience yet.

If I would have known all the types of pain this DOM was going to bring, I'd have likely talked myself out of this. When she is in character, she has that sweet yet no fucks given attitude that frightens and captivates us at the same time. I am still reeling, sore to the touch down there, and can't wait to let her obliterate me again. So, what is it about "her"? She is breath-takingly gorgeous, over 6 feet tall in heels, and will have you begging her to hurt you again even after you have…


Added by Silent Warrior on August 19, 2017 at 9:09pm — 4 Comments

Feeding the Addiction

I went to another one of the Saunas in Frankfurt to find some busting and was NOT disappointed.The loud smack of those bare feet slamming into their target is burned into my mind. There were 3 girls, 5 sessions. I repeated with 2 of them and would not with the other which gives us the 5 sessions. The first was from Egypt, and was the most serious about creating the scene. She was definitely in the dominant role. She was super good at making sure the flinching had stopped before she landed…


Added by Silent Warrior on May 1, 2017 at 10:23pm — 2 Comments

My first instant drop(s)...

Back in Thailand for a few weeks and I found the buster from last time. She had something in store for me that I had only seen in the videos and had never had happen to me personaly. We met at one of the clubs and decided to head to my condo for some "football" (what she calls ball kicking). She really brought the heat this time. I knew I was in for it on the "warm up" snap kicks where she holds her thigh up and starts popping them harder and harder until I react and back up. She definitely…


Added by Silent Warrior on December 21, 2016 at 7:39am — 4 Comments

Busted week in Thailand

I have been coming to Thailand for years and have a condo here. It's an erotic paradise and a lot more. The attractions and shopping are great and the food is incredible. Until this trip I had not ever had any real busting except a slap down there every now and then. This week everything came together for an amazing trip. There were busts inside of one of the GoGo clubs and one beer bar. There were 3 private sessions with 2 being 3 somes, where it was 2 women on me. Muay Thai fighting is…


Added by Silent Warrior on March 25, 2016 at 11:34am — 4 Comments

Confirmed: Silent Warrior has met his match.

Back in Frankfurt and had another session with the same Russian lady who I saw this past summer. When a woman can bring you down like she was doing to me, the last thing you want is to find out she has gotten much stronger. She has been doing crossfit and is now much more toned with perfect muscle definition. Instead of a very nice, shapely 5'8 at around 150, she is now a toned 135. My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw the shape she is in now. And she tells me "I remember everything from…


Added by Silent Warrior on January 16, 2016 at 6:30pm — 8 Comments

Man Down! Silent Warrior floored by beautiful amazon Russian Goddess

This post has so many facets to it that it is tough to know where to begin. My head is spinning, the jewels are sore and swollen, and the woman who did this to me could be a model easily. I guess I’ll start with the high points and go from there. We have all read about the guys who find the woman who has never done it, but is a natural. Well, now that is me. It is such a strange dichotomy teaching a woman to hurt me. It’s even crazier when she really got off on it! Even more surreal is that…


Added by Silent Warrior on July 1, 2015 at 5:00am — 5 Comments

Athletic ballbusters: Now I get it.

Another Florida vacation, another busting session. I met up with a Pro Domme who is also has a clips 4 sale site today. I'll have to say this was best experience I have had with any woman in a long time. From the moment I walked in, she was in charge in a very erotic, sensual, yet stern way. It was cool that her and I had some great chemistry and that put this one much like the dancer I met here in Florida last year. This gal is early forties, looks like a 30 year old milf, and is in amazing…


Added by Silent Warrior on May 2, 2015 at 9:52pm — 1 Comment

"How many can you take?"

This happened two weeks ago on my latest pleasure trip to Florida. My dancer - busting buddy had texted with me and set up a time for us to meet. She was honest and admitted she overslept and the session ended up ditched. At least she made no excuses, but that left me not busted. So the day after, I went to see a Dom with a real dungeon room in her apartment. She sat me down in front of her and we discussed what I wanted. Intense but sensual ball busting. She began delivering immediately.…


Added by Silent Warrior on April 3, 2015 at 10:45pm — No Comments

An Amazing Dom Busting

Sorry this took me a while. I had a great Dom session last Sunday night. As always, it has me wanting more. Enjoy.

I have been looking for "the next level" for a while and finally found it. For any of the Doms reading out there, just be clear on your persona as you correspond with the people you want to session with. It was her clearly defining who she is in our emails that convinced me to session with her. It was a great decision on my part, has me looking forward to the next…


Added by Silent Warrior on August 16, 2014 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Busted in Bed

Two weeks, two BB sessions. I met a lady willing to do a sensual BB session Saturday night. Started out with about 8 standing barefoot kicks to get things warmed up, then she had me lay on the bed for a combination of slaps, knees, and a few more barefoot kicks with her standing over me. Like last week, one knee hit and squashed everything just right and knocked the wind out of me. I love those. She then took me to the finish line with slaps incorporated all the way to the end. Sensual…


Added by Silent Warrior on June 8, 2014 at 8:51pm — 2 Comments

Busted Lap Dance

As I write this I am on standby in Tampa because I overslept and missed my flight out this morning, and I would not change a thing. I had an experience that changed my life and fulfilled a desire older than even I know. What I did learn is that no matter how apprehensive men are to this fetish, if we have the desire to experience it, we should honor ourselves and do so.

I have been consciously following this fetish for about 4 years. I thought it was brutal at first. How could someone…


Added by Silent Warrior on June 1, 2014 at 10:30am — 6 Comments


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