Part 1

            Among the foul stench of fresh smoke and faded sweat, there was a fierce energy in the air that superseded it all that night. It could have been due to the new venue for that night’s event. It could have been the fact that the select few rich and violent starved spectators hadn’t been able to get their sadistic rocks off in over a month. The real reason, as I sat among them, a huge wad of betting cash in my pocket, was because that night, it was personal; not just to the fighters in the ring; but to everyone, my own cruel heart included.

            Rachel, a dark haired busty beauty, whose raw sex appeal was matched only by her viciousness in the ring, had broken the golden rule of fight club. You don’t. Talk. About. Fight. Club. Ever! Several weeks back, while on a roll destroying her opponents time and time again, she decided to invite some “friends” to show just off her dark side. How she got them past security no one still knows. It turns out one was still a loyal friend of one of her exes, who she didn’t know had been waiting for the right opportunity to fuck her over. During the match, she called the cops. The fight was shut down. The rich and anonymous patrons were scrambling from the police to remain anonymous. Fighters were arrested. Jeff Coulter, fight club’s creator and operator, was arrested. The whole damn thing got shut down for over a month.

            After all the smoke cleared, it took a maximum effort, not only to secure another safe place to house the fights, but to get the clientele, myself included, to come back, feel safe and place those oh so hefty bets that kept the fighters paid well enough to battle each other almost to the death. The best way to do gain back our faith? Well, Rachel had to pay. She had to be made an example of. Oh, she would be given the chance to fight her way out of it, but the odds were severely stacked against her.

            That night’s event in the return of the fight club was called “Rachel’s Gauntlet.” She was to fight six other fighters in the ring; three men and three women; the hardest, the toughest, and the most brutal fighters in the league. Rachel knew them; fought some; fucked some; even was somewhat friendly with a couple of them. But she had taken money from everyone’s mouths; embarrassed them by incarceration and now she was not to be trusted. This was her one shot at redemption; at staying in the club. She couldn’t back out. She literally feared for her life if she tried. Jeff was not to be fucked with in that way. If she ran, she’d be found, tortured, raped and killed. But Rachel didn’t want to run anyway. She was never one to back down from a fight and this would be the biggest of her life.

            People had died in the ring before. This was serious fighting. It always turned brutal because of the nature of what the rich patrons wanted and the fact that just about every fighter in the club had a screw loose somewhere. What they paid for most was to see things they couldn’t see in any mainstream fights; dirty fighting with sexual violations strewn in throughout. The fighters were hardened. And paid well. That night, Rachel would be fighting for her life.

            Finally, the moment arrived and Jeff took center ring to explain the few rules of the match; 6 fighters on one side and Rachel on the other. She would be matched up one on one to begin. Every five minutes a new fighter would be added to the ring. Her challenge would be either to KO her opponent or have him or her submit before she would begin to become outnumbered. However, she could not submit herself or be counted out as KO’d until at least 5 minutes after the last fighter entered the ring. That’s a full 30 minutes she had to endure no matter what.

            The betting began immediately. I threw in 5 grand myself betting that Rachel wouldn’t beat her 2nd opponent before being double-teamed by the third. Everyone around me was so enthralled with this unique type match that no one even noticed when Rachel entered the ring. It made her furious that she wouldn’t see a take in the money as all fighters do. That was the 2nd part of her punishment.

            With a cold grin, she whistled down at us, stopping all betting in its tracks. I turned my head up to the ring to see her; a 5’5”, 119lbs of brunette sex. The back overhead light silhouetted her 36D-24-36 shape to perfection. She wore her long black hair in a tight ponytail. On her body she wore a one piece skin tight black lycra outfit. The skimpy bra like top, only half concealing her heaving breasts, was connecting in a crisscross pattern to her even skimpier g-string, leaving nothing to the imagination. On her feet she wore knee high black flat boots. The tip and half the top of her boots shimmered under the hot lights. As I squinted to get a better look, my mouth dropped slightly. I could see that there were dozens of tiny metal studs adorning the boots. ‘She’s gonna need ‘em’, I thought to myself.

            “You all can go fuck yourselves!” Rachel screamed down at us. “Bring this shit on!” As if on cue, all six fighters ran through us and made their way ringside. Jeff quickly announced each and in what order they would join the fight. First up was the biggest of the group; a 6’3 mountain of muscle who called himself “Rage.” He was bald with a blonde goat t. His massive shoulders were adorned with a tattoo pattern resembling sharp knives off a tree limb. He was shirtless and wore tight sweatpants and work boots. Before he hopped into the ring, he gave his wife of three years a grope of the ass and a slip of the tongue. She just happened to be the last fighter; an eastern european woman named Sasha, with a sculpted body of sheer muscle herself.

            Rage was one of the guys Rachel had fucked. Well, actually she blew him; was forced to blow him in a humiliating loss some time ago; well before Sasha. Little revenge is what she was aiming for right now.

            As Rage hopped into the ring, Jeff hopped out. A bell rang ringside and a buzzer from a big digital clock sounded above the ring and began counting up from zero. Rachel’s usual winning tactic was to wear her opponents down. She could take a hell of a beating and that’s what she would often times do. Once they got tired, then she’d mount her attack. She had quite a good KO record, almost always underhandedly, of course. She took special delight in damaging the sex of her opponents.

            Rage slowly and menacingly moved towards her. “You’re gonna break tonight, bitch,” he coldly said. “Right before my wife makes you suck my dick again. This time, you’re gonna swallow.”

            “Need wifey to do your dirty work, bitch?” Rachel snapped back, charging her giant foe. The entire arena was so silent, awaiting the first blow to be struck of the match that, if everyone around me felt the same as me, all our cocks were already standing at attention. Rachel’s first move was swift, but anticipated. Against someone his size, she’d have to be crazy than go for anything other than a nut shot to get the early advantage.

            Her right leg got halfway between his knee and his crotch before the vice like grip of his enormous hands stopped the momentum. His faced slightly grimaced from the spikes on her boots that imbedded themselves in his palms. He cocked his head to the side as he held her leg up high, the brunette now hopping up and down on one foot. Then, he looked past her to his wife at ringside and raised his eyebrows.

            “Bust her in the goddamn cunt!” the raven-haired bitch screamed out. Rage turned his attention back to Rachel, shrugged his shoulders and said, “You’re right. She’s the boss.” His face turned ugly as Rachel’s turned ghastly. She watched as, if in slow motion, his right leg lift off the ground, sweep behind him, then forward between the wide open gap he made. First the sound echoed through the arena, then all at once, her scream along with the crowd’s cheers drowned the place out.

            “AAHHHHHHHH!” Rachel’s hands went down to her crotch as 230 pounds of pure muscle just tried to plow through it. She lost her balance and Rage tossed her against the ropes, where she hung for a moment, before dropping to her knees, hands wedged between thighs. Now, Rachel had been no stranger to low blows. She could take ‘em like a goddamn champ, but this guy was big. And strong. And mean.

            “motherfucker,” she whispered to herself through clenched teeth as her head hung low. No one saw what happened next. Until of course it happened. As Rage walked towards his prey and lifted her head up by the roots, Rachel must have slipped her hand inside one of her thigh high boots to produce something that again shimmered in the lights.

            “God. Look out!” cried Sasha, Rage’s wife. Too late. Before Rage knew what hit him, his eyes bugged out of his head and he grabbed the top ropes, hovering over Rachel. She had pulled out a pair of brass knuckles…thick ones….and landed a vengeful blow to the underside of his left testicle, smashing it in to his pelvic bone.

            “AHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIAAAAA!” His squeal was high and his thunderous thighs trembled above Rachel. Unfortunately, his first instinct was to brace his fall instead of guarding her next blow. She made sure to hit his nut in the exact same spot, but even harder as she put her whole body into it, lurching upwards onto her knees.

            “NOOOOOOOO!” Sasha and Rage screamed together. This time, he dropped like dead weight right on top of Rachel, who was unprepared for the 200 plus pound giant’s crotch to be straddling her throat. Suddenly, she found her arms pinned and her upper body trapped underneath the Stone Cold Steve Austin wannabe. She could see his cock that was beginning to get hard from his kick to her, slowly shrink down to nothing. She could smell the sweat of his crotch and his left ball, which was already beginning to swell was just too damn perfectly close to pass up the opportunity. This would have been something the merciless bitch would have done even if she wasn’t trapped.

            Five minutes is not a long time, she thought to herself just as she opened wide, jolted her head forward, sucked back as hard as she could to get his ball to her mouth through his sweats, and once there, chomped down as hard as she could.

            “AHAHAHAHAH!” Rage’s body jumped up and down and his head rocked back and forth. It took all Rachel’s determination to keep her teeth latched onto his swelling package, his whole ball inside her mouth. Rage’s hands trembled as he thrust his hands down to Rachel’s face and began gouging her eyes out.

            “MMMMMMMMMMPH!” Drool began to roll down the sides of her mouth and she started to lose her toothy grip. ‘Fuck this’, she must have thought, even while Rage’s thumbs probed her sockets, because when she loosened her grip until his left ball was halfway out of her mouth she bit down again, trying to literally cut it in half. By his reaction, this damage was much worse than when she had his whole ball in her mouth just using the roof of it to crush him. Now, her incisors were piercing his flesh and cutting into the gland.

            He immediately took his fingers out of her eyes and used the rope to quickly painfully stand up. He began to tremble. She wrapped her hands around his firm ass and went up with him. Like a rabid dog tearing into a piece of meat, she shook her head back and forth, every movement causing him a world of agony. All the while, Sasha at ringside is literally pulling her hair out, painfully watching her husband’s left ball being tortured.

            After about a minute of this action, with blood now dripping down Rachel’s mouth in addition to her own spit and her eyes focused and sharp like a woman possessed, she let go, but already had her next move in hand. Before Rage could drop, she moved behind him through his legs on her knees, grabbed the back of his waistband for leverage and sent a brutal uppercut to where she had just been chewing.

            He dropped like a sack. Most of us were not cheering. We could almost feel the hurt ourselves and I was tempted to shout out “Enough!” Rage held his wounded groin with one hand and got up on his knees pushing himself up off the mat with the other. Before he could even get his bearings, Rachel was right to him with her right arm raised. He looked up just in time to see her steel knuckled fist bearing down on his face.

            SLAM! And he was floored in a daze. To add humiliation to hurt, she pulled his sweats down to his knees while he lay dazed on his stomach. Then, Rachel straddled the back of his legs and stuck her hand between them and pulled his sack down so that it was lying flat on the mat. She kissed her steel knuckles, gave a wink to a hysterically crying Sasha, raised her fist up high and brought it down with all her fucking might straight down.

            CRUNCH! The left ball again. She would give it no rest. She’d found his weakness and knew she needed to exploit it. The last thing she needed was being double teamed with this guy in the mix. She needed to take him out and fast. So she kept it up. Rage cried into the mat.


            He was helplessly writing on the mat as Rachel brutally pounded his left ball into the ground. Sweat was pouring off her face. She didn’t usually mount such a heavy offense, but with the gauntlet, she had no choice. She only hoped she could keep it up for the next 30 minutes. She began slapping his ass between blows.

            “Want me to stop?” She began teasing him. “P-please…” he whimpered. “Tell me your wife down there is a fucking whore! Tell everyone!” she screamed back.

            “F-fuck you,” he said managing to turn his head half way around.  Rachel took the brass knuckles off and clasped them between both hands, with the sharp edge protruding out. Then, like wielding a knife, she began hammering down with both hands, doubling her power. She had tunnel vision and was like a woman mesmerized, focusing on destroying this guy’s manhood, never missing a blow and always on the left ball. It was pure brutality to watch. Sweat poured off the bitch as she stabbed away with the blunt instrument into his tortured testicle.

            The clock was already past four minutes and she had been pounding away at his ball for nearly two of those minutes. His body was just spasming now, and his screams fading. That’s when she stood up and took his pants off the rest of the way, over his boots. She spread his legs wide, backed up several feet and marveled at how she had bested a man; and one twice her size.

            “Don’t! Don’t you fucking cunt!” screamed Sasha, pounding the canvas. “I hope you’ve got a good vibrator bitch,” Rachel taunted, then launched forward, running with ramming speed, sending the tip of her steely spiked encrusted boot right into his balls. The SMACK echoed over and over as did the scream that followed. He was widely alert and feeling everything.

            “That’s right, bitch!” Rachel screamed down before spitting on his back. His body convulsed and he managed to turn over, shaking wildly. As soon as he did, before his hands could get down to his ball, the left of which looked like a pulp of mashed flesh, Rachel stomped down on it, grinding it into the ground. Rage’s body seized up and he couldn’t breathe. She pivoted and put all her weight into her heel, jumping up and down to add as much power as she could. She was teetering playfully, trying to balance herself on his precarious and flattening ball, until finally Rage finally managed to push her off. This didn’t slow her down at all. She jumped onto her knees, slid between his legs, thrust her hands forward and latched onto that same wounded target. She squeezed with all the venom she had in her. The veins in her neck began to pop. Her head reached upward and her ripped muscles tightened up. She began bouncing up and down on her own folded legs as he began wailing like an animal frantically shaking is head back and forth until finally he let out a scream like no one in the arena had ever heard. A split second later, Rachel felt something give way within her grasp. She was no longer squeezing his ball. At first she thought it had slipped out the side, but when she felt around his sack, she could tell, it had completely ruptured. She gave this wide-eyed amazed stare along with a huge smile, as if she had never been prouder of herself. Curling her lip into a much less innocent gaze, took the broken pieces and continued sadistically squeezing adding agony of which I cannot even imagine, sending Rage flopping up and down like a fish out of water.

            “NONONONONONO!” Sasha screamed. This was the first time Rachel had literally ruptured a man’s ball. She was enthralled. When she finally let go and stood up, I could see through her inner thighs were totally wet. She walked over to Sasha at ringside and grabbed her crotch. “I just ruptured your little boy’s left one, bitch.”

“I’m gonna fuck your ass!” Sasha cried back. Rachel spit down at her, then walked back toI’m gonna fuck your ass!” Sasha cried back. Rachel spit down at her, then walked back to her pretty mess. And mercilessly with 15 seconds left to go, she lifted his legs up, spread them wide, and dropped a knee on his obliterated sex.

            “GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” His body sprang up back to life, his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell to one side. Out. Rachel kicked his body to where his wife was and rolled him out of the ring. Sasha was beside herself with panic.

            Rachel went to the corner to catch her breath when Sasha began to climb the ropes. Her fellow fighters held her back. “Not yet. Not yet. Take care of him.” Sasha knew she was last, but it now hurt to wait.

            BZZZZZZ. The next fighter who entered the ring in a frenzy after seeing the seemingly strongest one among them destroyed, was a woman named Krystal. 

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Replies to This Discussion

Are you the same Dylan who wrote the Keri stories way back when?

That's right.

Haha, outstanding. Those were easily my favorite cb stories. Great to see that you're still at it!



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