She is who she is and she is unapologetic about it.

She recreates herself like a child playing dress up in her mother’s cast offs but this is no game of Make Believe. This evening is no different. Tonight she selected a simple outfit of a black strapless dress and simple black stilettos: understated elegance with a hint of power. Her exposed skin shimmers in the candlelight.


Aaron has been mentoring her for a few short months on flogging techniques. It hasn’t been entirely selfless on his part as he himself enjoys receiving a good flogging. She has come along quite nicely considering that in the beginning she found it awkward and unnatural. Lucky for Aaron, she enjoys a challenge.


He is standing at the St. Andrew’s Cross, stripped to the waist. She instructs him to assume the position. He turns to face away from her as he raises his cuffed arms to the uprights. He cuts a fine figure in his leather pants, and bare feet. She gazes longingly at his black shoulder length hair that begs to be played with. The soft leather restraints are in sharp contrast to his pale ivory skin.


She begins this session like the others they have played before. The music she chose today is one of her favourite pieces.  She purposefully lays her hands on his back, pressing firmly against his flesh. Her hands caress his back, warming it, bringing the blood to the surface in preparation for the flogging. She quietly hums along to the music, letting it become a part of her. As the music washes over her, she picks up the lightweight navy and brown suede flogger. Dragging the handle across his shoulders, she feels him relaxing into the scene. The soft roughness of the suede raises goose bumps on his flesh.


She starts to lightly flog him, falling into an easy rhythm. She notices how his skin is pinking up, how he leans slightly into the falls. A small smile comes to her lips as she revisits her plan for him. Aaron has often called her an alpha female and tonight she has decided to implement her own game of seduction.


She puts a bit more force behind the flogger before switching to the heavier, thuddy one. She continues to work on his shoulders, raising red stripes against his now pink warm flesh. She waits her moment to detour from their standard scene. She listens intently to Aarons 's breathing, waiting for the moment it synchronizes to the rhythm of her swinging. He relaxes deeply into the session as she murmurs encouragement, as she waits in anticipation. "There it is," she notices. "It’s time." She leans in close to him, feeling the heat emanating from his body.


Her voice is low and silky as she checks in with him. She entwines her fingers in his hair at the nape of his neck and gives a light tug. He doesn't resist. She whispers to him seductively as she caresses his biceps then his forearms. Nonchalantly, she reaches up and fastens his cuffs to the frame. He tenses up and takes a sharp inhalation. She continues to stroke his arms, his shoulders, and his sides while reassuring him that she will take excellent care of him. "Let go." she whispers.

She continues her seduction of Aaron by lightly running the flogger handle on his back, arms and shoulders. The smooth coolness of the metal accent on the handle sends faint shivers through his body. Now her nails painted in “A Oui Bit of Red” traces the marks left behind from the flogging. She alternates using her nails, her fingertips and the palm of her hand. He has again relaxed into her touch; she is so close to him that he can feel the heat from her body and her breath on his skin. Her nearness raises goose flesh as he anticipates her next move.


She switches to raking her nails down his back leaving ten trails of raised red welts. She leans in close again to kiss his neck, teeth teasingly scraping against his skin. She nibbles here and there as if his body was a morsel of fine Belgian chocolate to be savoured. He begins to tremble in earnest. To her it looks as if his legs will fail at any moment and she is glad that she had the foresight to clip his cuffs to the cross. He is lost in the dance she has started. He vocalizes his desire with whimpers and moans. Her tongue and lips kiss, lick and bite at the welts. Her tongue traces the shell of his ears. She sucks gently on his earlobe interspersed with sharp bites. Her arms wrap around his chest as her hands caress the hard flesh.


She renews her whispers of reassurance of “such a good boy”, and “trust me”. His nipples harden with her words as she torments them. She presses her body against his, molding her flesh to his. She positions a knee between his legs, grinding ever so slightly against his groin. She hypnotizes him with her words of longing as she describes what she has in mind for him. Her prey’s trembling increases as his will yields to her. “Let it happen.” she murmurs.


“Yes Miss.” he whispers.


She smiles, eyes bright and reaches for the whip.




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