All Blog Posts (794)

Curiousity, gaming and a crush

So today in my blog I thought I would talk about another one of those busters from my past who sadly I no longer have any contact with but have very fond memories of.

I was a few years younger in this story, however it was at a time that I had accepted that I had this desire for pain and that I was some sort of masochist. I had met a shy young lady who's name we won't give out. She was not very popular and perhaps slightly awkward, a loner like myself back then, but being in a…


Added by Georgie Lovren on March 14, 2015 at 9:24pm — 5 Comments

Ballbusting Short

So I've been a part of this website for a while now and I figured I would finally contribute so here is a short ballbusting story from my life that I think you guys will like. I would love some feedback when you guys finish reading!

So when I was young, about 11-16 my family had a trailer that we would go to for vacation on weekends in the summer and there where other kids in the trailer park that went there for vacation too that where about my age. But there was this one girl who's…


Added by Zayn Thompson on March 14, 2015 at 12:30am — 2 Comments

Recent Milf Domme Session

Recently hooked up with an older domme, who fucked me up pretty good.  

Checked out her site and her curvy frame and long blonde hair appealed nicely.   Got her on the phone and she sounded like a no-nonsense veteran of the scene.   I told her i liked light dom and kneeing and she said no problem.   

I show up to her up scale condo and she's done up to the 9's.   Silky white blouse, black mini-skirt and some pointy black pumps, just as i had requested.   She even had some sexy…


Added by Buckled on March 1, 2015 at 2:21am — 2 Comments

Self defence, my most intense situation

When i was 18 i was already interested in ballbusting. However in the 12th class i had a key event.

During this time i had a sexy teacher who gave lessons in Language , Biology and Sport . She was in her mid thirtys but to our eyes very attractive. She was the only teacher on campus who wore mini skirts and boots to school and gave us men a lot of boners. We were always wondering if she has husband or not.

During sexual education we came finally to the point of gender differences and…


Added by Peter on February 27, 2015 at 9:08am — 1 Comment

Record Kicks in the Balls

So I've been trying to get my friends to kick me in the balls as many times as they can in a minute's worth of time. The first time we tried there was a miscommunication and they got 84 kicks in 72 seconds. So I convinced them to try again. We got 72 kicks to my nads in 60s. Then after a few bets I convinced them to try a third time. The two of them kicked my balls 84 times in 60s. I knew we could do better. So last night we went again. Now note, they always kick me pretty hard. Last night I… Continue

Added by Balls of Steel on February 22, 2015 at 3:00am — 3 Comments

Valentines day

Hi everybody, again apologies for the delay since the last post, i've got a few more stories I can share with you but I think today i'm going to share one that is still fresh in my mind.

This weekend being valentines I took Chloe out and spoiled her thoroughly, dinner, wine, expensive hotel...i'm a romantic at heart really! We spent a very enjoyable weekend together and as always is the case now she got a little rough with me.

At the very end of valentines day I think I…


Added by Georgie Lovren on February 17, 2015 at 5:18am — 2 Comments

True story that got me into BB

When I was twelve, there was this hot girl named Jenny. She was one year older that me. For a thirteen-year-old girl, she was something else. She favored wearing extremely tight, pocketless blue jeans and long sleeve white blouses. Instinctively, I sensed that our twenty/thirty something male teachers always had Jenny on their respective radar screens as did I. Jenny was quite flirtatious with guys (aka 'prick tease') and this was always welcome, especially for those like myself hoping to…


Added by Buckled on February 16, 2015 at 5:01pm — 7 Comments

Kneeing for Success: A Beginner's Guide

I've gotten a few questions from people about how effective I think knees are, how to knee in the most effective way, etc., so I thought I'd share my experiences on how to properly introduce some guy's unsuspecting balls to your friendly knee.

In short, kneeing is tricky. It's a lot harder to get the right angle with a knee than it is with a kick or a punch, and your room for error is smaller. If you connect with your thigh instead of your kneecap, it won't hurt much. If he's leaning…


Added by Olivia on February 15, 2015 at 1:56pm — 17 Comments

A Couple of recent short summer stories

Love telling real life stories on here the ones that happen out of nowhere!

First story is short

I have been away on holidays for 2 months while I was away at a friends house he had a lot of people over, this young 18 year old of his family was over this day.. I played a trick on the phone where I would put this number in hang up the phone and it would ring. then the person wold pick it up and it would hang up..

I did the trick and I…


Added by Hurts! on February 3, 2015 at 5:25am — No Comments

I couldnt help myself.

So a few months ago, I couldn't think clearly. All I could do was obsess over get to g busted. So I decided to go on craigslist and post a few adds. A couple of them got flagged immediately. That was a little heartbreaking but dammit I needed my fix. After a few failed true to talk some responders into it, this girl finally answered. She was up for it and I couldn't wait. I eagerly waited about a week because of my work schedule and drove out to her place for a session. Now im 21 years old and… Continue

Added by Balls of Steel on January 31, 2015 at 6:25am — 1 Comment

Another Tequila, kicked in the balls story.

This recent experience of mine seems to be very popular with the members I've chatted with here and a few of you suggested i post it to the story blog. I was hosting a late Christmas party at my place in mid January, My husband and I invited several friends over for the night. One of my friends kept on feeding me shots of Tequila, this is one spirit that makes me crazy and silly, but he kept on giving me shots (five over the night) . His fun backfired on him, the Tequila got me in a very…


Added by Lil Suzy on January 30, 2015 at 6:38am — 5 Comments

BB Sessons

Last year I was able to start meeting one of the other site members for some BB session!  Yes, that actually can work out!  :)  She's a great BB buddy and has been alot of fun both during BB and when we've hung out a little bit before or after.  I had initially written this up for one of our other members but they suggested I go ahead and post it for all to read.  It's a general retelling of how our sessions go.

Once we really start, we tend to begin with…


Added by Smoo on January 13, 2015 at 7:57pm — 10 Comments

Playful Kneeing

Alright, I think it's about time to try posting my first story. But first, to give a little bit of background. At my university, I have a female friend (we'll call her Jordan) who I have more or less known since first grade. She is about 5 ft tall, and I am over 6 ft. She is also partially blind. Although we don't spend too much time together, we are quite close and are quick to mess around with playful fighting. Which brings us to this story...

Jordan and I were hanging out…


Added by Ibrahim Moizoos on January 9, 2015 at 1:30am — 3 Comments

Just one kick!

So I am back! Cause I'm Batman! Before I begin let me give some information. This girl that I get kicked by is my girlfriend (the girl that busted me in the last post) and we work at the same place and when she did this she was wearing this long black boots. Shall we begin...

It was Monday night and at GameStop (the place I work at) all of the employees are having our weekly Super smash Bros tournament! There was 14 of us there and I currently hold the title of Champion and my… Continue

Added by BallbustingBatman on January 3, 2015 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

A high School busting

so far I have shared with you my first time getting busted, and 2nd time both in primary school.

Now I move on to the stories of High school.

Into Grade 8 the beginning of it one February in Summertime, the girls are in their school uniform skirts, and it's one hot day.

my and my best friend at lunch he had a girlfriend at the time called Gemma, she had a friend called Lisa, we also had another friend with us called Mark, (at the time we were friends but later we…


Added by Hurts! on December 21, 2014 at 7:21pm — No Comments

I finally just got busted again!

I work at GameStop and I asked this girl that is my friend to kick me in the nuts after we got off our shifts. She said yes! When we got to my house she told me she never kicked a guy in the balls before. So let's begin.

She was barefoot and I told her to just try a kick first. She kicked lightly and missed. I told her to try again I told her to aim up higher and hit with her toe. This time she kicked lights again ,but this time she hit dead on. I didn't drop and just stood there so… Continue

Added by BallbustingBatman on December 20, 2014 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

Tension at Work

So I work at a UPS Store and during the holidays, we are selling holiday stamps to our customers. My boss doesn't want any left over. Mind you, she is a 40 year old mother but for some reason she is kind of cute. Anyways, she told all of us that every time we don't ask a customer if they would like some holiday stamps, she would kick us in the balls, Well I'm a good employee and sell them and I didn't really think she'd ever actually do it. Yesterday, I finished with a customer my co-worker…


Added by Balls of Steel on December 20, 2014 at 12:58pm — 3 Comments

Teaching a new buster

Hi all,

Since my last blog relating to my neighbour now girlfriend went down so well...I thought i'd share one of our experiences we've had since that day. As I mentioned in the last blog true to her word after my girlfriend had found out about how effective hitting me in the balls was and since we both got some form of enjoyment out of it, that she would be doing it far more often now. We had not long got back from an evening out and I was deciding what to make for dinner, when I…


Added by Georgie Lovren on December 9, 2014 at 6:21pm — No Comments

Kicked at School Camp

Alright thought I would share this story, I have shared my first time before here is the 2nd time!

It was about the 3rd day into this school camp we were on, this was for about year 7 to year 9s, so 13 to 15 year olds,

I was in year 7 13 well into pubity stage. during the day out of nowwhere this girl named brook took my hat off me she was a older girl so she would have been 14 or 15, I chased her around trying to get it back

she would pretend to hand it to me and move it…


Added by Hurts! on December 2, 2014 at 10:40pm — 2 Comments

Close to home

Hi all, it's been a little while since my last post. But that's because i've not been on the site as much recently...

The reason for that is because of my neighbour, we'll leave her name out of it for now. We've known eachother since I was 9 and she was 7 (she's now 18, about 5'5, blonde hair and amazing blue eyes...very petite young lady, myself 20 almost 21 now. I'm not that tall, give or take 5'9/5'10 but back to the story) and throughout the years she's found any excuse to…


Added by Georgie Lovren on November 19, 2014 at 5:58pm — 6 Comments

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