Here's a story I originally wrote for the folks over at CBA forums, I reckon I might as well post it here too. (The characters are from MLP: FiM Isnt that wierd?)

Trixie let out a contented sigh as she walked  naked into her bedroom, she turned to her lover Twilight who was sat on the bed. "Isnt it marvellous to be a girl twilight darling?" Twilight looked up from the book she had been reading "I guess so" she replied "why  do you say that?" Trixie turned to the mirror and admired her body "Because we dont have testicles dear. Boys have two delicate, sensitive organs dangling between their legs and the slightest tap can put them in absolute agony, oh its so much fun to watch!" Trixie turned back to Twilight with her legs spread, giving her a wonderful eyeful of her private parts, her pubes were trimmed into a small patch above her pussy, exposing her venus cleft. She pointed at her uncovered girl parts "Is there anything hanging between my legs Twilight? Is there anything hanging between yours?" Twilight shook her head. "Thats right! nothing! All we have between our legs are our vagina's, just little slits tucked away between our legs behind our thighs and all the important stuff is safe and sound on the inside. I dont know how men cope with their intimate parts being so sensitive and dangling around where they can be hurt so bad." She patted her genitals lightly "Not us, our crotches arent weakpoints like theirs are, getting hit there doesnt affect us ladies."

Twilight smiled and shook her head " I hate to burst your bubble honey, but I'm afraid your groin isnt quite as invulverable as you think, a womans vulva has hundreds of nerve endings in it and so does your clitoris. Our pussies are just as sensitive as their testicles." Trixie raised her eyebrows at this remark. "nonsense!" She proclaimed "The great and powerful Trixie does not have such a delicate weakness on her beutiful body!". Twilight rolled her eyes at her girlfriends melodrama. "Why dont you ask Rainbow Dash? Just the other day she got kneed in the lady parts during a game of soccer and had to be replaced because her vulva was hurting so bad." "Hmph." Was Trixies only reply. " Well if your so confident why dont we test your intimate area to see if its as tough as you say its is?" For a moment Trixie hesitated as if she was unsure, then said "Fine, give the great and powerful Trixie's love organs your best shot!" Twilight stood up from the bed and readied her leg to strike at Trixie's vulnerable vulva. Now it was her turn to hesitate, she hated hurting people, especially someone as close to her as Trixie. Worst of all she was going to harm the most intimate and sensitive parts of her body. She put aside her concerns and raised her knee and flicked her leg upwards.

Her foot flew straight and true, the top of her foot slapped Trixies perfectly shaped and symettrical Labia with a loud smack. The effect was swift and dramatic. Trixie let out a loud "OOOOOOOWWWWWWW!" as the pain immediately set to work on her delicate privates.  A sharp pain permeated her labia, not only that but her clitoris, the tiny rosebud that had given Trixie so much pleasure was now turned against her, It throbbed with pain that made her legs quiver. Her hands where both between her legs pressing gingerly against her stricken love making parts. She bent forward at the waist her thighs squeezed against each other and her knees gave way. She fell into the same position that boys with hurting testicles fell into and whimperd.

"Oh Trixies I'm so sorry!" Twilight cried and rushed to her lovers aid. "How bad is it?" Trixie groaned and glared with watering eyes at Twilight "You cheated, you must've use a spell to hurt the great and powerful Trixies poor precious pussy." Twilight used her magic  to levitate Trixie onto the bed where she lay on her back groaning with her hands between her legs and her knees pressed together. "I didnt do anything magical honey, your pussy is very sensitive and easy to hurt, no magic required. No balls required either" She added with a grin. Trixie sighed and lamented "I enjoyed having an advantage over I dont have anything to make up for not being to pee standing up." "Aww dont feel bad Trixie, if it would make you feel better you could slap my private parts." Twilight offered. "No thanks dear, hurting your womanhood wont stop mine from hurting." Trixie sighed.

"Maybe not, but how about if I were to kiss it better?" Twilight purred seductively. Trixies face lit up. "The great and powerful Trixie would like that very much."....


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Replies to This Discussion

Very cute happened. Would like to see more stories from series MLP. :Р

Pretty nice story, I prefer she would dressed in bikinis :)



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