Bella Drexell
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Bella Drexell's Page

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Jun 14, 2023
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Jun 13, 2023

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**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
United States, and English only. I recognize some words in a few other languages, but don't speak them fluently.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
Well, I write erotic fiction and I find the ballbusting community to be one that is currently underserved. Under the rules of draft to digital and kindle, stories cannot involve any serious bodily harm, even consensual. Ballbusting ballusting within the realm of BDSM, but the rules on those platforms are so overbearing and draconic that as a writer it becomes impossible to write both good fiction and have it be erotica at the same time. I understand stories ought to avoid things with kids or animals, as to avoid breaking obscenity laws and serious public backlash, but at the same time there are a ton of very vague rules that these platforms also enforce that go well beyond the scope of the laws. The result is that ballbusting erotica readers are now an underserved community.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I've been into it since I was younger. My first time was in school and a guy a bit older than me got his hand down my pants and a finger into me. I shoved him away and kicked him in the balls so hard I almost lifted him off the ground. He spent over ten minutes rolling around on the ground in agony, moaning any crying. I remembered him moaning. "Oh god, she fucking poppped my fucking balls." Well, later I found out that wasn't true, he just thought I did. I was a little disappointed. At the time I believed it and was very satisfied and more than a little turned on. Several other students gathered around him, while I snuck off to the bathroom to flick my bean.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
Only 3 that I have done if for in real life, but it is something I think about quite a bit. I am married and my husband isn't really into it. Any ballbusting I do at the point is either going to be legit self defense, OR in fiction writing.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
I definitely get aroused seeing a pair of testicles get smashed good lol. Although generally I like some back story on the woman doing it, and why. Not as concerned about the backstory of the testicle supplier however. If I had a buddy to bust that would be nice. My husband might be okay with it so long as I wasn't having sex with the buddy. Irl, where I live, it isn't really a common thing. Oddly, online it seems there are tons of guys wanting to be busted, but they all live very far away.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
The reactions the guys give. Also, just the feeling of doing something taboo. The reverse of power. Overall the naughtyness of it.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
Years ago I attempted to help a friend, trans, MtF get a free orchiectomy by rupturing her testicles. The plan was to pop them, then get her to hospital and say she had an accident trying to walk on a railing. It didn't really work out. She was straddling the rim of a bathtub while I was stepping on one of her testicles. By the way, they are hard to trap under a foot. I expected cum to explode out of her dick, but that didn't happen to my disappointment. It turns out they don't really work that way in real life, but enough pain can have someone going into shock, which is exactly what happened. Fortunately I had some medical knowledge and got her comfortable, and to a hospital. She didn't get any free orchiectomy, but I did cause her a testicular hematoma that resulted in her needing to sit on a donut for over a month. She said, "at least you tried." She later did manage to find a doctor to remove them entirely. Had she not had the shock reaction I'm pretty sure I would have been able to actually pop them.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
The best one was a guy friend I had. He was not a boyfriend, and I didn't really find him attractive, but we sort of had a thing. We would hand out for long hours, I would kick him in the nuts, which he liked, over and over. I beat the hell out of his balls. After we'd watch a movie, or do unrelated stuff like friend. I did let him perform oral sex on me, but like I said, I didn't really find him attractive. I don't know if I could bust one who I was attracted to honestly. I guess that's a weird thing about it for me. I'm more turned on to do it to guys I find less appealing for regular sex.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
barefoot kick, barefoot gas-peddling, barefoot v-stomp, shin kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold, quick punch hard, flick with fingers, other

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At 3:23pm on October 1, 2023, Sergio Ruvido said…

I really like your interview.

At 12:10pm on August 24, 2023, Stella Abudheir said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( ) for the full details.

Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.




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