Was anyone here at the other end of an angry woman's angry tip of the heeel?

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Comment by Joe on December 4, 2023 at 11:20pm

Pointy toe first right directly up under and into and through the Testicles.  A really hard kick too.  It's phenomenal.  He must have been in excruciating pain after that.  Great practice and fun for her too.  It's awesome.

Comment by Erik Snowe on November 17, 2023 at 3:21am

wow, love it, but look like scramble eggs kick! Big chance too damaged him like that!

Comment by Sergio Ruvido on October 1, 2023 at 8:13am

i wish i was him, she is really pretty

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on September 16, 2023 at 9:54am

I have to say. I absolutely love the form on this kick. You can how she puts her whole body into like she is trying to kick his nuts through the top of his head. Her legs look powerful too, she is quite impressive. 

Comment by April Castro on September 13, 2023 at 3:02am

"We are located in a locale that is definitely a more upper class populace, and the attendants reflect that as well." This is a fortuitous happenstance. Our location is in a solidly middle (to upper middle) class suburb of a working class city. Said city, has a good many problems and much crime.

"The "meeting violence with violence" is something that I can understand to a certain extent, but there are definitely times where that is required to respond to avoid a worse outcome.". Obviously, I agree. Else, I should not bother with giving instruction to people re; protecting themselves. However, it is not always necessary to respond violently, to a physical aggression. Particularly, in the context of a sparring session within a dojo that, has responsible and trained personnel, in the form of adults. Also, there is a difference between dealing with a lover who, is a little too amorous and a vicious rapist.

"Similarly, the guys and girls are almost always well behaved and good sports about it. Those sorts of incidents I can probably only count on one hand at most, if I had to guess." Good on you! Once again, you are in a fortunate position.

Comment by Elizabeth on September 11, 2023 at 9:39pm

Definitely a much different audience than the people I spar with. We are located in a locale that is definitely a more upper class populace, and the attendants reflect that as well. The "meeting violence with violence" is something that I can understand to a certain extent, but there are definitely times where that is required to respond to avoid a worse outcome. Similarly, the guys and girls are almost always well behaved and good sports about it. Those sorts of incidents I can probably only count on one hand at most, if I had to guess.

Comment by April Castro on September 11, 2023 at 1:43am

"Omigosh April, what ended up happening to the poor boy?" I do not know, for certain. Frankly, this is probably because, I did not want to.<moral cowardice> Dala dear, I 'think' it very likely that, he finished up in an operating room.

Comment by April Castro on September 11, 2023 at 1:34am

"Having a cell is great and important, but there are a lot of places where the cell reception is not good or even nonexistent in some places." All too true.

"The male staff know what is at stake, and the bustee is always able to become the buster as well." I can see the (possible) utility of this. If it works in your circumstance, all to the good. However, we deal with a fair amount of 'at risk' youth. Many come from single-parent homes. Usually, almost always female. Many are in need of guidance / discipline. Particularly, self-discipline. As such, they have not learned to effectively measure their strength. Also, the various martial arts are meant to instill self-control and respect for oneself and others. If we can, we often like to lead the youths away from meeting violence with violence. That is, for its own sake.

Something else, in defence (of some) of our girls. A few of the younger (and less mature) lads, have not had  'instruction' re; displaying a certain propriety towards the 'fairer' sex. Some have been known to get 'cute' with their hands, especially during mat work. This in no way justifies brutalising or maiming another human being. However, this kind of boorish behaviour does go a long way towards illuminating provocation(s).

The above kind of conduct is not even reflective of a minority of the lads. It is more akin to a fraction of less than, one percent.

The tight spandex is a great idea!

Comment by Carolus Hagus on September 9, 2023 at 8:03pm

Oof, nowadays he must be using his balls as a bowtie.

Comment by Dala Priest on September 9, 2023 at 5:38pm

"When, the lad regained consciousness he shrieked "MY BALLS! OH GOD! MY BALLS!". After a time, he was taken to hospital. The poor fellow never did return to the facility."

Omigosh April, what ended up happening to the poor boy?


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