August 2010 Blog Posts (5)

Tequila, Testicles vs Toes!!! (My 60 yard field goal)

Last summer (2009), one of my good friends, Ashley and I paid a relaxing visit to a local pub after a nice day at the beach. It was a Wednesday so the pub wasn’t crowded at all, just the Bartender, three other guys at the end of the bar and the two of us. Ashley and I decided to go out on the dance floor and do a little innocent dirty dancing. While we were on the floor one of the three guys at the end of the bar walked over, the one that…


Added by greeneyedsusan on August 28, 2010 at 12:30pm — 67 Comments

Twist and Squeeze Works Great

Well, I think this fits. A few months back I had to use the Twist and Squeeze on a guy who pestered me. I have taken several self defense classes in the past and they had mentioned the "Grab, Twist, Squeeze, and Yank" technique on a guy's nuts, but of course we could never practice. So it was kind of a mystery to me, until a few months ago, when this guy at this dance club wouldn't leave me alone, i tried to be nice and tell the loser to quit touching me, but he wouldn't stop, so when he… Continue

Added by Brittani Anders on August 26, 2010 at 1:52am — 20 Comments

Is Ballbusting by another women other then your wife, girlfriend.... Cheating?

Is Ballbusting by another women other then your wife, girlfriend.... Cheating? What do you all think guys and girls?

Me and girl have been together for sometime and I really love her and the kids with all my heart ,are sex life is great ( another then my penis is alittle to big for her ) but lately she won't really ballbust me besides some light forplay smacking when were having sex, so I been think about getting busting by other women but she thinks that is…


Added by Mike None Ya on August 25, 2010 at 7:00am — 3 Comments

I love this site

Although I have only been a member of this site for a short time< I can honestly say that this is THE best site if you are in to ballbusting/cuntbusting. The members are like a whose who fo the ballbusting world. Such experince and contributions! You guys are truely the pillars of our community. greg

Added by greg m on August 13, 2010 at 5:16pm — No Comments

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