Shannon Johan's Blog – December 2017 Archive (3)

Two hand touch

About three months ago now, my husband had his brothers and a few friends over one weekend right at the start of football season. They were grilling out and had a few games on the back patio tv while just standing around drinking. You know, a typical “guy’s weekend”. After quite a bit of liquid courage, I’m sure, the idea was thrown out to form teams in the back yard and make a game of their own. Well, seeing how there were an odd number of men, my sweet, loving husband threw my name in the…


Added by Shannon Johan on December 22, 2017 at 6:58am — 2 Comments

Happy cow wife, happy cow life

Ok, so I suppose it’s time for a little backstory. Firstly, as you’re reading this, don’t assume that you know anything about my marriage. Secondly, I will only say that my hubby and I are very happily married so I don’t want to be your friend on here; I don’t want to swap stories/pictures with anyone. Just shut up and enjoy this blog outlet that I’ve chosen to create. And lastly, this is so very far from the entire story at this point. I have only begun to scratch the surface; but I…


Added by Shannon Johan on December 13, 2017 at 7:31am — 1 Comment

Play ball!

I’ll never forget the first time I saw someone get hurt in the balls. Sure, I’d seen girls kick at boys all through elementary school. The little boys would grab their crotches and be all like, “Ow my balls!” or whatever. And in middle school, the boys all played this dumb sack tap game where they would try to flick each other in the junk. There was just always a lot of cough/laughing with that. But it wasn’t until my freshman year of high school until I witnessed first hand a really brutal…


Added by Shannon Johan on December 7, 2017 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments


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