Rachel’s Gauntlet Part V


As Rachel’s arms swayed back and forth along with her long dark hair hanging upside down from the waist up outside the ring and the blood rushing to her head, she began to realize that the tide had turned for good. It was the sound of the buzzer that really made it sink in. As her head hung low she could see the arena floor raining with a mixture of her blood, sweat and tears. She now would be facing two merciless marauders instead of one, and once Sasha was in the ring; the wife of the man whose sex she crushed in her bare hands, their collective vengeance would have no end. But right now, she had to deal with just how to survive; how to take the punishment she was receiving and that she knew would only get more severe. Her pussy was already on fire from the brutal blows she had sustained, especially from Ava. Rachel would love nothing more than to wipe her smug face clean with a cunt thrashing of her own; all dreams. Rachel was awoken to her harsh reality with a sharp pull of the hair from outside the ring. Her head was pulled up and her throat stretched as her upper body was suspended in air. She grasped onto the hand that held it. It was Sasha. She stared death right into Rachel’s eyes and screamed up at her partners in brutality.

                  “Keep this cunt in one piece for the next five minutes.” Sasha’s face was still shaking from the shock over her sexually obliterated man. Suddenly, Rachel felt two cold hands on her ankles pulling her back into the ring. These were not Ava’s. These hands were much larger; much rougher; these were the hands of the six foot three tall, olive skinned massively powerful wrecking machine named Zane. As Rachel’s sore tits were dragged across the mat to the middle of ring, she quivered and panicked at just knowing his inhuman muscle size and the rapture she knew was behind it.

                  She found herself quickly flipped over onto her back. Through her wet hair, she saw Zane; tight blue trunks and an elephant trunk beneath already throbbing with excitement. He had to stand wide apart his thigh muscles were so huge. The inner formation of his biceps as he held her legs apart made it seem as if he could snap both legs off without breaking a sweat if he so desired. His long, straight black hair covered his eyes but didn’t hide the evil grin forming within his chiseled face. This guy she fucked, but not in the ring. He almost split her in two with his cock after a drunken all-nighter. He’s a hate fucker and Rachel’s pussy never knew such a pounding…until now.

                  “Hey, Rachel,” he said softly. “You look great these days. But you’re not looking so good right now.” Zane lifted his right boot up high and sent it crashing down onto Rachel’s womanhood with brute ferocious force.

                  “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” Rachel’s eyes crossed and she shot upwards upon impact, then back down moaning hoarsely. Ava lifted her up by the hair into a sitting position again. Rachel, with her hands thrust between her throbbing mound, gave no resistance. Ava sat behind her and wrapped her legs around Rachel’s waist in a tight scissors. Zane dropped Rachel’s ankles.

                  “What have you got in mind?” Zane asked Ava, who replied, “I’m gonna strip this cunt…the hard way.” Ava reached over Rachel’s shoulders to her already torn top, which is all connected to her g-string. She wrapped the lycra material around her fist, then pulled up hard.

                  “NNNNNNAAAAAAHHHH!” Rachel’s scream crescendoed as she was receiving a painful pussy wedgie. Before long, the material was dug way up her snatch with her swollen pussy lips popping out either side. She squirmed right and left trying to get free, or ease the pain at least.

                  “Sit still, bitch!” snarled Zane as he latched his oversized hands onto Rachel’s tits, completely swallowing them up. Rachel shook her head back and forth in defiance.                  

                  “Fuck you, bastard!” she cried.

                  “Fuck THIS!” he shouted back and wrapped his hand around the material just above her pussy to help Ava along. Rachel’s ass came off the mat as both his and Ava’s veins popped from pulling the material. Rachel’s clit was on fire.

                  “OH GOD! RIP IT! JUST FUCKING RIP IT OFF!” she cried. Rachel’s swollen pussy lips now completely exposed and throbbing forth were just too much irresistible a target of torment for Zane to pass up. With his free hand, he latched on to them, squeezed and pulled back. Rachel’s lips were now being pulled like taffy.

                  “RAAAAAAAAHHHH!” She squealed this high pitched shriek and instinctively threw her head back fast and hard. To her luck, she smashed Ava’s nose with the back of her head. Ava let go finally of Rachel’s bodysuit. Zane still had his holds on her, but with her arms now free, she used all her strength to hoist her still lifted upper body up, reached out her arms around Zane’s head, lurched her head forward and bit down on his ear.

                  “SHIT!” He cried and let go of her pussy lips and her bodysuit. As he ass hit the floor, she lost her toothy grip on his now bloody earlobe. Just the movement of her ass hitting the mat sent painful vibrations through her inner regions and she shuddered in pain before turning and crawling away, her bodysuit half stuck up her ass and crotch. She was trying to make for the ropes, half dragging her legs, which felt like rubber.

                  The crowd screamed for Rachel’s two hurt opponents as she was crawling under the bottom rope. She was hanging halfway down off the mat towards the floor, seemingly trying to escape when Zane got up. He hoisted Ava, holding her bloody nose and together they each grabbed a leg.

                  In an instant, Rachel was pulled back into the ring being dragged backwards, her tits sliding across the mat. Her arms were above her head as she was being dragged, her fists clenched tightly.

                  “Finish what you started, bitch,” Zane said as he took the leg Ava was holding and dropped them both. Ava walked over Rachel’s body, put one leg over her side then the other facing her ass, then screamed and jumped down on the small of her back. Ava’s ass knocked the wind out of Rachel. With blood dripping from her nose and her hair covering most of her twisted face, she latched on once again to Rachel’s one piece black bodysuit. Pulling the material together from the sides until both fists engulfed it, she pounded her feet down and pulled back, like a horse rider trying to stop a buck dead in its tracks.

                  Rachel’s head lurched up and she pounded the mat and cried like a banshee. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Ava pulled her ass up off the mat, but because she was sitting on the small of Rachel’s back, Rachel couldn’t get up on her knees or even have the leverage to close her legs.

                  Zane ran back to the opposite side of the ring and readied himself as Rachel squirmed in pain.

                  “Sit still, cunt!” Ava said. Rachel could hear the running feet and could feel the vibrations of the ring shaking from the force of 200 pounds of solid rock rushing towards her.

                  “Nononononono--GAAAAAAIIIIIYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!” She bellowed as Zane had punted her cunt with such brute force that it completely threw Ava off Rachel’s back. She held her grip firm, however, and finally Rachel’s ripped her thong. Ava landed on her ass in the corner. Her head whipped back into the hard cold steel ringpost behind her, dazing her momentarily.

                  Rachel, with her ass still a bit in the air while lying on her stomach, thrust her left hand between her shaking thighs. Her face was to the side flat on the mat and she was half way between a moan and a scream. With every exhalation she made a gutteral awful sound that completely told the story of her agonizing ordeal. It was the first thing so far to bring a smile to Sasha, who was counting down the minutes until she could enter and do unimaginable things to her crotch.




                  Rachel wailed on until she felt herself hoisted up on her knees quite abruptly by her brown locks. With her supple naked ass and neatly trimmed pussy, her outfit barely clung to her; only the straps hung on her shoulders. Her breasts huge, heaving and nipples half and inch long and sticking out, she was a sight to behold. The fear in her eyes as Zane walked around to her front and forced her to look up at him was enthralling. His big hard cock was staring her in the face. So huge was it that the top half was exposed through the top of his briefs and flush against his stomach.

                  While he was enjoying plotting his next move, Rachel suddenly snapped into action. She took her hand that was jammed between her legs and wrapped it around Zane’s waist. She held face against his lower stomach, his dick right next to her face. Zane smiled, thinking this was some sort of begging about to begin. He couldn’t be more wrong, for with her other hand, the one that has been clenched tight since she was half way out of the ring, she exposed her saving grace once more; the iron fist.

                  Rachel brought her left arm all the way back and, holding Zane in place as best she could she unloaded one, two, three, four five, six machine gun rapid fire blows to his balls. Zane squealed, staggered, and fell back on his ass, holding himself in pain.

                  Rachel eyed the clock as she swayed on her knees. It read 22:30; two and a half minutes left before it would be a possible 3 on 1. She began to feel a glimpse of hope once more; especially after what happened next. Ava was on her feet; the cobwebs cleared from her head banging; and she charged Rachel. When she thrust a left kick towards Rachel’s head, our brunette tough bitch caught it with her right and held it tight under her arm. She pulled Ava in, who hobbled on her right foot. Rachel cocked her left fist back and gave her pussy the same treatment she had just done to Zane. She only managed three hard uppercuts to Ava’s cunt before she lost balance and fell, cupping herself and opening her mouth in a silent “O”. With all Rachel’s cunt had been through, she still got wet destroying her opponents’ crotches. It burned a little as she got moist.

                  Rachel crawled over to where Zane lay on his side and leaning against the ropes. He was breathing hard and trying to recover the brutal shots to his nuts. Rachel got up next to him still on her knees and was preparing to open his legs up for another beating when out of nowhere she felt her hair being pulled down and hard from the outside of the ring. She turned to see Sasha’s grimace for a split second only, then her fist. POW! Right under the chin and sending her flat on her back.

                  This was all the time Zane needed to suck it up and get back on top. The crowd boo’d at Sasha’s cheating move. Rachel was semi-conscious and her eyes fluttered. Zane’s first move was to remove those pesky brass knuckles once more. He tossed them to Sasha. Then, he stripped off his briefs and exposed his huge, bulging and thick veined cock. It was a monster and it was rock hard. He leaned down over Rachel’s swollen pussy lips and spit right in her slit, then flipped her over.

                  She had no idea what was happening; until he grabbed her hips with both hands and hoisted her up on her knees. Her upper body and face still were on the mat and she was moaning…”Wha-no-noo,” Zane kneaded his fingers into the flesh of Rachel’s ass, lined the throbbing head of his cock between her engorged lips and in one monumental thrust he shoved his cock all the way inside her by pulling her ass into him.

                  As if shocked by a lightening bolt, Rachel’s head lurched up and she screamed her loudest yet. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” His massive cock opened her pussy up and overfilled her. Her swollen lips wrapped his shaft tightly. “Let’s take a trip down memory lane, bitch!” Zane said as he pulled almost all the way out and thrust again. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” wailed Rachel. The loud SMACK of his balls hitting her ass echoed throughout the arena.

                  Zane reached forward and grabbed Rachel by the hair and pulled back fiercely as he pierced her hole again. Her back arched painfully and in this position with her pelvis at a different angle, his cock went in deeper. “GAAAAAAAAHHHH!” She could hardly scream her throat was being stretched back so far. She weakly whispered. “It’s too big. God. Zane. It’s too big.”

                  Rachel’s eyes were just beginning to roll up into her head when she was brought back to focus by a searing pain in her breasts. Ava was suddenly lying beneath her spread eagle and squeezing her tits. “Jesus!” Rachel squealed.

                  “Awww, we’ve been so mean to her, Zane. Fuck her hard. Make her cum. And then split her in fucking half!” Ava said. Zane let go of Rachel’s hair and grabbed  her arms just above the elbows and pulled back. The stretch on Rachel’s lower back not to mention her pussy was nearly unbearable. With her hair almost completely covering her face, all the crowd could see were her teeth gritting through. With her tits gloriously sticking out, they made two fucking great targets for Ava.

                  Zane begin fucking Rachel hard and fast now. Her head shook back and forth and Ava was relentlessly punching her tits. The sensations were driving Rachel mad, for as her tits were being destroyed, her pussy was finally accommodating Zane’s iron cock and soon she could feel her juices flowing. Her ass began to thrust back into his cock. She wanted it. Or maybe she just wanted it to be over. Either way, a violent rhythm of fucking and punching went on for almost a minute now. Sweat poured off Rachel as she was being railed senseless.

                  Ava rolled out from under Rachel’s rag dolling body and stood back as Zane still had her almost upright from the waist up pulling back on her arms like horse reins. Ava stepped up her torture by kicking the undersides of Rachel’s bouncing tits, causing more screams from the beauty. Left. Right. Left. Right. Ava was trying to kick her tits right off her chest and Rachel lost any sensual sensations she was feeling below the waist. When Ava tired, Zane pulled out and mandhandled her body flipping her onto her back. He matchbook pinned her until her ankles were next to her ears. Her pussy lips stood straight up in the air and folded out. Her hole was huge from the fucking she had taken but not for long. Zane stabbed down with all his weight and buried his cock to the hilt inside her slit.

                  This was the deepest he had taken her and it showed on her face. Her eyes crossed and her juices not only began flowing, but within the 3rd or 4th slamming, they were running down her ass. She grasped onto his bulging arms as he was ripping her apart with the speed of a piston and the force of a truck. “OHGAWDOHGAWDOHOHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Zane pulled out and was hit in the face with Rachel’s squirting juice. He kept her legs pinned as he roughly rubbed her clit. She squirmed and screamed beneath him as she continued to cum in a torrent.

                  BZZZZZZZZZZ! 25 minutes had gone by. Time for the last opponent and hell to be completely unleashed.

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Replies to This Discussion

Damn. You write one hell of a story. The last bit with Zane wasn't quite my thing, but all of it was phenomenally written. Awesome stuff!

thanks! One more chapter left.

Rachel will die later?

we'll all know soon

Omg i love your work dude i truly do, keep up the good work

Awesome story but have I missed something. I can't find the last chapter. You've got me and millions of your fans in suspense waiting for the final chapter. I'm rooting for Rachel.

Been really busy for a while. Sorry for the delay. Actually posting now...



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