I guess you guys will keep stealing videos and posting them until nobody wants to post videos anymore. Personally I don't care . But at least ask. This is why joe and violet don't post here anymore. Why wutcha won't post here anymore.This site is the greatest thing for non nude ballbusting fans. But instead you want to steal and get credit and likes for yourself.You should be grateful to have such a social site. Now the greatest non nude legends don't want to post videos anymore because this was their safe haven. If you want likes, views and credit for ball busting videos put in the work to find a ball buster and make your own videos.

Views: 617


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Comment by Ravenblade on October 8, 2017 at 4:42am
Appreciate I'm kinda late to this particular discussion, but surely a minimal monthly contribution to site upkeep for members would mean that content creators could share videos with a much lower likelihood of them being stolen. Maybe there could even be a mechanism to pay per view the videos. Money will be the way to resolve this.

In my case, I would struggle to create content, but I'm happy to pay to be able to see other people's efforts. And it's a shame that so many talented people no longer have their work viewable as a result of this nonsense.

The problem with the payment system is that your number of users will fall, but for a community like this, does that matter overly? It's not likely to be the active users who will refuse to pay. And moreover, you could have it set up in such a way that creative contributions count in lieu of payment. Might take a bit of admin each month though.
Comment by Mallory {The Boss} on September 15, 2017 at 4:03pm

WeeZ & Wutcha, I'm ALL for requiring members to contribute! DV & I have had this 

discussion many times because it IS incredibly frustrating that some give so much,

either through content or donation, and some give absolutely nothing. I left the

site 2 years ago because that's how frustrating it is - I was just sick of the fucking

freeloaders. The year before that, DV & I discussed doing a mass profile deletion 

to get rid of the ingrate fucks. In the past year, we've literally deleted thousands 

and will keep this ongoing. But, there will always be freeloaders - it's the nature

of the beast. As far as non-member lurkers, Liquid Metal, we have it set so that only 

the homepage is visible and if they click on any video, story, etc, it defaults to the 

sign-up page. We're doing what we can and we sincerely appreciate the feedback

and the amaaazing members who continue to contribute. Let's keep it going KITG♥

Comment by Gretel Wayward on September 14, 2017 at 1:49pm
With regards to disabling the right-click button, I wouldn't leave the site as a result but can say it definitely would have turned me right off if I were to discover this on signing up.
Comment by Liquid Metal on September 11, 2017 at 8:57am

Yup, Thieves are bad. Sad that everyone who is not a thief are the ones who get punished, as was said before, the thieves don't care, they move on to somewhere else they can get their stuff. The sad reality is, I think this community is maybe a bit too open and available to outsiders. The exclusive content can be accessed by people who aren't even members, and there's no way to track who views what, or if someone has downloaded content. Lecturing those of use who aren't doing this is simply not productive at best. At worst, it's punishing the innocent. It is your content, you choose to share it, or not. I am sorry these people have done this, I wish it wouldn't have happened, and I hope you can find satisfaction. I am sorry that you and others will not be posting any more. I really enjoyed them. I think fully clothed fun, non porn/dominatrix style busting is a good way to get the idea out there that people like us aren't total freak jobs. Ultimately, it is up to content creators to decide whether they want to share their stuff or not. I donate to this site, because I believe it is a good thing to have a non porn community of people with like interests. I enjoyed the content, because again, it showed a fun non threatening example of this enjoyable aspect of sexual expression. I contribute, I don't steal. Sadly, I will not be able to see these any more, because of other people who don't read what you said, do'nt care what you think , and do'nt care about this community. 

Comment by Thomas on September 11, 2017 at 1:11am
Well said bro
Comment by Taalii Nokarvo on September 11, 2017 at 12:52am

I've seen some websites have functions that disable rightclicking. It's incredibly obnoxious, but maybe apply it to certain parts, maybe have users able to decide whether to allow right clicks on their page? Won't solve everything, but might at least make it harder for some of the reposters...

Comment by jennaro on September 9, 2017 at 7:36pm
This situation remembered me when I was at elementary school or middle school. When 2 or 3 idiots in my classroom did something wrong, annoying, being late, or bothering other guys. Often cause of those 3 idiots all the classroom was under punishment. Having more homework or anyway something bad for all of us that just did nothing.
You're talking to a folk composed by 99 % of people who just enjoy the great video pubblished by you, the other 1% just ignore your words.
They don't even read.
Comment by WeeZ on September 9, 2017 at 3:58pm
Thanks guys. Those are some pretty good ideas wutcha and allen I do thing making members contribute is a good idea because maybe at least it will weed out some of the lurking thieves. I imagine those ppl would be to lazy.even if that's not the case at least they're having to contribute something. Its like I let you borrow a dollar. You can't pay it back but you at least gave me 50 cents
Comment by Allen Witts on September 9, 2017 at 5:33am

@Wutcha you basically summarized exactly what I was going to say.  +1 (that said, simply requiring contribution doesn't make sense; it's pretty easy for somebody to write something really low-quality and post it, and many really interesting people don't post publicly much.

Comment by joshua patton on September 8, 2017 at 2:46pm
wutcha you have 2 of my all faverite videos true art


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