August 2017 Blog Posts (5)

Best yet scariest DOM experience yet.

If I would have known all the types of pain this DOM was going to bring, I'd have likely talked myself out of this. When she is in character, she has that sweet yet no fucks given attitude that frightens and captivates us at the same time. I am still reeling, sore to the touch down there, and can't wait to let her obliterate me again. So, what is it about "her"? She is breath-takingly gorgeous, over 6 feet tall in heels, and will have you begging her to hurt you again even after you have…


Added by Silent Warrior on August 19, 2017 at 9:09pm — 4 Comments

Wife takes advantage

On a family a holiday while back my wife took full advantage of my balls.

As I say a family holiday so we didn't have much time to ourselves but one night after a few drinks she gave me the look and I knew we needed to disappear. So we did the whole we're going to shop thing.

We walk/ran to the beach where she was looking so hot in her little sexy green dress high heels and her smile that makes her look so sweet. There was no body around and we started to kiss and she grab me by…


Added by Ted on August 16, 2017 at 7:00am — 3 Comments

One of the rare but first Knees I got

I am a big fan of knees, I find them sexy to watch videos of but sadly I have hardly received many knees for a bust. Here is the story of my first time getting a knee. 

So with my girlfriend at the time who was drunk. we were at this Hotel  she was Asian cute but actually a lot older then me at the time, she would have been early 30s me mid 20s.

she had no idea about my fetish at all, but would always make threats and stuff like that which I enjoyed and turned…


Added by Hurts! on August 15, 2017 at 9:40pm — No Comments

First Fight

Here's another story that I wrote for my little blog (, enjoy!

It was now late August and I was really getting into the swing of things at my new job. Stacey, though, was about to start her sophomore year in college, and was heading back. She was moving into the same apartment complex that I'd lived in my senior year and I promised, weeks ago, that I would help her family move her in. This was before… Continue

Added by KneeMyNuts on August 15, 2017 at 2:24pm — 2 Comments

I got kneed several times last night

It's been a quite while since I've been busted.  Unfortunately, my gf is not much into bb.  However, yesterday I got a few beers in her while I was BBQing.  When we went to go to bed, she started slamming her knee into my balls repeatedly.  I don't know what I did to deserve it, but it was awesome!   Ouch!  She was laughing, giggling and cutting up.  I can still feel a tingle.  Will have to do this again ASAP!     

Added by NathanB on August 14, 2017 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

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