Warning: most of my stories are about friendly ballbusting with no long term damage. This is not ballbusting and there is long term damage. Read at your own risk.

Tom stood there, his heart racing, trying to will himself to be calm. All he had to do was just calm down and concentrate and catch the bag when it fell. That was all. It was very straightforward. The bag would come falling down the clear plexiglass tube. He would be able to see it as it fell. And all he had to do was catch it. It should be easy. Almost everyone caught it, and he had played baseball in high school. He was no butterfingers.

But, of course, he was nervous. When he glanced down at his cock it was obvious why. His penis was long and purple, all the blood trapped in it by the extremely tight rubber band around its base. He could see it shake with each pulse of his heartbeat so full of blood was it. He knew that if left on indefinitely the rubber band itself would do permanent damage to his cock. But the rubber band wasn't what he was worried about: it was only there to ensure his purple cock could not just wilt, shrink back, and escape the real danger.

His proud purple penis was pushed through matching holes in two pieces of plexiglass. The plexiglass was itself there to protect the rest of him from what was sandwiched in between the two pieces: the very narrow but heavy and immensely sharp blade of a cock sized guillotine.

It all started as a feminist art installation. It was a machine in which men could risk their manhood if they dared. It had sparked a lot of discussion when it appeared atop that platform in the town square, as it was meant to. The instructions for the operator were clear enough. First manipulate the penis until erection was achieved. Then apply the rubber band around the base to prevent it from shrinking away before the blade could have its chance and also to ensure that if the penis does get snipped the wound would stay closed long enough to take the man to the hospital and have it cauterized before the bleeding causes any real danger.

Then insert the penis through the hole and push the man firmly against the plexiglass to make sure his cock protrudes as far out as possible. This is done to minimize the size of the stump which will remain if the blade should fall. There's a strap which goes around the machine's victim, cinching behind the buttocks. The woman should tighten that sufficiently so that the man cannot escape or move significantly.  Once strapped in, there's no way to loosen the strap except by going through with the process. So at that point, there's no going back.

Climb to the top and then choose a peg. There are 10 available, all identical. Place the chosen peg into the slot which allows it to hold up the blade. Once placed there the safety switch can be released allowing the blade freedom of movement and also automatically turning on the electric meat grinder which sits beneath the hole to ensure that, once lost, the cock would be unable to be reattached by doctors.

Then she should move to the other side of the shield and choose a weighted bag. Unable to see the ropes which connects the bags to the pegs, she now has a one in ten chance of having chosen the matching bag. She puts it into the trapdoor container and then she presses the button to drop it down the tube. The container has only enough space for one bag and the button will not work again until the safety has been reset. This is designed so that the man can be assured that the operation will be exactly as intended with the woman unable to increase the risk to him.

And if the man catches the bag, the length of the string is such that the peg will definitely not be pulled and the blade will not fall and, after a two second delay to verify the catch, the safety re-engages and the strap holding him in place is automatically released.  He can pull his manhood back out of danger and there's a tool to cut off the rubber band. And if the man does not catch the bag, as had occurred with a few unskillful men, nine times out of ten the bag matching the pin was not chosen so it falls harmlessly pulling at some other unused pin.  The pin holding the blade does not come out. The blade does not fall and after the two second delay the safety is re-engaged and the strap holding him place is automatically released. But in the fearsome case that the man is both unskillful at catching and unlucky with the odds, down comes the blade and then down into the electric meat grinder goes his manhood.

So this, of course, is why Tom was so nervous, why his heart was pounding so fast and so hard in his chest. This was the rush everyone had spoken of, the excitement of danger to his most beloved body part. His long lovely cock was very precious to him, and any threat to it was extremely scary. On his own he would never I've even considered taking The Gamble, which is what everyone called the device these days.

When it was first unveiled in the public square it was intended as an art piece, making a statement about male fragility and the phallocentrism of our society. It had definitely sparked conversation and some disdain. There was an assumption on the part of the artist, as well as the public, that, with its mechanism all made perfectly clear, no man would dare to take the risk it offered. And that was part of the statement the artist intended to make.

But to everyone's surprise, after it had sat there unused for a little over a month, one evening a young couple gave it a try.  Seeing it in use, passersby has stopped to watch it. The young man caught the bag as it fell easily and escaped completely unscathed. Initially many had assumed that would be it. But the young man told others what a rush it had been and how hard his heart had pounded and soon there were other thrill-seeking young men who felt they had to give it a try too, especially when they were egged on by their pretty young ladies who wanted to try their side of the machine, having heard from the young woman what a thrill it had been for her to have her young man risk himself for a reward she had promised. Secretly many of the young women delighted in the possibility that their cocky young men might lose their precious cocks of which so many of them were unjustifiably proud.

Soon it seemed as though almost every young man who was at all daring had given it a try and thus far all had come away unscathed. There was, in fact, some skepticism of whether or not the machine worked as intended until a couple of months ago after a good snow some girls tested it out, trying it repeatedly until they successfully sliced and shredded the carrot off of a previously well-endowed snowman.  With the doubts gone, if anything the lure of The Gamble was increased. Soon, not having tried it was almost like a badge of shame for the local young men and a few especially daring or masochistic men had even tried it twice.

Tom was not the first of his social group to try The Gamble. In fact he was the last. He had only wound up there because it it come out that of every man at the party he was the only one who had not yet tried it. That alone might not have been enough to shame him into doing it except that the only girl at the party who had not yet gotten a chance to try it with some boy was Rebecca, a slender raven-haired Beauty with enormous knockers who he had spent the last two years hopelessly lusting after and trying to get to look his way at all. And, not only was she eager to join him and try out The Gamble with him, but she had sweetened the pot by promising him a night and a day in her bed if he went through with it.

When she had manipulated his penis the erection came very very quickly. But now she seemed to be taking her time in choosing which bag to drop. His arms reached around the plexiglass guillotine enclosure shaking a little in anticipation and nervousness.  It was so hard to hold his hand steady  Finally she selected a bag and placed it into the container.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

He didn't know how to answer that because, in truth, he wasn't really ready and never would be. But he knew he couldn't keep waiting forever so he squeaked out a yes.

"Okay. I'm going to press the button now. Just think, after I press this, I might be cutting off your dick. Isn't that hot?"

He swallowed nervously, not answering her rhetorical question. She pressed the button. The trap door opened. The bag fell straight down the transparent chute. He was ready for it. His hands came together to grab it. He touched it with his fingertips feeling relieved to have successfully gotten hold of it with both hands. But his elation was premature. He'd brought his hands together too quickly, so strong was his nervousness. And although he had got both hands on it one pushed it sort of past the other, and he bobbled the bag. He grabbed at it desperately hoping to get it with a second attempt before it fell beyond his reach, but all he succeeded in doing was knocking it even farther away.

He watched helplessly as the bag tumbled down, his stomach lurching in terror. The bag suddenly stopped for a moment with a jerk before it continued its descent. Even over the sound of the meat grinder below, he could hear two sounds. One was the sudden ooh of the crowd of people from the party who had come to watch as they realized more quickly than he did what was about to occur, being able to see that the peg had been pulled free and the second sound was the smooth precise sound of a metal blade swishing down its track.

He stared in horror as his proud purple cock was lopped off leaving almost nothing. He watched it fall into the meat grinder, and it was gone. The men in the audience cringed but several of the onlooking women laughed with surprise and amusement to see what had occurred. Loudest of all was Rebecca. She could hardly contain her amusement. As she escorted him to the hospital to get the wound cauterized, she kept chuckling and then apologizing for it.

When she saw how downcast he looked though, she tried to comfort him. "Hey, don't worry I think it's awesome you did that for me. And I'll still keep my side of the deal. In fact, let's make it more than a night and a day, if you want you can come over every night for a month. You can still play with my titties and lick me out. And I've even got a strap-on you can fuck me with."

She was true to her promise and he eagerly took her up on it. Having his penis reduced to a tiny half-inch stump meant that he was unable to fuck or masturbate, but his nuts were still intact and churning out testosterone, making him hornier and hornier. So eagerly he played with and suckled at her lovely tits. And he licked her labia and clit with great relish. And when asked, he would enthusiastically fuck her pussy with the strap-on, despite how frustrating he found it. Every sexual encounter they had ended with her smiling contentedly, well satisfied, and him with agonizingly painful blue balls and unsatisfied desire. And thus they were always both eager for more.

Eventually their sexual relationship lead to a romantic relationship and later still, they married. She even eventually had his children thanks to sperm milked out of him via prostate massage. His children never knew of his penectomy. But even decades later, his wife would still feel a special thrill when she saw his tiny stump, remembering what he'd let her slice off and how it had felt.

He'd been the first to lose The Gamble, and this had caused some discussion when it happened. The city council did vote about whether or not to remove the machine, but with more women than men on the council, the measure was easily defeated and the machine stayed where it was. In fact, it became a permanent fixture there beyond the term of the original art project. And, on average, it took about two cocks per year until slowly its reputation spread and tourists started coming to try it out and then it rose to a dozen victims annually. But Tom would always be its first.

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