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Started this discussion. Last reply by Allen Witts Jun 20, 2019. 6 Replies

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Any women ever kicked a guy just for something he said?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Hurts! Nov 7, 2016. 13 Replies

I've gone to a few pool parties lately and a guy there has asked me if I would take my top off and flash him. I don't know him very well, sometimes there's a lot of people who come and I only know a…Continue


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Allen Witts replied to Jenine's discussion Jenine's Interview
"Complete necro-post!  Do you think that you'd enjoy kicking a guy's balls if he asked you to?  Or is it more the defense/power element of things that you prefer?"
Jun 20, 2019

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I kicked a guy for the first time recently and was amazed how much it hurt him. I started looking around on the Internet for more information and found this site. It looks neat so I wanted to join. I read some of the profiles and would really like to talk to guys about why it hurts so much. Also I'd like to chat with women about times they've kicked guys too.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
My first experience was just a few weeks ago with my ex-boyfriend.

I had a feeling he was cheating on me but didn't really bring it up because I wasn't sure. Then one day I was walking my dog in the park and actually caught him with a girl. They were sitting on a bench kissing and holding hands. I was too hurt and stunned to really do anything, so I just stood there. When he saw me, his reaction was classic though... started stuttering, apologizing, saying I was the only one that he wanted, blah blah. He tried to hug me and that just threw me over the edge. I just started seeing red and realized everything he'd ever said to me meant nothing and had led me on. I started shouting at him not to touch me and to fuck off. But he still kept trying to convince that it wasn't as I thought it was. He looked me right in the eyes, smiled and reached out to touch my shoulders. Something in me snapped, and I just grabbed him, turned him towards me and booted him as hard as I could in the balls, and he went down like a ton of bricks.

The other girl just ran off. He was in quite a lot of pain was rolling around on the grass moaning a lot, then started crying. I was still livid with him but it felt really good booting him, inflicted just a fraction of pain I was feeling. After that I just walked away with my dog and carried on as normal. It felt pretty good, obviously he hurt my feelings but at least I got him where it hurts :P I can't stand cheaters, and would never want a person to feel that pain.

I was really amazed how much it hurt him so that's why I got online to read more about it, so lately it is a big subject of curiosity for me. But if another guy in the future hurts me that bad, I'll probably get him in the balls. You do feel better for it, well at least i did :P
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
Just the one.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
I was really hurt and angry at the time, so it felt like a nice justice to get back at that lying asshole. Looking back, it is kind of funny and I guess empowering, arousing too maybe.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
My favorite part was that I didn't plan it out or expect it to happen at all. I didn't even really decide to do it, it just happened, and then within seconds he was in complete agony. So I think the most interesting thing about it is that I was able to hurt him so badly, so quickly, basically just on whim. It's amazing that one second he was standing there smiling, trying to lie to me, then two seconds later was on the ground screaming.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
He did all of those things except pass out or puke. I left soon afterwards though so who knows?
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
Just the one time.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
sneaker kick

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At 7:26pm on August 9, 2022, Cowboy Frank said…

Your stories are empowering for all women.

At 9:47pm on September 8, 2011, PRINCESS NESSA said…
Yes....I kicked a guy just for calling me a bitch. It was at a bar one night, with some friends. He wanted my number and I was very polite and said that I wasn't intersted. And was like " your loss, bitch!" I was furious!! Especially because I wasn't rude about it. So I tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned around I kicked him in the balls pretty hard. He grabbed his nuts and fell down, groaning. We left right away, I don't know what happened after that. I was kinda embarrassed because I lost my temper, but he also didn't have to say that. My girlfriends just laughed about it on the way home. Several other times, I kneed one of my ex's because he cheated on me twice.
At 4:35am on January 15, 2011, Kinkeri said…
Welcome to the site! Where in the US are you from?


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