February 2018 Blog Posts (5)

Unique Random Busts..?

Hello all!  The other day I was telling one of the members about a hit that happened to me that is def up there on the random scale.  It was with a former car.  I was at the back driver side door and swung it open much harder then I expected.  I must have pivoted slightly as I did this and immediately was worried I'd slam the car next to me.  I yanked the door back and managed managed to catch myself in the balls.  Instead of just a straight slope, this car's rear doors had more of a…


Added by Smoo on February 21, 2018 at 6:51pm — 9 Comments

Self Defense - an Intro to Ballbusting

Long before I knew just how much I could be into having my balls busted, I had an experience that probably planted the seeds of what would later become my obsession. 

I went to college at a liberal arts school, and we had an semesterly requirement to take a P.E. credit if we weren't active on one of the school's sports teams.  There were a variety of options and I liked mixing it up and trying new things.  This led me to sign up for a self defense class.  Being that this was a…


Added by Terry Tepper on February 18, 2018 at 1:40am — 5 Comments

2 Girls, 1 (Without a) Cup

Please visit my blog!  Staceybbchron.blogspot.com 

This is one of the hottest, erection-provoking memories of my life... but also kind of regretful.  I'm still pretty torn on how I should feel, but hopefully, you at least enjoy the story.  It's also kind of a long story, so hang in there lol.

The summer was over and it was time for Stacey to move back into school.  She kept two of the three roommates that she had last year, and was adding a new…


Added by KneeMyNuts on February 17, 2018 at 4:08pm — 3 Comments

When I Realized She was the One (Happy Valentines!)

Obviously I love my girlfriend for reasons I can't count. But I'd be lying if I said that her understanding and willingness to indulge my fetishes were not a huge factor. She's known all the things I was into since early on in our relationship--bb, feet, facesitting, verbal, all the good stuff-- and despite her not being into it, it meant a lot that she made the effort to satisfy me. As one would expect, early attempts ranged from "okay/fine" to "what the fuck was that?" (not that I'd ever…


Added by justaboy on February 14, 2018 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

My First Real Ballbusting Experience - and how KickedInTheGroin made it possible

This is my first post.  My apologies if I broke any conventions here...

I have been into ballbusting for several years now.  I had a few experiences when I was younger - one in self defense class, and another with a former coworker, but I didn't really get into it until I was with my current long-term girlfriend.  At first there were little things she would say or do that would get a reaction from me.  Any time I would get hurt around the house - stub my toe, pinch my finger…


Added by Terry Tepper on February 13, 2018 at 1:49am — 6 Comments

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