Marina Glückskeks's Blog – July 2020 Archive (6)

Galaczee Psyderial & Anathema Aeternum

Psyderfire!! Rapid repeat :D


In dieser Geschichte benutzte ich einfach FIguren aus meinen zahlreichen anderen Geschichten, ein Crossover of sorts. Es ist hauptsächlich Dialog, der auf detaillierte Beschreibungen der Umgebung verzichet. Malt sie euch selbst aus. Der Junge in der Geschichte ist das Objekt der Begierde, und es mag verwirrend sein, er wird sowohl in dritter Person abgehandelt als auch als mit "du".  Weil ich ihm beim Schreiben gern nahe…


Added by Marina Glückskeks on July 22, 2020 at 5:30pm — No Comments

The turn-on list for the advanced connoisseur

...and why you are a philistine.

Im frequently asked what im into, and what i like most.

BUt do you really care to know, or do you just want me to answer

like the hooker from F.M.J. that comes over to joker and Rafteman?

"Well baby, me so horny, me love you long time. You party? Me sucky-sucky, me love you so much" 

Everyone knowing the witch for a minimum of time knows what shes into.

Fancy effeminate emos.

Shorthaired tomboy girls



Added by Marina Glückskeks on July 21, 2020 at 4:56am — 2 Comments


Dear fellow sadists,

One wonderful person reminded me: "BB is athletic" (quote Miss S) 


How about we be sadistic on ourself and motivate each other for some daily Squat torture! What do you say?  I want you to go to the gym with me that was in the mail today, its no fun to go alone!

*hands you a gym flyer*


"Here at the SadistShapers gym we train like Kat the saviour. Try our willing living training Equipments, the numbers branded into to…


Added by Marina Glückskeks on July 20, 2020 at 6:32am — No Comments

Pure Psyderfire up your nuts


Introducing Romvoette Creambomb --- WOAAHH --- AND THE ASIAN FLAVORED GLASSBREAK

Sup guys. I got 48 cans of Uludag Gazoz Soda. Any questions Im the Queen? Matter of fact! Now that im back after so many years, im amayzed by how many things have changed and stayed the sayme.

Im a disbeliever of the positive! Cant believe im being remembered, cant…


Added by Marina Glückskeks on July 17, 2020 at 2:45pm — 1 Comment


i was at a BDSMmeeting yesterday. 15ppl had signed to come. 1 showed up. That guy wasnt into BB. And they say RL is more real than online

Added by Marina Glückskeks on July 13, 2020 at 10:47am — 5 Comments


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