Maskedguy 1.7's Blog – July 2015 Archive (2)

Some bb experience in Taekwondo training.(sparring)

sorry if some misspelling

hi, this happens between 1998 to 2000 in my school.

i,m quite hyperactive those days (to burn some fat and avoid been chubby) (in school about 14 years old), i like to move , run, do some workout, i join this Taekwondo in school not to beat people or kick anyone, just to have fun, i can run, exercise , be active and meet new friends.

i learn it 4 years but only yellow belt (i get sick and missed some test )

we are not allowed to kick the…


Added by Maskedguy 1.7 on July 5, 2015 at 12:17pm — No Comments

unexpected bb

in 1994, when i was in school (10 years)

some unexpected bb experience i tried to remember.

I,m near some schoolgirl, she's playing with some scarf (she put a ring and wrapped it inside the scarf) , she swing the scarf playfully at other school children. As the swinging scarf get near me, i try to dodge my face, but it hit my groin.Outch, (it hit not too hard just like a simple tap, harder than this i''ll scream), i feel slightly pain in my balls ( i tried to hide the pain and…


Added by Maskedguy 1.7 on July 5, 2015 at 11:56am — No Comments


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