August 2024 Blog Posts (6)

soccer ball in the balls today

I was playing soccer at work today. I played offense and I was cornering a player near her goal. I stood there with my legs open as to not let her dribble left or right, but instead of trying to pass me, she took a shot at the ball. It landed right between my open legs. She let a giggle out, casually controlled the ball and took off with it, almost walking pass me as I was unable to react. She was already far when I grab my balls and went limping towards the bench. 

Added by Harvey B on August 23, 2024 at 11:07pm — 4 Comments

BB Shooting Gallery

Hello, everyone, today, I wish to discuss an idea that I had whilst chatting on the website "Kicked in the Groin". It is what it sounds like: a 'group' of men stand or whatever and a person or person take shots at them, trying to hit their balls. You could use whatever, BB gun (pellet), nerf, paintball, or any projectile device you can think of. As for the men, you could just make them stand there (might be best to blindfold them or tie them up.

If one wanted to get really...devious, one…


Added by George Goodin on August 21, 2024 at 5:11pm — No Comments

Ballbusting Pullups

Hello, everyone.

This was a fun little idea I had, but not gotten around to writing about. Anyway, the idea was that one would have at least two guys compete in pull-up contest. However, these contests would involve ball busting.

The first version would be the guys do, say...5 pull-ups or so, then a weight would be hung off their balls, 5 or however many more, and more weight added on: rinse and repeat until one left able to do the pull-up. Reward? Idk, the winner gets his balls…


Added by George Goodin on August 18, 2024 at 10:47pm — No Comments


Hello, everybody, I have been thinking about reposting some...'stuff' (articles? blogs? idk), that I have wrote on other sites, on this site.   I am curious if anyone would be interested or even care.


(the...articles, in questions are more or less just ideas/fantasies/thoughts i have had about BB, scenerios, activities, etc.)

Added by George Goodin on August 17, 2024 at 6:58pm — 2 Comments

The most sexy and humiliating ballbusting scene.

This scene in Deep in the Valley movie is in my opinion one of the best ballbusting scene. It's majorly contribute to my ballbusting fetish. It's amaze how easy she down and beat him. Moreover, he puked, which is rare in movies. ;

However, i would like to know, if somebody saw this scene while watching a movie together ?

Added by prometium on August 6, 2024 at 2:14pm — No Comments

my own character ai bot

i made my own character ai bot, her name is luna, she is a dirty fighter not neccesarily a ballbuster. This its her 1.0 version so whatever feedback you have on her i would appreciate it.

Chatea con Luna dirty fighter | | IA personalizada para cada momento del día

She is quite mainstream on her treat and layered. I curious if luna can be enjoyed from a female…


Added by volcan51 on August 1, 2024 at 7:00pm — 10 Comments

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