Dvhour (Site Owner)'s Blog – November 2009 Archive (11)

Ballbust Memories: YallbLying (Forum Post Nov. 2009)

This post is in reference to the Langley man loses testicle after random, vicious kick by woman...

I met a child who used to do this too. When I met her she was 14. At the age of 6 she was raped by a family friend. After she told her sister what happened she told her to kick every man in the balls who look at her funny. From age 10 and on she would kick boys in the balls. Her mother recently took her to see someone about this problem and it all came out what happened to her when she… Continue

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 22, 2009 at 6:41pm — 1 Comment

ballbust Desires: kittyblue (post Dec 2008)

(In other news, I will never go drinking with certain coworkers that call themselves my 'friend' only to come to work and tell everyone pat little lies about my lush, wanton behavior to anyone who will listen. Because for serious? I have NO patience for that kind of crap. I find that actually more offensive than the manager abusing his power by tempting a sexual misconduct suit, because I can at least slap him in the face and stomp on his balls with my stilleto heels to take care of THAT… Continue

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 21, 2009 at 10:30am — No Comments

Ballbust Memories: DaddezGurl (Forum Post. 2005)

Taylor pushed me into Jackie, and both of us fell off of my back porch, and then I got up, chased him, kicked him in the balls(that has kinda been my thing to do to guys...

And then after school, I waited until Kyle came outside, and Linda came right up to him and kicked him in the balls, and he said that he didn't really say that, but I think he was lying because he was smiling, and I was not in a good mood, and so I dropped all of… Continue

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 13, 2009 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Ballbust Memories: sixfoot3amanda (Forum Post Oct. 2009)

Hi, In my experience mens' pain threshold varies dramatically. My ex and me experimented with ball play, softly at first but eventually ending with me kicking and kneeing him as hard as I could. The first time I did it he was walking strangely for a few days! By the end of our relationship I could kick,knee or stamp on his balls and 9 time out of 10 he managed to tolerate whatever the pain was. Every now and then I obviously caught his balls badly and… Continue

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 13, 2009 at 12:58pm — No Comments

Ballbust Desires: Kaylee 7 (Forum Post Oct. 2009)

haha if you read the story it sounds like he was ogling a teenager and probably making some sleazy remarks and the girl slammed his groin to get him to stop bothering her. That's one small rupture for a testicle, one giant leap for girls/women battling male gaze.

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 8, 2009 at 11:24pm — 1 Comment

Ballbust Memories: bears_t (Forum Post May 2009)

i kneed someone before.. but i didnt knew it could hurt so much.. o-o =p

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 7, 2009 at 7:59pm — 2 Comments

Ballbust Memories: hemia (Forum Post May 2008)

Call me sadistic, but I really enjoy kicking guys in the nuts. It's a great way to relieve stress and you know it's gotta hurt them pretty badly. xD Of course, I only do it to guys who really deserve it though. I've never done it to anyone just for the hell of it.

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 7, 2009 at 7:51pm — 2 Comments

Ballbust Memories: psykoreo (Forum Post June 2009)

hahahahaha ive kicked guys in the nuts before stabbed them with a pencil and hit a pool ball there hahaha

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 7, 2009 at 7:38pm — No Comments

Ballbust Memories: wonkywilla (Forum Post June 2009)

I've kicked a few guys in the nuts. But I was extremely angry, and they merited it by attempting to grope me.

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 7, 2009 at 7:30pm — No Comments

News: Daily News Reports - Officer kicked repeatedly in groin at Dairy Queen

NICEVILLE — A 21-year-old Crestview woman repeatedly kicked a police officer in the groin during a DUI arrest at Dairy Queen on Oct. 15, a Niceville Police Department report said.

The woman was arrested on charges of driving under the influence, resisting arrest with violence and battery on a law enforcement officer Oct. 15.

Officers went to the Dairy Queen parking lot for a possibly intoxicated driver call,… Continue

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 3, 2009 at 6:57pm — No Comments

Ballbust Defense: What is... kicked in the balls! Post Dec. 2008 by MmeFrost

In the midst of learning about male and female physiology one day in class, one student, the ever-so-innocent one, asked, "So when guys get kicked in the balls, is that why their stomach hurts?" Uhh... I say this is a no brainer. The male students all laugh, and the teacher is rendered speechless. However, I got curious, what makes guys clench in pain when they get kicked below the belt, the reason why females feel dominant and proud to be what they… Continue

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 3, 2009 at 12:30am — 2 Comments


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