Just a CB Stories (fiction) (modified sf stories)

the timeline of this stories, is when ryu and ken, still not master their hadouken any many other skills. 

ryu was captured while training some of his hadouken skills in some isolated place, he was defeated by Mbison's trusted Wrestler (Zangief), 

while ken Masters fighting Vega and badly injured, both of them begin to pass out, Mbison and his team captured ken.

everything is according to plan, said MBison, now is my turn to kidnap Chun Lee, i, fight her my self.while chun lee was worried about the injured ken masters, MBison make his appearance and attacked her. Chun Lee panicked, she was not in her popular blue outfit, just in elegant evening dress.

Chun Lee begin to get mad, she even grabbed some sharp object and tried to stab MBison with it, even been stab, MBison survived, and manage to heal very fast, this add more fear in Chun lee, she begin to use some strong jumping kick. MBison blocked many of the attack and somehow manage to grip Chun Lee's shin, then he give a strong punch to her midsection..

the punch cause lot of pain it and stunned Chun Lee, now Mbison teleport and choke Chun Lee ( like the Choke slam in wrestling), before the he throw her, MBison throw some weird psyco attack at her groin,it hurt so bad, waves of weird pain shocking her brain and sensitive nerve in the groin, she (chun lee) scream and she pass out. now Mbison laughing (in evil smile) i,m successfully collect the fighter..now they become my mindless fighting machines.

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