Alexya Spykkhur
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Alexya Spykkhur's Page

Profile Information

**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
I am Domina Alexya Spykkhur, Lexi to My friends. Born and raised in Washington, DC. i now reside in the Capitol of Maryland, Annapolis. I've been an active part of the local and national BDSM scene since 1980. My fetish experiences go back as far as I can remember. I kicked and trampled an older boy when I was 6 and I've craved and enjoyed kicking and trampling guys ever since. I only converse in English, but I can curse in French, Spanish, German and Russian.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
I found a link here from Fetlife.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I've been kicking and trampling since I was 6yo. An older boy on My block had been picking on Me. One day, I walked up to him, kicked him as hard as I could right in his groin. He crumpled to the ground and I took that chance to kick the living shit out of him. He just laid there, unable to fight back.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
I've lost count over the last 45+years. literally several hundred.
The urge to kick someone in the balls is literally a 3-5 times a day thought.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
Feeling the toe of My shoe sinking into a guy's groin is at once arousing, empowering a strong tingle that runs from My foot, up My leg and right through My groin. I've busted guys out of self defense and purely out of pleasure, on the occasions I've found guys who like being kicked in the crotch. I don't have a guy currently who likes being kicked, but I'd love to find one, two or several.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
I love to feel My shoe sinking deeply into his groin, I love watching his eyes cloud over and the slow sinking to the floor.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I've kicked a drunk so hard that he vomited. I've kicked many men to tears, nearly all of them wound up writhing on the floor in excruciating pain.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
I was attacked in highschool by 3 boys. I was wearing Tony Lama Western Boots. I launched a side kick into the face of one boy, the second one ran off and that only left the one who got the other two to jump Me. Being a professional musician, I won't bust My hands up in a fight, so I kicked the shit out of the boy who had the beef with Me. He went to the hospital with broken teeth, fractured jaw, busted lips, bruised ribs and a ruptured testicle.he told the police that I attacked him with a pipe.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
sneaker kick, boot kick, heavy shoe kick, back heel kick, wheel-barrel kick, footwear stomp, footwear gas-peddling, footwear v-stomp, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold

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At 9:12am on January 3, 2017, Beaten13 said…

Hi. I just searched online to see how Tony Lama western boots look like. They look deadly! I pitty those poor guys and, at the same time, envy them.

At 7:09am on August 21, 2015, blackdog said…

What's your fetlife name?
At 11:24pm on August 18, 2015, April Castro said…

Hello Alexya,

How are you? There are a number of reasons "The groin strike has a low percentage of being effective". A couple we have already "discussed"... the reluctance to do it and the ignorance factor. Another is; a woman in a violent confrontation is attempting to hit small targets. This always elicits a giggle when, I mention it during instruction.(smile) As you are aware, the testicles are protected to a certain extent by their placement, between the legs and behind the penis. They are protected in another way. When struck they tend to move about. This allows for the dissipation of the force directed at them. Else, there would be considerable damage done, from absorbing the full impact of a strike. My Krav Maga instructress (a true misandrist) taught me to counter this.(wink) The result is catastrophic for the "spherical demons". Her words for the testes, not

Another reason for an effective gonad attack by a woman in a violent encounter, is often the woman herself. These things tend to happen quickly and often at night. So, time and visibility is often not at an optimum. Also, a woman tends to be under a bit of stress, if not frightened out of her wits! This can often effect the execution of a groin kick, in particular. A number of women have said they tried this and it did not "work". The fellow grimaced (and groaned for a bit) then, proceeded to beat the Hell out of them. Yes, every man likely has a different threshold for pain. However, I pointed out "You likely only struck him a glancing blow "down there". This is assuming the woman did not miss altogether and strike her assailant's upper thigh. The woman's comment informed of something else. When her assailant groaned (and likely "bent double) for a moment, she did not follow up!

I am careful about instructing about "The heel of hand strike to the nose, blade hand to the throat, and fingernails to the eyes," as these can be killing blows. That is, I try to be aware of the maturity of the student. Sometime ago, I gave instruction to the teener dependent of a VIP. A boy at her junior high school was bothering her. Seems, she told him "Stop bugging me or I'll use my self-defence". The school nurse said it was the worst bloody nose, she had ever seen!

Yes, that is a good point re; "The fingernail rakes". I shall keep the legal aspect in mind, ever more! Although, even with evidence these miscreants are seldom imprisoned for lengthy periods, for sexual assault I mean. "I still like to plant a solid kick into a willing pair of balls." Actually, I prefer the unwilling.(giggle) I have nothing against a solid gonad kick when, it is necessary. However, just not as the opening movement of the ballet. However,  if the target happens to be "open", I urge the girls to kick with gusto! Actually, I strongly favour; a blade hand to the "danglers" and a VERY strong squeeze. They are far more "effective" and one is less likely to miss.(wink)

Warm regards,


At 2:31am on August 18, 2015, April Castro said…

Hello Lexi,

It is lovely to hear from you! Your kin's health problems, seem intense. I have had back issues myself. So, I do not sympathise. I completely empathise! You are a good; cousin, sibling, auntie, niece or what have you. I am pleased to learn, her convalescence is coming along. BtW, I have been offline for sometime myself. My computer "died". Hubby was away at the time. So, it was sometime before he returned and managed to "resurrect" it.

"The hardest thing to teach a woman is to switch off the "I don't want to hurt him too bad" thingy in many of them." I believe, the appropriate "Americanism" in response is "Say amen, somebody"! Yes, I have encountered this many, many, many times. Most women have never been in a fight, at last not a physical one. The overwhelming majority seems never to have even struck someone. This in addition to the indoctrination of "sugar & spice and everything nice". Overlaid in many cases with the "disease to please"... can make for very difficult going, from a self-defence instructress perspective.

This is one of the reasons (unlike some), I do not immediately focus on groin strikes regarding instruction. The overwhelming majority of women are attacked by someone they know. Since a blow to the testes can be excruciatingly painful and dangerous (in some cases fatal), it is unlikely these women will do it straightaway and with the requisite ruthlessness. Besides, a groin strike will only "work" if it is unexpected. Anyone with any "street smarts" will be looking for it. Also, many women do not "know" how to execute such a blow effectively, anyway. You know what, I mean by this. Many mimic what they see in cinema and telly. So, they aim at the "target". Also, if this tactic does not "work" (for what ever reason), these women tend to panic. As this is all that, they have ever had in their heads. Mothers and big sisters have drummed into them; "If he gives you any trouble, kick him in the balls". Unfortunately, nothing beyond that.

The biggest problem I have encountered even beyond getting many women to be ruthlessly aggressive (to save their own lives!)... is getting them to TRUST THEIR INSTINCTS! So many do not want to look foolish or have someone think ill of them. Many are uncomfortable with confrontation. They tend to poo poo that feeling when, something does not "feel right". So, "My instruction goes like this: "Listen to your gut and (if need be) loose your F*CKING INNER BITCH!!!".lol

My work is security. So, I am familiar (and comfortable) with "Physical SD". Naturally, I have had firearms training along with "blade work". Yes, I have had one or two "students" come back to me. They were completely stunned that, they could dissuade or disable an attacker with one blow. Hey, I never said I did not teach girls to go for the gonads.(Wink)

It is lovely "To meet you," as well. I should very much be pleased to "Chat more."!(smile)

Gelder nee, April

At 2:17am on August 4, 2015, April Castro said…

Hello Alexya,

How are you? Welcome, to the community. I hope you find it to your liking. Seems, we have some unfortunate experiences in common. I teach women to protect themselves, in my leisure time. It is both a pleasure and a passion! I am very pleased, you are able to protect yourself!

Warm regards,


At 5:24am on August 3, 2015, Carsten said…

Welcome Goddess Lexi to this site as well!

Good to see you!

At 10:11am on July 29, 2015, Need 2 B Kneed said…

Welcome on site! You seem to be a very experienced ball buster - do you have any experience / real-life stories where you kneed the guy? Sadly i don't live in Maryland, otherwise i would happily let you practise your technique on my balls till i was curled up at your feet ;o)

At 2:37pm on July 25, 2015, Harvey B said…

Glad to have you here Alexya... you seem to be a natural born kicker

At 3:05pm on July 23, 2015, Ibrahim Moizoos said…

Welcome to the family!



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