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Jun 7, 2023
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Jan 31, 2020

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**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
I was born in the city of Vienna, in Austria, Central Europe. I speak German, Russian, understand Ukrainian, know and understand some Italian, and speak Slovakian. I speak English as well. My parents were born in Slovakia, Eastern Europe, but my mom is half Slovakian and part Ukrainian (her mom has roots in Ukraine) and my dad is half Moravian (Southern Czech) and his father is of Ashkenazi Jewish , Hungarian, Slovak descent. I have no problem with having a conversation in English.In case someone wonders what Ashkenazi is , we are Semitic Judeans who were exiled to Europe , this is how we look :
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
I found this website online. I am a huge fan of ballbusting ever since I was a young kid. I am 29 years old now, but I still am into ballbusting ever since I got my first kick in the balls. So I decided to join the community . I knew the website is here for a long time, so why not becoming part of the community.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
Well, since I was a young kid . My first experience when I was busted was at a friends party. She invited some friends over (it was her birthday party) and we were playing hide and seek with catching the opponent. So this girl was wearing a orange kind style flowery dress and white wooly socks, her legs were nicely tanned and she had short blond hair and nice green eyes. So she was searching for me , when I came out of the room and she blocked the rooms entrance. She stared me directly in the eyes and smiled. Her smile was cute and evil at the same time. I looked into her emerald green eyes. This was the moment I was distracted. She than glanced at my groin smiling even more. My legs were widely spread a nice target to score a goal. Her smile became crueler. The cool and hot thing was that she was having red cherry like lollipop candy in her mouth. Before I could say something or notice something. It was already too late. As her foot flew full speed into my balls I felt the impact. Her foot buried as her foot caught my balls deeper and deeper into my balls. She got both of them real good. Her foot caught the center of my sac pressing my balls upwards , I was hooked , her nice smooth legs brought both pleasure and pain to me. She even pushed my balls upper and left her foot planted between my balls for a couple of seconds to increase the pain. While I was in agony and couldn't clutch my balls until she released me . She smiled even more as she enjoyed the sight, I bet she loved to cause pain and I sure wasn't her first victim. When she released me and I felt down holding my bruised balls she watched me for some second as she stood above me . She stood literally over me watching me holding myself in pain. She left and I was on the ground for quite some time.She looked into my eyes and smiled she probably busted couple of others before me, she knew what she was doin already a real pro in ballbusting. She was ballbusting domme . Her grin was evil but hot. It was the cutest smile you could expect from a woman who brought someone on his knees by busting his balls with her foot without feeling sorry. She enjoyed it as much as I did. I was clutching my balls hoping the pain would fade but even when I picked myself up I still felt the pain, she was already gone, she was probably telling everything her friends about it , who were probably laughing at my pain . Never I will forget my first (this experience) . From there on I got hooked. I wanted to be busted on every occasion. I think the best thing was when her foot was buried in my balls and she pressed it deeper digging into my balls to increase the pressure . This was amazing. I loved when she stood over me showing her dominance and me being the vulnerable on the ground and when she left me clutching my balls without caring what will happen to my balls that got me and I knew wow, more please. I mean there's nothing more hot and dominant when she leaves you on the ground clutching your balls without feeling any kind of remorse, not feeling sorry for you and without even looking back.I have been busted by around six women. So the second time was awesome as well like the first was. The second was the friend who gave the party days later. Her name was Anni (or Anna as her full name was) . She is half Czech and Austrian. She has a cute appearance and body (works out regularly now when I met her nearly more than a year ago I think ) has nice freckles and dark hair with dark blue eyes and a perky butt. Cute. So I was a young kid and at her home in her room and she and another friend of her she invited our to stay were playing. We were playing marching soldiers. She was playing the general and we were the soldiers who marched. She stood behind me and said wide step march . I made a large step and left a good view and angle to have my balls busted. My mistake but I don't regret it. I made a huge step forward and she had full access and the best chance for good shot . So she came behind me and booted my balls from behind. She was also wearing like the first girl white socks. Her foot was covered in her wooly white socks and her skin was white and smooth like milk. She had a beautiful body and amazing legs. Her foot again caught both of my balls dead on and made full contact with the center of my sac . I felt like she kicked them out of my mouth or at least up to my throat or mouth or at least somewhere there. I went down moaning . First I was silent due to the pain. Then I moaned clutching my sac. She laughed as she got both balls with her nice foot. She left her foot in my balls and I sled to the ground. The thing is like the first girl she left her foot in my balls for some time to enjoy the moment that she caught me. Her foot was nice and smooth like the first girls foot and she had the cutest smile and laugh. Holding myself. I was aroused and it turned me on. She laughed as I was cupping my balls in pain. She was literally on the ground laughing about my pain , mocking imitating me and my gestures and laughing at me clutching my balls. The third time was accidently. We were playing outside our school snow ball fights , she (a cute Pinay (Filipina) called Mon threw a snowball at someone who was near me he dodged it and the snowball (which was more ice than snow) hit my balls. Even tough I wore trousers it doesn't help you if you get hit by an iceball (as I said more ice than actually it was snow) . I got again hit both of my balls hard. My balls were on fire. She was curvy and cute but she threw like pitcher. She could eliminate every mans balls by just throw iceballs at their balls. I held my balls for a couple of minutes as she knew how to score a hit. She laughed and apologized the whole time. It wasn't her fault and she was cute, she wanted to hit someone else and she accidently hit me. So I wasn't angry , I mean I love ballbusting and she was cute . Nr. 4 was by girl named Hilal (freckles, dark brown blond hair, brown cute nice eyes perky butt) a nice , but wild Turkish girl who challenged everyone just for fun to fight her. One day she started hitting me and I blocked her punches . She became more wild as she didn't score or land a punch and her foot flew into my balls , but I pulled back (damn reflex) and she didn't connect fully. Still she managed to score I could imagine the full impact. She hit part of my balls and my dick . I wish that reflex wouldn't be there I would love to feel 100 % such kicks . It still hurted me tough she was wearing black Adidas sneackers and she kicked harder than a soccer player. I still didn't wanted to be laughed at so I pretended like she didn't hit me there. Of course I would loved to busted hard but I didn't want the school to laugh at me or class. The fifth was done by an Asian (Filipina) called Sherri-Lynn . She was half Pinay (Filipina) (her mom) and half European. She had nice boobs and a nice butt (perky ass) . She was proud of her body had nice blessed curves from her Phillipine side. She was cute and nice , but she was wild too . She always busted guys. She was probably into ballbusting. I never asked her , but I bet she loved putting us (men) to the ground. I remember she was once kicking me while I was talking to some classmate and we were outside on the fresh air and she was smoking and my legs were spread. She did it because she was bored. She did a nice side-kick and my dick blocked the impact , but she hit both dick and balls , but dick more to be precisely. She used the chance that I was distracted and caught both dick and balls . The cool thing is if she would boot me from behind in her leather boots . She was always wearing heels and boots. She would get them good. It hurted but since there were several around me I shooked it off and played like it doesn't hurt that much. But it did hurt and the fact that she ballbusted me I was honored. I dreamed when finally I was going to be busted by her . I wished she would had a better angle to my balls. The last time was by my ex girlfriend. She was from the half middle east Iraq (her father) and her mum was from Eastern Europe So basically her mix (half Iraqi half Slovakian ) , she was play fighting with me in her room and her foot flew into my balls. We said and bet who is first on the ground. Since my legs were open and her arms were held by me she quickly threw a quick but strong kick. It was like a cruise missile. She did kick boxing and self defense in her spare time , because when she was younger she was hit on by arabs who harrased her and grabbed her chest and butt , so needed to learn to defend herself from getting grabbed by them every day in school and class. She later became a strong fighter and even tough she was cute and nice from the inside with a very good heart she was dominant and had a hot temperament . She loved to wrestle with her Eastern European male cousins and dominate them. What a woman. Back to my kick . She got both of them hard and I immediately was defeated. She laughed as she won and she stood her foot on my back and cheered smiling as I held my balls. She was smiling and mocking me the whole day and teasing me if they my balls still hurt.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
So far by six. I have the urge to be busted every week. Not daily anymore. Sometimes it depends , but more weekly or at least every month.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
I love it. I feel aroused. It turns me on when a woman dominates me. I love dominant women. Ballbusting is hot . Every woman should bust a guy. I am a gentleman , but I love to be busted by women. Every aspect of ballbusting is hot. From the moment her foot strikes you in the balls or her knee and the moment you go down on your both knees clutching your manhood. It's nice how women can get us to our knees in a few seconds with one kick. Unfortunately I am single and I don't have a busting buddy.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
I love all of it. The drop when she releases her foot and pressure of her foot or knee on your bruised balls , the rolling and holding my self on the ground as I gasp desperately for air thinking that I die or that I can't breathe anymore, while she stands over me confidently like an Amazonian women warrior. The moment a womens foot connects its nice to feel the pain you feel her nice smooth foot or knee against your balls , the pressure while she presses up and upper lifting you higher and higher until your feet don't and can't touch the ground, being submissive is hot. A cute woman who brings us to our knees especially when she uses her sexy look by wearing heels mini skirts comes close to you smiles and then bam . Her knee and foot connects. I love when they walk of leaving you on the ground not caring if you will limping for weeks or if she destroyed your manhood for the rest of your life. She goes home while and relaxes while you spent the time taking care of your aching balls which will hurt even for weeks. She will probably tell her friends at a cafe about laugh at you with her female friends. I love to be dominated. I would love to be busted in my life again. Maybe (at the moment I am single) I hope to find a wife or girlfriend someday, who will bust me . I know a lot of girls who love ballbusting but their partners don't appreciate their passion. The problem is many judge it and think it's weird. I think it's the best thing ever.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
Yes , I was younger . In the hallways next to our class their was a sports class. A girl was picked by a blond hair guy who mocked for being a girl and made fun of her and started to push her around. She was taller than him , had nice brown hair (short) and brown eyes and a nice perky ass. When he came closer trying to grab it . She fired her sneackers in his balls. You could literally hear a crunch and pop sound. It was like a fire work. Everyone looked shocked. The guy wasn't seen for a couple of weeks if not months. Probably . She could literally kick your balls into your throat or brain or slice a man in half with her foot. She was deadly. She was pissed. His friends and everyone looked shocked. The teachers had to take him to the doctor or school nurse and than he waited for the ambulance to arrive in the headmasters office where he was recovering waiting patiently for the ambulance to come to drive him to treatment at hospital while they were questioning him . You could hear screams as he was moaning still in pain, I bet she ruptured something. The sound was way more than brutal. It was the most disturbing thing I saw and the sound wow . She even didn't feel sorry for him.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
The most memorable was not done to me but I've watched it it from the distance in the same school . A girl named Lina was into ballbusting and busted guys non stop. She used every chance she could. Once she was on a frozen pond near the school park and the guys threw her on the ground (frozen pond ice surface) and she nailed everyone of them in the balls. I have never seen a hot girl like that busting so many balls in a row. All of them (guys) were on the ground clutching their balls in pain and agony. While she busted them over and over. She stood up walked away and left them holding their balls. She was like a ballbusting terminator with one goal destroy all balls. She loved ballbusting and was known and enjoyed her reputation. She was the definition of ballbuster.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
sneaker kick, boot kick, heavy shoe kick, barefoot kick, back heel kick, wheel-barrel kick, barefoot stomp, footwear stomp, footwear gas-peddling, barefoot gas-peddling, barefoot v-stomp, footwear v-stomp, shin kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold, quick hard thigh, thigh hard & hold, quick punch hard, flick with fingers, throwing something, other

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At 6:05pm on September 28, 2023, Sergio Ruvido said…

Hell, I too would have liked to have been kicked by this cruel girl.



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