It has been a long time since I have been attracted so strongly to someone. It hadn’t gone very wellI had managed to push Him aside in my mind and just focus on what I did have. It usually worked until I saw Him unexpectedly. The tug in the solar plexus wasn’t as powerful but a persistent ember still burned. Goddess knows that it would take little fuel to have it raging.

And there He was again. It didn’t take long for my radar to pick Him out in the crush of bodies dressed mostly all in black, where the bodies were wearing anything at all. Our eyes met and we acknowledged that we indeed saw each other. I nervously turned to my companion and began searching out the friends I had hoped to meet up with.

As I made my rounds and said my hellos, I felt an electrified presence beside me. There He was, delicious in my eyes. I said hello feeling a bit on edge and slightly disorientated. I felt that all too familiar heat as the ember caught and began to burn. So much for maintaining my poise I thought. My headswam like I had suddenly had too much champagne, my heart became erratic as if in a panic. I have no idea what pleasantries were exchanged. I spied a friend at the bar, so I excused myself and wandered over. I ordered a drink and continued to say my “happy to see yous” and “how do you dos”.

Every now and again I saw Him again in the crowd. Early on He had taken off His shirt and I cursed Him under my breath. He must know that it takes everything I have not to walk over to Him and rake my nails down His chest or grab a handful of chest hair and pull Him to me so I can sink my teeth into the hollow of His shoulder. Surely everyone in the bar could feel that vibration emanating from me.  

I distracted myself by being the social butterfly and playing with two new friends, one being my companion in the dungeon. Praise be that when I play, there is never any room for stray thoughts. I placed the clothespins on her lovely large breasts but they would spring from her breasts. I needed the challenge. I pressed on them to make them tighter and now she is cursing our friend and me. The clothespins twisted and held fast. But now we needed string which I never thought to bring in my kit. I went on a hunt for some string which I didn’t believe would be a challenge in a room full of sadists. Shortly I returned with a length of fine purple rope.

At some point during my hunt, He has found His way into the dungeon. He’s casually sitting on the pool table adjacent to metying a gauntlet on His forearm in red rope. The red stands out in the dim light like a poppy in a blood soaked field. It is a beacon that kept drawing my eyes back to His arm, up to His shoulder, across His chest, to His mouth, and finally His eyes. Those eyes. Is He baiting me?  Is He vying for my attention? I shook the thought from my mind and turned my attention back to my companion where it needed to be.

After our bit of fun dungeon and my companion taken care of, (water fetched, wounds cleaned and bandaged,) I found myself again watching Him. The pull to go speak to Him, to have Him just say one kind thing, preferably “Yes, I feel it too”, was growing stronger.  Damn Him is all I could think. He was always just there on the periphery of my thoughts, on the edge of my sight not unlike a sore inside your cheek from accidentally biting it. How your tongue searches it out, to play with it even though you know it is going to be somewhat painful because it is also a pleasurable reminder. Every time you touch it and feel that pain, you know you are alive.

The evening had now turned into the early hours of the morning. The dungeon was still a hive of activity, a hum with the sound of floggers, and paddles connecting with flesh and the soft moans from those on the receiving end. Elsewhere in the bar, the crowd thinned as those who came to observe or who were played out were taking their leave tmaking their way home to fuck or continue their play in private while others still were off to after parties or bedding down for the night.

He too, I noticed, was making ready to leave. He began to pack up his kit and make his excuses, “has to work in the morning and all”. I had to make my move now or lose the opportunity for the next few months. As he began to put his shirt back on, I stopped him by lightly dragging my nails down his arms. His eyes closed.  I knew now I had the advantage. I continued to trace my nails, the pads of my fingers along His arms, shoulders, collarbone and back. His body relaxed into my touch. The room no longer existed as I intently watched His expression. There was no denying my slow seduction. My observation was confirmed when He murmured “You have no idea how much I need this.”  I could no longer hold back my desire to kiss Him. Nor did I want to.

Our lips met and I began to kiss Him softly. The hunger was there but I refused to rush this kiss. The world was far away, the revelers a distant memory. The kiss went on for what seemed like an eternity of seconds slowly ticking down. That I wanted Him there was no doubt. I wanted to take Him away from thereaway from the crowd and into my arms, my mouth and Goddess knows what else. I wanted to have Him forget for one moment that maybe this wouldn’t be the most logical or the most reasonable thing. I wanted to indulge Him, to pleasure Him, to make Him mine if only for one night.

The kiss came to an end as I brought my mouth, still moist from our tongues, up to His ear and I whispered, “You know I would be very good for you.” With a sigh, He slowly put on his shirt and we said good-bye.

“Wow, just wow.” whispered my companion.

Views: 547

Replies to This Discussion

I love how you said "Goddess knows", its about time someone used that term. 

I knew who the guy was the moment you mentioned the tug in your solar plexus not having the power it once had. Its amazing how you are slowly evolving further away from this kat. Its also funny cause your mannerisms in this story match exactly how you would do things I've witnessed in person. BTW we should invite Miss clothes pin nipple lady to one of our play sessions shhhh i didn't write that out loud it was M whispering in my ear… hee hee… 

Yes he baits you and he's always craving your attention. I wasn't there but I would imagine it was no different than any other time I've seen you both together. I'm wondering if he's more of a tease than a jump in there and do it fella hmmmm…  I dug the "sore inside your cheek from accidentally biting it" excellent description….

Again because I know all the characters involved I have a very clear picture of all that went down and the way in which you describe things I grasp it as if I were there watching. Thanks for sharing this BabzzzY and please continue writing. You have the talent my dear. 

- dvhour

Mallory (Site Admin)Comment by Mallory (Site Admin) on February 10, 2012 at 3:53pmDelete Comment

I don't have any stories atm, just wanted to say I ♥ the bunny porn pic hahaa... adorable, Babette :D



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