October 2022 Blog Posts (5)

verbal y patada

bueno esta es una historia real, paso en mi casa en una fiesta de mi hermano, yo la verdad no queria ir porque la verdad es que ese dia estaba estudiando y bueno, uno de los amigos de mi hermano se le ocurre traer a su hija para que juege con mi primo pero mi primo de 12 años no llego hasta como las 9 de la noche, cuando llego sus padres lo dejaron y fueron a jugar a mi cuarto y nos encerramos para jugar playstation, en eso jugamos mortal kombat en el que me escoji a un tipo que se llamaba…


Added by Catalina on October 19, 2022 at 8:32pm — 2 Comments

Love been a male!

I was at my sister-in-laws house last Saturday when the bust happened to me. My wife (who I have told many stories about her love of busting) and myself where invited over. A female friend was visiting from aboard who we hadn’t seen in a few years because of the whole covid thing and because we’d bought a new house also she does loads of travelling for her work. So anyway it was great to see her. 

Bit of passes story on our friend. We travelled with her around a bit of Australia…


Added by Ted on October 19, 2022 at 9:30am — No Comments

Shown up to be not so strong

Short and sweet story here. Please read me older stories because then you’ll understand my wife is a ballbuster. She loves doing it. 

So anyway the story, back in the summer months we went to a music & arts festival. We go to a lot of these and I’m quite good with my hands and figuring out how to put stuff together. So we set up our camper and I helped my female friend set up her camper and side tent. Then 2 other female friends needed help with their tents, campers,…


Added by Ted on October 13, 2022 at 4:41am — 1 Comment


If some female friend or gf were to bust my balls (warning they’re big and often hang low - some women prefer smaller ones so FYI). 

if anyone were to, I’d want it to be a completely unexpected surprise. Either not looking or my eyes are focused on something else or from behind. I have to be caught unawares because I’ll never let it happen on my own. Or a trick knee when expecting a hug or kiss. 

i haven’t been hit there in many years. I’m sure I’m pretty sensitive down there. I…


Added by Winkin on October 7, 2022 at 7:22pm — 2 Comments

Looking for Story

Hello, anyone have a saved copy of Derek Blake's story: Ballbusting Nightmare

I found an archival link:

However, Part 1 and 2 are not saved…


Added by Erika Gosti on October 4, 2022 at 8:34pm — No Comments

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