Chris Edgeler
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Chris Edgeler's Discussions

Blue balling

Started this discussion. Last reply by D Rawk Mar 28, 2022. 8 Replies

Does anyone else find prolonged tease, denial and blue balling around as uncomfortable as ballbusting? As it happens i get both and can't work out which i most discomfort lon term.Continue

Cross Eyed???

Started Oct 13, 2012 0 Replies

This came up in chat the other day, from my point of view i couldn't tell you what my eyes are doing whilst processing testicle trauma at any stage, but in my profile "Most memorable bust" apparently…Continue

Fantasy to Fetish

Started this discussion. Last reply by charles stone Sep 15, 2012. 1 Reply

Does anyone else remember the point this happened for them? For me it was about 14/15 years old when my second cousin would bust me thoroughly on a regular basis, this was the point where being…Continue


Chris Edgeler's Page

Latest Activity

D Rawk replied to Chris Edgeler's discussion Blue balling
"Ideal sex is when I get multiple orgasms and the man goes limping away with busted, blue balls,lol."
Mar 28, 2022
Petron Lason replied to Chris Edgeler's discussion Blue balling
"Ideal sex is if a woman gets orgasm and a man gets blue balls. :) The happiest man is when he is so horny and intoxicated by the beauty of a woman, her sexual power, that he has for it pain in the balls. Sexual intoxication, pain and pleasure mix…"
Mar 20, 2022
Petron Lason replied to Chris Edgeler's discussion Blue balling
"Is it a sexy pain. And also I know - I have balls. It is good. :)"
Mar 19, 2022
Chris Edgeler replied to Chris Edgeler's discussion Blue balling
"I am currently on 3 months of blue balling and busted 3 times a week "
Jan 31, 2022
Melinda the Ball Breaker replied to Chris Edgeler's discussion Blue balling
"True blue balling for me is weeks. Longest I have blue balled him is a month. He was aching and pleading so much for release only to have he's balls punted, it was Epic!"
Dec 31, 2021
Ryan moorehouse replied to Chris Edgeler's discussion Blue balling
"I've gone a week and it feels like one loooong ballbusting session lol. Adding in ballbusting on top of that is amazingly satisfying and the pain lasts way longer than normal."
Dec 29, 2021
jt replied to Chris Edgeler's discussion Blue balling
"Well, what is your definition of prolonged blue balling? I feel like that could be a few hours or um weeks?"
Dec 28, 2021
Melinda the Ball Breaker replied to Chris Edgeler's discussion Blue balling
"Lol I do love doing it though. Blue balls and ballbusting go hand in hand for me."
Dec 27, 2021
Chris Edgeler posted a discussion

Blue balling

Does anyone else find prolonged tease, denial and blue balling around as uncomfortable as ballbusting? As it happens i get both and can't work out which i most discomfort lon term.See More
Dec 26, 2021
Chris Edgeler posted a status
"Yesterday she got me to take down my trousers, made fun of my size and then kneed me hard. She laughed and walked away."
Nov 20, 2021
Chris Edgeler posted a status
"she fell off the bed and steadied herself hooking her leg into my balls- then said “Every man for himself “, and ran off laughing."
May 10, 2021
Chris Edgeler commented on Chris Edgeler's status
"This has become a daily ritual, with her asking if she got me good and if the balls are sore all morning "
Apr 27, 2021
tsm89 commented on Chris Edgeler's status
"Awesome. This happens to me a lot but never with a comment like that!"
Apr 22, 2021
Chris Edgeler posted a status
"Today I woke with her knee pressing into my testicles and her saying “Are you safe?”"
Apr 21, 2021
Chris Edgeler posted a status
"I awoke early this morning to her hand firmly clamped around my testicles with her still asleep."
Nov 30, 2020
Chris Edgeler commented on Chris Edgeler's status
" Allen Witts feel sorry I would say"
Nov 26, 2020

Profile Information

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Searching online for favourite ballbusting methods, i could remember reading years ago about grinding the balls together being the most painfull (and have subsequently had it done and wow, it hurts) and stumbled on something a member called "the nutgrinder", hung around for quite a while without joining from then.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
Many years, first experience i was young at school,probably only about 11, one of the girls just learnt about kicking nuts and taught all the boys, i was about the 3rd boy she kicked, not a word was said she just gave me a hard front kick and laughed. There were about 18 months in my teens a girl busted me regularly where busting became a big part of my life though. One gf in my early 20's who i introduced to BB was very significant, she loved it straight the way and we explored the fetish together.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I've been busted by many people,at least 15. When i was 15-16 years old, as i said earlier there was a point i was busted thoroughly, i have been lucky enough to have had 4 ballbusters i have been able to connect with in my life.although i enjoy many other parts of sex i have a high urge to be busted weekly. There was also a time in my early to mid 20's i got busted a lot, not many for a while but then quite a lot recently as new gf loves it.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
It can be a completely different experience sometimes i've felt totally powerless, sometimes stunned silence, instinct definitely takes over. Surprise ones definitely seem to hurt more, it's like the time it takes to process "i've had my balls hit" means the pain hits harder when it arrives and in that brief moment there is a sort of panic in a sort of "here it comes" way. Guess i do have a buddy in my gf.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
All of it really, although during it i really do question myself for liking this because it hurts so much. Her reaction as well is important, especially if she is willing to acknowledge how much pain i'm in, maybe even comfort me a bit but you can tell she still find it really funny. Also if she does very feminine things, like a hands on hip body language and her laugh
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
i've been hit so hard i've not been able to breath or speak, i've made all the funny noises from guttural grunting to high pitched squealing, shivered on the floor and rolled around. Never puked or passed out. Spent 7 days walking round like a cowboy with sore blue balls.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I'm happy to say lots and lots of them so i'll go with a recent one. An ex of mine and i would often playfight as part ofher foreplay, lot's of tickling and always quite fun, sometimes she'd manage to lock her legs around my arms and keep me still, but me being 6 foot 3 and her being 5 foot 1 i often overpowered her. One time she was on top of me trying to pin me down when i rolled her over and pinned her arms by her head, she tried lifting them but i was far too strong, i felt so dominant in that moment, i didn't realise her left leg was between mine, very unaware her knee was right beneath my testicles. She got this look on her face, kind of annoyed and not impressed mixed together then for a second it was like all the energy she tried putting into moving her arms rippled down her, i remember hearing her go 'Hah' and then an explosion in my groin, i couldn't breath i couldn't speak, she let a little giggle out then looked in my eyes, i couldn't collapse because her knee was still right beneath my balls, she saw me look at the space next to her and moved things so i could collapse. She gave me a hug as i moaned, i think it was about a minute before i could breath, i tried moving but couldn't without agony. about 5 minutes later when i was back to being in a bit of pain but talking and lying normally she gave me another quick, no way near as hard knee, as they were still sore i doubled up and whinged she said "that was an accident, it's just your balls are knee height and you know I'm a wriggler", she then ground my balls with her knee a little bit as she told me,with a massive grin "it's just a hazard you'll have to learn to live with".
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
sneaker kick, boot kick, heavy shoe kick, pointy shoe kick, barefoot kick, back heel kick, wheel-barrel kick, barefoot stomp, footwear stomp, footwear gas-peddling, barefoot gas-peddling, barefoot v-stomp, footwear v-stomp, shin kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold, quick hard thigh, thigh hard & hold, quick punch hard, punch hard & hold, flick with fingers, slap hard, grab & pull, squeeze and hold, squeeze with fingernails, quick hard elbow, quick fore arm, biting, throwing something, other

Chris Edgeler's Blog

One Hard Knee

Posted on August 10, 2016 at 4:42am 1 Comment

This happened a few years ago but I will never forget that morning. Me and my girlfriend of the time (a very pretty 5'1 dancer) where fooling around just after waking up, we had on a few occasions wrestled around a bit during foreplay looking to see who took charge and get to be on top. She was sat on my abdomen and I flipped her over and pinned her to the bed both hands by her head. She tried to force her way out but me being over a foot taller and 100lb heavier she had no chance. She…


Wednesday nights

Posted on August 8, 2012 at 11:20am 1 Comment

For about 12 weeks on wednesdays my girlfriend of the time and me had a date night with a twist, she would basically decide over the week if she was happy with me or not, based on things i'd forgotten to do, times i'd been late etc... She wouldn't tell me but after we'd had sex and she was satisfied she would bring me right to the edge, if she wasn't happy it would be announced with a punch or knee or grab, followed by a ballbusting and a blue balling. It was one of these nights she pulled a…


Memorable Busting Experiences

Posted on July 15, 2012 at 7:00am 2 Comments

Hello, I'm a pretty new memeber, I've been fortunate to have numerous memorable busting experiences and i hope it is ok if i share.


A couple of years ago i was hanging out with a girl i was dating,we were both naked and enjoying a bit of gentle foreplay, i started making fun of her, nothing serious, just a bit of banter (about her having crazy feet because they couldn't stay still and seemed to have a mind of their own), playfully she squeezed my willy quite hard and said to…


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