Jess Mastra
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Canada. I speak English, but unfortunately that's the only language I know so far.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
I've had an interest in ballbusting for as long as I can remember and the idea of being part of an active community dedicated to it sounds cool. Stories (writing and reading them) are a big part of the appeal, but talking to that have an interest in ballbusting is also something I'd like to do.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I can't remember how long I've been into it. I guess probably for as long as I've known boys have balls that make them cry, I've been interested in it, but I don't know how long that's been. I used to threaten it a lot when I was young because I thought it was funny (I had seen it a bunch on TV and it was always played for laughs), but people didn't take it seriously and I wasn't really being serious anyways.

The first time I actually did it was when I was maybe 10 or 11 and I was wrestling with my older brother, who was about 12 or 13. We didn't normally wrestle, but I was something of a tomboy and around that time we routinely shove each other over minor things and on rare occasions we got more aggressive until we ended with us being broken up by our parents and one or both of us (usually him because he was older and bigger) getting in trouble.

I remember this time in particular we weren't fighting over anything big. It was just after school and our parents weren't home from work yet (I think they had recently started being comfortable with the idea that we could be home alone for like an hour between the time we got home from school and when Mom got back from work). We were in the kitchen and going after the same thing so I pushed at him as we moved towards it and he pushed me back. Only I banged my knee against the table and it hurt and that made me heated so I jumped at him and tried to tackle him to the ground. Only I didn't actually have the strength to do that and instead he pinned me to the floor instead with him on top.

I was squirming underneath him and he had this big grin on his face as he kept me pinned down by the shoulders. I threatened to knee him in the balls, only at this point I had made that empty threat so many times before that he didn't even bat an eye at it. I was so upset that I actually did it.

I remember feeling his pants kind of scrunch around my knee, but I wasn't really sure what I was doing and I didn't know if I had actually done anything or not. For a moment his grip actually tightened on my shoulders and that hurt. So I kneed him a second time.

That's when his face really started to change. His grin was gone and so was the color in his cheeks. He was off me and before I knew it he was curled on the floor, holding his groin and crying, not unlike what I had seen before on TV. I stood and started laughing at him. I grabbed whatever it was I wanted in the first place (I can't even remember, that's how unimportant whatever snack I wanted was in the grand scheme of things) and went to the living room.

A little bit later though, I went back to the kitchen and he was still there. That's when I was worried, because I figured he'd be down for a minute or two and then it'd be done. I didn't know what to do though, so I just sort of sat there with him and waited to see what happened.

Eventually he was sitting up again and I tried apologizing at that point, but he didn't really want to talk about it. When Mom got home shortly after that, she helped him to his room and then talked to me about how I shouldn't do that unless like an adult is trying to take me away or something. He was out of his room by dinnertime so I apologized again and he just sort of acknowledged it, so that was the end of it.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
I didn't bust anyone for years after that, but I did start reading about it and watching videos about it. I got really into the idea, but I didn't talk about it with anyone because I was afraid it was weird.

I did end up busting one guy in High School. He was harassing a friend of mine in the hallway and I saw what was happening so I walked up there and told him to back off. My friend started to move away at this point, but he grabbed her wrist. I was standing behind him and noticed his legs were parted a bit, so I kicked him in the nuts.

I actually didn't kick him as hard as I could because from all the stories I had read at that point, I was kind of worried about doing any permanent damage, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't secretly looking for an excuse to bust him. This was a guy I didn't like to begin with, so in my mind at the time, this was an opportunity to indulge without the guilt.

He went down and my friend was a little surprised at me at first, but then she cracked a smile, which was a relief for me because I was worried that this might actually make things awkward between us. There were plenty of witnesses too, but I didn't end up getting in any real trouble because he was seen as the instigator for bothering and then grabbing onto my friend. All I got was a talking to about how I could have tried to defuse the situation without violence, but that didn't actually come with any tangible punishment. Looking back on it, it probably helped that I didn't have a history of violence despite my private interests.

As an adult, I've only ever been in one relationship where the guy was into busting. I would like to do a lot of kicks, barefoot on naked testicles preferably so I could really feel it, but he was into more squeezing, which was fine too. It was actually all really nice because there was a lot of communication about what he was comfortable with and how far is too far, so I could really explore an aspect of myself that I often keep private in a setting where I didn't have to feel bad about it. It's a shame that it didn't end up lasting, but he's a good guy and we still communicate from time to time.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
I would say that for me it's mostly about the feeling of empowerment. It's just fascinating to me how easy it can be to take out a guy if I really want to. Seeing them on the ground, is honestly really funny too when the guilt isn't attached to it. That's part of the reason I'm so into stories - it's a guilt-free exploration because none of it is real.

For me, I wouldn't say it's principally about arousal oddly enough. Like it's not something I seek out specifically for that. However, when I was in a relationship where the guy was into it because it aroused him, well, I'll just say that it was a nice spice for me.

As far as a busting buddy, I've never had that unless you count my former boyfriend. I don't know if it's right to call him a buddy though, because we were more than that of course.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
I really like the feel of it. Like I said, I like barefoot on bare balls best of all because I want to be able to hit them hard and feel the impact skin-to-skin.

Getting my fingers into a sac though is also fun for the same reason - being able to feel and manipulate them.

The reaction is what I think makes it all worthwhile though. The crying, the high-pitched sounds, the rolling around. Like I said, I can feel bad about it, but in the situations where I could remove that guilt from it, I love to just see a guy on the ground holding his nuts while I'm standing over him. That's a fantasy of mine.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
Well, my brother cried during his bust. The guy I kicked in High School didn't exactly cry, but his cheeks got red and he was teary enough that they also looked moist. When someone helped him up, there was some sniffling going on too.

My boyfriend used to make really funny noises (these kind of squeaks or high-pitched gasps) when I managed to get my nails into his nuts in just the right way. There were also plenty of times he ended up on the floor. We never pushed things so far that he ever passed out or puked though. He had a pretty good sense of what his limit was and eventually I did too. There were a few times where I actually hit him or squeezed him too hard and sometimes his breathing would get really erratic and he would basically be incapacitated for the night. Honestly, sometimes that was kind of nice for me because it made me feel strong, just being there with him, stroking his hair while he just lay there and moaned, but of course I didn't want to push things that far on purpose because I wanted to be respectful of him and his boundaries.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
I think the one with my brother was probably the most memorable, just because it was the first.

Probably my favorite was with my boyfriend when we had the idea to play a stripping game. We had actually seen a video featuring that and that's where we got the idea. Anyways, he started out naked and the idea was that any time I hit his nuts and he remained standing, I would take off an article of clothing and the goal was to keep playing until I was naked.

Now like I said, I'm respectful of his boundaries so I'm mindful not to push things too far, but I guess making it into a contest made him more determined. That made things really cool for me because I would kick him in the nuts and he would be standing there on shaky knees while I relished the pained look on his face and he would already be ready for the next one.

We actually did a bunch of busts in quick succession whereas usually - unless we're doing squeezes - there's at least several minutes of recovery time in between. That let me feel like I could mix things up. I did some punches, an uppercut, knees. He didn't stay standing for all of them of course, but when he did go down, he actually managed to get back up fairly quick.

I got maybe a little too into it myself because one time while he was down on his stomach, I saw his balls kind of sticking out under his ass and stepped on them. It was just a light step, more squishing the nuts with my toes, but I had never done that before and it gave me this wave of adrenaline. I would have really liked to do more stepping/stomping, but he was worried about that doing permanent damage. I can't get enough of it in stories though, especially after that.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
barefoot kick, back heel kick, barefoot stomp, barefoot v-stomp, quick hard knee, quick punch hard, flick with fingers

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At 12:29pm on January 18, 2020, Manuel Schmitt said…

wow thats alot to read! every profile should be like this ;)

At 3:43pm on September 27, 2019, NatWest said…

Hi Jess - like you I prefer ballbusting with a proper partner - someone who takes the time and trouble to get to know what I like and don't like  - not into being busted by a stranger.

At 2:40am on September 17, 2018, Phoenix Rising said…

Hi my name is Chris i really love your profile and want to chat with you sometime 

At 10:01am on September 14, 2018, Ibrahim Moizoos said…
Welcome to the family!


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