A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Hey all, sorry for the huge delay! :P I was going back and forth a lot about whether I should really post this but, I made my decision and it's here for all to enjoy. :D
This is a bonus chapter between the Prologue and Chapter 1 of the same series, but there's no busting material, only complete smut (ok, there's a teeny bit of cb at the end, but that's it I promise) and it isn't integral to the main storyline involving the rivalry between Carol and Hannah, so feel free to skip it if you wish.
Bonus Chapter: Carol’s Treat!
Coming to almost a half hour later, Jake’s eyelids shifted apart repeatedly until his vision focused onto the towering trees above him against the backdrop of a starry, black sky. He could hear the flies buzzing about him and the cicadas chirping amongst the leaves. His hands were still cradling his delicate, and now completely swollen and sweaty, testicles and this thighs were still clamped around them. Slowly, he tried to shift his weight onto his back and attempted to rise off the ground but as soon as his hands changed position, his balls dropped heavily in their sack and treated him with a woefully sharp ache that made his thighs return to their original position.
Eventually he managed to lift himself off the floor, stumbling slightly before he managed to adjust to his offset position, and off he went. With one hand still clutching his gonads and the other attempting to provide balance by wading about in the air, Jake started his journey home. The ordinarily 2-minute walk across the park to the apartment complex took well over 10, with many thanks to his critical condition.
He reached the foyer of the building and hobbled to the elevator – a service he rarely used in favor of climbing the stairs for ‘free cardio’, as he put it, and to the endless irritation of Carol – and waited restlessly for the metal box to land. Sliding in through the doors, his fingers fumbled to find the button for the 7th floor.
He couldn’t stop thinking how he was going to explain himself to Carol. She’d be heartbroken. More importantly, he was astounded by his apparent coolness to what had just transpired. A bombshell of a woman who was only moments ago madly in love with him had just kicked his balls into oblivion, and instead of worrying about his own fertility, he was more concerned about how his girlfriend was going to feel at the lack of future sex in their relationship. He’d just lost both of his goddamn nuts, for Christ’s sake! He ought to feel at least a little bit of urgency and grief! Only… he hadn’t really lost them, had he? He could still feel them in his hands. Gently testing the interior of his pants resulted in a slight jiggle – they were still there! Sure, they felt way bigger and way less dense than they normally did, but miraculously, they were still there. No, he had to be sure.
“Seventh floor. Going up,” said the elevator.
“Finally,” he heaved to himself.
Pulling his legs to apartment 703, he fumbled for his keys in his pocket, desperately hoping Carol wasn’t home. She didn’t need to know what happened. For all she knew, Hannah took it like a champ and left him alone forever. End of story. Fishing his keys out of his trackpants, he inserted them into the lock and turned, ever so slightly, not making a single sound save for when the lock eased and bolted free. He creaked the door open, degree by degree, trying to gauge the inside of the apartment. He had to admit, entering his own home with the likeness of a thief wasn’t the most natural he felt, especially when experiencing so much pain.
It was dark inside, and the doors to all the rooms were closed. Great – Carol was out. He flicked on the living room lights and dragged himself to the guest bathroom, not even bothering to properly shut the door. Untying the knot, Jake pulled down his pants to see his black briefs containing his heavily swollen testicles. He could even see their round, dark edges bulging out of the fabric, despite the poor light in the bathroom.
“Jake?” Carol’s voice echoed faintly into the living room. Shit. She was home. He didn’t respond.
Their bedroom door clicked open.
“Jaaake? I’m waaiiiting…” Carol cooed, signifying she was in the mood to have some fun. Normally he’d bound out and stand at attention in front of her, but he really didn’t have the mood nor the energy to have sex. Noting the anomalous response from her boyfriend, Carol couldn’t contain her curiosity. She strode towards the bathroom and flung the door inwards, greeted by the sight of her boyfriend with his hands in his underwear.
“Tsk tsk tsk,” she groaned, “Your girlfriend is waiting for you, all dressed up and ready, but you sneak into the toilet to play with your cock? Come here,” she motioned to him, stepping out into the living room, and walking back towards the bedroom. Jake reluctantly complied, and dragged himself to the bedroom, where he found his girlfriend waiting inside. Once his eyes were exposed to the ambiently dim light in the room he could finally appreciate her form, and he savored the view he received.
Carol was dressed in his favorite wine-colored satin lingerie, which accentuated all her curves that he shamelessly admired as much as he could, and was laid on the bed, awaiting his arrival. But when she saw her man limping into the room, holding his precious jewels, she sprung up and demanded an explanation.
“OMGOMGOMG What happened to you?!” She cried, first staring at his nuts, then piercingly into his eyes, then back at his nuts again. She tried to pry away his fingers to inspect the goods, and after much resistance she finally got through.
She saw the heavily enlarged orbs resting under the fabric of his thin sweatpants and started to piece together what may have happened.
She straightened her head and cleared her throat.
“Who hurt you?” Her voice was more authoritative than usual.
“Honey, it’s really nothing, I don’t want to talk abou- “
“Who. Fucking. Did. This.”
Carol let out a heavy, focused breath, before deciding to venture further and inspect the damage this heartless bitch had done to her boyfriend. She spun him round to get his back to the bed, yanked down his pants, and peeled off the thin fabric of his underwear to reveal a pair of sweaty and swollen testicles, grown to the size of small oranges, but with the color of a vine of crushed grapes. Just above them was a shriveled, flaccid cock that she had wanted to get hard but despite her attire and position, showed no interest whatsoever.
“I’ll deal with that whore tomorrow,” she decided, “and believe me, she will pay.”
“But for now,” she paused, clearing her throat, “let’s try to get these nuts pumping.”
Carol flashed him a sweet wink before whipping to the closet behind her. She opened the right-most door and pulled out her moisturizing cream, scooping out a generous dime into her hand before tossing the vial to Jake.
“Rub it over your nuts,” she advised, as she applied it over her hands, “I’ll try to find the massage oil.”
With that she turned back around again and bent over to dig into one of the drawers, giving Jake a lovely view of her shapely and pert derriere, attired in his favorite wine panties, as he rubbed the cream over his package. He could almost feel his cock wanting to rise, but he noticed no change when his eyes wandered back. His attention was abruptly pulled to a sharp pain in the back of his scrotum, which he painfully realized he was not supposed to touch. Slowly, he caressed the skin, and gently lathered the cream over all the crevices and folds, absorbing its cool gentleness, and wincing through the pain. Carol suddenly popped up again, this time with a clear, rectangular bottle filled with a golden fluid.
“I found it!” she beamed.
She strode back to Jake, pouring some of the elixir onto her palm, and gave him a deep but playful kiss. Her tongue danced around the inside of his mouth, distracting him, while she gripped his cock with her now oiled hand, gently stroking it as she moved down to his precious orbs. Taken by surprise, Jake was unsure how to respond, but he knew he liked where this was going. Carol continued to gently massage his package, until her fingers touched the back of his testicles. She was met with a piercing shriek from her partner, who was only a moment ago locking lips with her but was now hunched over with both his hands firmly over his crotch.
She froze.
“They’re still… a little tender,” croaked Jake, “so please be careful.”
“I’m so sorry…” she trembled gingerly.
Jake could tell she really was. Her face was filled with horror, her eyes were begging his forgiveness, her eyebrows were furrowed with concern and her voice was laced with guilt.
“It’s alright, I know you didn’t mean to,” he reassured.
He soon straightened back up, moved his hands away from his crotch, and embraced her around the waist, pulling her even closer to reciprocate her kiss, and she continued to massage his package. Internally, she couldn’t stop worrying. What if Hannah had completely destroyed his nuts? What if he couldn’t have kids? That meant she couldn’t have kids! Her fears kept piling when she noticed he wasn’t hardening up at all. Normally just the sight of her in her underwear would reveal the full seven-odd inches of his powerful shaft, but even her in his favorite lingerie, stroking his package for well over a minute hadn’t caused his member to even twitch. Maybe he had lost the spark.
No, she couldn’t give up that easily.
She let go of the kiss and tilted her head down to get a better look at his manhood. Deciding to focus solely on his shaft, she put her entire left hand to work on stroking his member. With her head turned away from his face, all Jake had for a view was her wondrously ripe cleavage, enhanced by her bra’s pushup capabilities, and accented by its wine-colored lace. He moved his left hand around the small of her back, grasping her right hip and drawing her slightly closer to himself, and moved his right hand up to cup her left breast. Carol responded with an approving smile and gave him a quick peck on the nose as a go-ahead before turning her attention back to his shaft.
Jake played around with his fingertips on her skin, rubbing his thumb in the valley between her boobs and tickling her already stiff nipple with his index. Her breaths quickened and he felt her heart starting to pound harder against her ribs. Eventually, he grasped the whole of her breast, and squeezed heartily. Carol let out a heavy gasp, still not shifting her attention from her goal, and continued to run her fingertips over his length. Miraculously, his shaft expanded slowly in her hand.
“Yesss!!!” she thought gleefully to herself. Her plan worked!
She rubbed furiously across the length of his member, managing to make it cross a respectable six inches. Appreciating the development, Jake moved his other hand up to her boobs as well and started squeezing and massaging the firm pair relentlessly, until she slowed her rhythm, and eventually stopped. Jake loosened his grip as Carol brought both her hands up to his face and rested them on his jaw. He could feel the glowing warmth of her body on his left cheek, and the refreshing chill of the cream and oil on his right.
She treated him with a second, more passionate kiss – the kind he knew she only gave when she was either very sad or very happy. He could feel the tension release from her silky lips, and her jaw and tongue relaxed. Momentarily, she withdrew, locking eyes with him.
“Jake,” she said, as her ivy green pupils gazed deeply into his, “I’m so proud of you.”
Jake didn’t know how to respond. But it didn’t matter, as she pulled his collar into herself to continue their kiss, shutting him up instantly. With that, his shaft continued to approach its full length, and started poking against her navel. Picking up on the cue, Carol let go of the kiss and lifted her hands from his face.
“Oh, you’re going to enjoy this!” she giggled elatedly, before slipping down to her knees in front of him.
She brought her hands down to the bottom of his waist, pulling him closer to herself, slowly creeping her hands onto his firm and chiseled butt. Testing the firmness of his shaft with her tongue, Carol licked the head of his cock a few times before clasping her lips at the tip, making sure he could feel her tongue swishing and poking around the head, and confirming it had completely straightened out to its full length. A very soft “fuuucckk” escaped his mouth, which Carol took as a grateful compliment, as well as permission to continue working his package. Before he knew it, she had already taken his full length into her mouth, leaving him to feel her rhythm on his hips.
He was in heaven, experiencing pure bliss, and all he could think about was how much he truly /loved/ this angel whose only priority right now was protecting his happiness. Jake put his hands over her temples, feeling her head bob back and forth, closed his eyes, and turned his head up to face the heavens.
In just over a minute, Jake had reached his climax. He was throbbing uncontrollably and moaning gently, but Carol kept pumping – his moans did well to keep her motivated. In a matter of seconds, he released all the contents of his balls with a single thrust – all into her mouth – and she gulped it all down.
He was speechless. It was a sizeable load, despite his injury, but she didn’t even hesitate to swallow, and Jake nearly achieved another erection when he saw her tongue lap up every last bit of cum on her lips. She had effortlessly taken in everything.
It was only then he realized how exhausted he was from the activity. Yes, he was in bliss, but along with his cum Carol had also sucked all of his energy and Jake mindlessly fell back onto the bed, nearly dozing off with a massive smile on his face. From the corner of his eye, he saw Carol’s swaying hips – clad only in her lace panties – wandering towards the bathroom, and he heard her purr,
“Don’t rest so soon, honey – I’m not done with that cock yet.”
He looked up to see her shoot him a very seductive wink and a foxy smile before she disappeared, giggling, behind the bathroom door. All he heard next was the unmistakable sound of Listerine swishing around her mouth and the water faucet running into the basin.
“She might not be done with my cock, but I sure as hell am,” he thought to himself. Jake was soon reminded of his injuries by a familiar, but reduced, dull ache spreading across his nuts and was acutely aware of his inability to get his member to attention on command. He didn’t have the energy to please Carol right then, and he felt supremely guilty for his selfishness – especially after how she had just treated him – but he was simply too tired to bother thinking at the moment, and slowly drifted to sleep.
Soon enough he was awoken by her crawling under the covers and unbuttoning his shirt.
“Carol…” he mumbled, still half asleep.
“Hmm?” she hummed, continuing to strip his chest.
“I love you so much -”
“I know,” she affirmed.
“- but I really don’t have the energy for sex right now.”
Her hands stopped 3 buttons away from his hem, and rested on his stomach.
“I know it’s really selfish of me,” he continued, “but I honestly can’t get it up again and I’m really sorr-“
He was cut short by a finger to his lips.
“Ssshh,” she hushed.
“That’s totally fine, no need to feel guilty. I wasn’t planning on troubling the big guy anymore tonight, anyway.”
She continued to unbutton him, finally revealing his sculpted abdomen, and idly ran her fingers down his chest, eventually reaching his manhood.
“Speaking of which,” she continued, “how are the jewels feeling? Any better since they’ve been emptied?”
“I honestly don’t know,” he replied, “I don’t really feel anything at all.”
Carol lifted herself up to get a better look at the goods, and started gently rubbing and stroking the top of his left testicle with her index finger.
“You feel that?” she asked.
“Mm-hmm,” Jake affirmed with a nod.
“Great!” she exclaimed, “So you do have feeling in them, just they don’t feel like anything right now. Did I get that right?”
Jake responded with another nod.
“Excellent! So, all we have to do is wait until they fill up again. I say we wait until tomorrow, we’ve both had a very long day. Especially you.”
“Well, in that case,” Jake reached behind her back, trying to find the clasp of her bra. Once he located it, he fumbled around for several seconds before releasing it and stripping the item off of her and chucking it into the corner of the room, revealing her round, firm, and perky 34C breasts.
Carol raised an eyebrow at him.
“I thought you weren’t in the mood for sex?” she inquired.
“I’m not,” he replied, “but you’ve had a long day and you don’t like bras in bed.”
“Can’t argue with that,” she mused aloud, as Jake took in a handful of her ample assets with each of his hands, and moved his face closer to hers to offer a kiss.
“Also, boobies are really fun.”
“Can’t argue with that, either,” she giggled, accepting his kiss, and allowing him his fun.
Soon enough, both fell asleep, completely exhausted, though Carol had already planned another treat for the next morning.
Jake awoke the next morning to a rocking surface beneath him and a distinct yet distant feeling of moisture somewhere on his body. He let out a deep groan and fluttered his eyelids apart, greeted by the sight of an ever-so-familiar chocolate brunette’s head bobbing up and down right between his thighs. His thoughts synced up with his brain’s realization of his physical state, and he understood his body had woken him up just in time to experience his next ejaculation. Slowly regaining sensation of his now furiously throbbing cock, he savored the feeling expanding across his brain for barely a few seconds until he was reminded he still had nuts, which had just burst out yet another thick load of milky spunk into his eager girlfriend’s mouth.
Words could not describe the rollercoaster of sensation he was experiencing. His pupils enlarged, and his mouth gasped wide open, but soon his collapsing eyelids packed his vision back in. His mind was now stripped of all conscious thought, leaving no word, sound, or image behind – just pure euphoria. He struggled to maintain his breath, and his chest heaved while he let the bliss seep into his head. He could still feel the cum oozing out of his foreskin, and Carol’s tongue tracing the veins at the base of his still-hard shaft. His eyes reopened and his breaths resumed as his mind slowly came to again, recovering his last train of thought and returning his sensory feedback.
Again, Jake witnessed Carol enthusiastically lapping up every last bit of cum remaining on his branch like she was licking a melting popsicle, motivating him to keep it stiff even longer. His eyes locked onto hers, which were twinkling like emeralds, basking in the sunlight. She straightened her back and put her hands on her lap to greet him, letting her arms push out her naked breasts.
“Morning, sunshine!” she beamed. “D’you like your first gift of the day?”
“…Gift?” was the only word he could muster.
“Yep, you’re going to get a lot more where those came from today, and I’m going to crack open the bitch that did this to you.”
“You are?” he rasped, still not fully following her plan.
“Don’t worry, my love,” she cooed, “you’ll be staying home today.”
“Okay.” He nodded.
“All I need you to do is keep your twig firm and your berries plump for when I get back.” He had almost forgotten about the state of his balls thanks to their current numbness, but she reminded him of their presence again by giving them a hefty jingle with her fingers, which was conveniently painless.
“How are the jewels feeling today? Any better?” she inquired hopefully.
“Still a little sore, but it’s nothing a little blowjob won’t fix,” he smirked playfully.
“Well then, I expect a juuiiicyy harvest tonight!” she sang gleefully as she bounded off towards the bathroom. Jake watched her boobs bounce delightfully as she rose from the bed and skipped across the room, again noticing his twig hadn’t yet wilted.
“Oh, that won’t be a problem…” he smirked to himself. Left alone to his thoughts while Carol showered, his mind drifted off to dreamland where his imagination played with all the possible outcomes of the day. It didn’t take long until he was exhausted again, letting out gentle yawns at the prospects of what to cook for breakfast or what TV show to watch. He pulled a thin sheet over himself and stretched his arms behind his head, gazing at the ceiling. Before long, his yawns started pulling harder on his jaw, and his eyes were soon shut. However, unbeknownst to him, his impressively resilient erection still hadn’t subsided.
Shortly after Jake dozed off, Carol stepped out of the bathroom and hurried to the wardrobe, glancing at the bedside alarm clock as she made her way. 7:41. Shit. Making it to class was still possible if she skipped cooking breakfast, but she could grab a sandwich on the way if the trains felt like keeping schedule today. She tossed the day’s outfit onto the bed before stepping back to the wardrobe to pull out some underwear and socks. She had decided that straight-cut black cargo pants and a form-fitting, white button-up blouse would be apt for the occasion: cute, but hardy. And for the cherry on top, her steel-soled, steel-studded combat boots would be enough to leave Hannah gasping for breath and begging for mercy on the floor. Hannah had no idea who she was messing with.
Hastily pulling her pants over her legs, Carol started hunting for her boots. Though her search was successful, the time elapsed was of concern. Her gaze shifted to the clock again. 7:52.
“Fuck!” she yelled. All this devious thought could go much faster. She still needed to make it to campus on time if her plans were to work. But her sudden outburst had also given Jake a startle in his sleep, and he responded with an irritated groan. She squeaked out a feebly apologetic “Sorry!” but her attention soon shifted to his still-tall tower, and her right eyebrow and lips all raised playfully in unison. She was quickly reminded she didn’t have time for more sex this morning, but a wise woman had once said, never let a boner go to waste.
Carol waded to Jake’s side of the bed and slipped her hand under the sheet covering his lower half. Easily locating her target, she grasped as much of his length as she could with her left hand and pressed on the tip firmly with her thumb. Inevitably, Jake’s head rose and his eyelids parted with great speed as he awoke, but she matched his response by luring him into a well-placed kiss and surprised him with a heavy rhythm as she started to pump and stroke his shaft. His left arm lifted around her side, and she knew he intended to throw her back onto the bed, but she intercepted his wrist, gently refusing its advance.
As compensation, she upped her pace, forcing him to leak precum all over her palm and the bedsheet. Still not getting the message, Jake improvised in response to her refusal and let his arm wander to her still bra-clad breasts. His thumb rubbed over her stiffening nipple through the fabric, and his palm was about to engulf the entirety of her right boob until he felt a light, but sharp, sting just below his middle knuckle, which happened to be Carol’s attempt at batting away his overeager hands. He felt her withdraw from the kiss, and when he opened his eyes to investigate, he was greeted by her waving finger in front of his nose.
“Ah ah ah!” she teased. “Doctor says your next prescription is due after lunch. But don’t worry, she’ll be back to administer the dosage herself,” she suggested with a devious wink.
And with that, the pumping stopped. Carol knew she had brought him to the point of climax where he’d finish whether she helped him or not. She removed her hand from his cock mere seconds before he blew his load over the bed, and his head thudded back onto the pillow.
“You’d better clean that up,” she giggled.
Removing his shameless gaze from her cleavage as she straightened back up and started advancing towards the living room to exit the apartment, he noticed her particularly bold choice of footwear and clothing this morning.
“Going hiking today?” he asked.
“Nope,” she replied, stepping back to face him, “I have a special delivery to make.”
“What’s the parcel?”
“These boots.”
Jake gave her a quizzical look.
“With love,” she continued, “from Carol’s foot, to Hannah’s crotch.”
He nodded, finally understanding the plan. Suddenly, he shot his fist out, catching her straight in the base of her groin. Carol let out a pained wail and doubled over, with the confusion of the blow affecting her more than the pain.
“You’d do well to cover yourself in a fight,” quipped Jake. “Speaking of which, I think you’re missing a shirt,” he continued, pointing towards her now exposed breasts.
Carol immediately realized her blouse was still lying on the other side of the bed. She limped around the bedframe, mockingly mimicking his words.
“You know, you’d do well to heed your own advice, otherwise we wouldn’t be in this mess,” Carol retorted as she shot an angrily obvious glare at his now dormant manhood. As she turned the corner of the bedframe, she bent down to pick up her blouse but her eyes received a glare from the alarm clock, which now read a threatening 7:57.
“Fuck!” she screamed. The prospect of being in time for an 8:30am class was looking less and less likely. She snatched her blouse and threw it over her back and into her right arm, striding as fast as she could towards the living room.
“I want those nuts filled up by the time I’m back,” she commanded as she approached Jake’s side of the bed.
“Yes Ma’am!” Jake replied at attention, his right hand granting her a salute.
Noticing Carol was still occupied with dressing herself, he seized the opportunity to deliver another thundering strike to her cunt with his left fist as she approached him again, this one more vicious than the last. Carol nearly dropped to the floor and stumbled through the room’s doorway, letting out a pained howl.
“You never learn!” hollered Jake, bearing a cheeky grin.
“Fuck off! Neither do you!” Carol roared back, yanking her bag off the counter and hurriedly aligning the buttons on her blouse with one hand and rubbing her sore cooch with the other, before stepping out into the hallway. Initially fuming at the pain, she calmed down by the time the elevator arrived and finished buttoning her top. She had to admit, she did enjoy when he ribbed at her, and it couldn’t always be her turn to be the devious one. After all, it did add a level of spice to their relationship.
But soon, her focus shifted to the target of the day: Hannah. It was her turn to be devious again, and boy, was she warmed up now. She was going to make her pay for what she did. She would make her suffer, have her grovel at her feet for mercy, and she would give no second thought to sparing her. Hannah would rue the day she met Jake Ross, and she would fucking grieve for the day she met Carol Matthews. And Carol was going to make damn sure of it.
“Just you wait, honey,” she thought to herself, “Just. You. Wait."
PS: For anyone wondering, he received a total of 7 blowjobs and 2 handjobs that day ;)
Hey Rachel, thanks for posting this whole story series as a hot way to learn more about cb. Sad to hear that this was based on a true story, but hope this part was too as a way to make up for all the trouble Hannah caused.
Love your writing -Paul
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