November 2019 Blog Posts (9)

Q&A Video

Hey guys, Kat and I are filming again and we wanna do a Q&A with the best questions that you guys might have about us. We'll pick the best one's and do sort of a YouTube style video answering them.

It'll be fun ^.^ Anyway, go nuts :) lmao pun intended.

Go find Kat here:

Added by Joe | Violet on November 27, 2019 at 8:30pm — 17 Comments

Mauled by 5 Girls in Real Life!

It was probably the most unfogettable experience in my whole life. Not a native English speaker, but I will try my best then.

To begin the  story, I simply introduced how I made acquaintance with these girls: We have a secret forum to discuss ballbusting stuffs in my country. One day it was suddenly exposed to the reddit and a bunch of unrelated people just flushed into our website. Among these people I caught a teen girl who seened open-minded to our perverting fetish. After some…


Added by sexykickee on November 27, 2019 at 2:43am — 4 Comments

A Busting To Remember (Part 2)

Even though i was already in a great amount of pain, I got up took off my pants and assumed my position with my back against the wall. I open my legs and she stands between them. I take a deep breathe but it is quickly interrupted by a knee to the balls. My first reaction was to grab my balls but she was standing too close to be to do that. My hands end up on her waste. I look up at her and she knees me again with her left leg. And again. And again. With each hit…


Added by Corny Cornilius on November 25, 2019 at 3:55pm — No Comments

My First Ball Pain: Part 2 - The Wonderful, Crippling Agony

Growing up, I had this friend, who I'd "experiment," or fool around, with while playing video games. This is before I ever knew my strange fascination with getting hit in the balls was an actual fetish known as ballbusting. That came later when I got my own computer in my room that was truly all mine to explore the internet with and find sites such as this.

At first, my buddy and I would simply rub our socked feet over each other's clothed crotches as we played some…


Added by Jack ENVY on November 23, 2019 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

A Busting To Remember (Part 1)

Hello, I haven’t written on here in a while because I haven’t had a good kick in the balls in a while. Last time I got my balls busted I paid way too much and I thank everyone on here who let me know about that. This time i paid a total of $110 to submit my balls to a very very hot girl.

The girl that was kicking me is a 5’11” brunette model from Australia who’s legs go for miles. She always seems to…


Added by Corny Cornilius on November 22, 2019 at 6:02pm — No Comments

Amateur Videos With My Ex

Hey everybody!

So this is kind of a feeler post, if it gets good results we might follow through.

I have been having conversations with a girl I used to see. We stopped seeing each other about 4 months ago because I was being dumb and didn’t want to be in a relationship. As it turns out, she has been harbouring a little bit of anger towards me and her conversations with me have REALLY shown that.

Anyway, she has been trying to convince me to let her do whatever… Continue

Added by Scared-of-my-ex on November 19, 2019 at 12:29pm — 9 Comments

The need of a daily ball busting schedule for all owned beta males

As a Castratrix and ball buster. All my owned slaves receive a twice daily ball busting each morning and evening so that they appreciate thier inferiority to the female

Added by Lady Amanda on November 9, 2019 at 6:00am — 10 Comments

Ballbusting: Quality over Quantity?

Hey guys and girls, I'm pretty new to the ballbusting scene, at least in terms of participating in it. Anyway unfortunately due to my current living arrangements I can not host at my place, and most girls don't want to invite someone they've never met to their place, so for any meets I pretty much need to get a hotel. Hotels can be pretty expensive, in some cases more than the amount I'm being charged by the kicker, and I have quite a lot of girls wanting to kick. So I was thinking would I…


Added by JamMck on November 8, 2019 at 9:00am — 4 Comments

Unexpected Work Day Nugget

So I work in a 3 person cube with another guy and a girl. We have a lot of fun and kid each other often. A few days ago we were sitting around and the girl asked me to help her with something and I deadpanned, "No," and continued what I was working on. The guy pipes up out of nowhere and said "Junk punch!" The girl wheels around and goes, "Junk punch? Like punch him in the junk?" And the guy goes, "Yeah." He went on to explain about some movie he'd seen where apparently this woman makes a…


Added by Joe S on November 1, 2019 at 4:25pm — 5 Comments

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