

For Canadian men and women who are into groin hitting in any of its forms.

Members: 95
Latest Activity: Apr 24, 2024


This website is in english but it is not limited to an english speaking audience. Everyone on this site joined because they enjoy ballbusting or cuntbusting, so this site is about connecting on a taboo topic, uploading stuff, looking at stuff, communicating and embracing our brothers and sisters who share this interest. Please do not be shy, mingle and introduce yourselves to the rest of the group and explore the rest of the site.

Ce site est en anglais mais il ne veut pas etre limité à un public seulment de langue anglais. Il ne peut pas parler notre langue, mais il embrasse tous nous- son coeur est international, ce site est notre village global. Chacun en ce site est devenu membre parce-que il aime le ballbusting et/ou le cuntbusting, donc naturellment, nous sommes tous freres et soeurs. Il dit qu'il veut fair son mieux pour communiquer avec notre communité, créer ce group a eté son sincere effort pour nous atteindre - svp soiez pas timids, présentez vous aux autres personnes du group. Il veut que nous utilisons ce group quand nous avons besoin d'aide et comme un place pour connetre avec nos compatriots. Il nous remercie tous nous pour etre devenus membres...amusez vous dans ce site!!! :-) .

- dvhour (site admin)

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Canada to add comments!

Comment by Fox & Wolf on November 22, 2013 at 7:40pm

Northern Ontario here. I wish there were some Newfies out there (aren't they just the best?!)

Comment by Jim on August 5, 2013 at 2:07am

hey new here from vancouver!

Comment by Newgirl on June 18, 2013 at 2:26pm
Hi all! I'm an Alberta girl. :)
Comment by Shaun on May 28, 2013 at 12:33am

Any girls on vancouver island bc? 

Comment by Fox & Wolf on May 18, 2013 at 11:32am

Glad to represent Ontario & join our fellow Canucks!  :)

Comment by Sandy on April 9, 2012 at 3:09pm

I can take a lot and want my limits expanded

Comment by Tammisbithch on February 16, 2012 at 10:08am
Comment by Ned on October 4, 2011 at 2:22pm
not a big self-busting fan myself.   I have been back-handed at work and that was UBER exciting.
Comment by kinkysubguy on October 3, 2011 at 5:19pm
oh, it's much more fun when there's someone to help out!  actually, i think i may recently have found someone in the Montreal area for that, so at least when i travel there for work, i'll be able to enjoy it!
Comment by Jonathan Rahn on October 3, 2011 at 1:18pm
Ahh.  Can't say i've ever been into self busting ... I generally prefer to wait for a female willing to release some tension.

Members (95)



As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.

  1. Dvhour (Site Owner)
  2. Square initials TR
  3. PayPal initials DH
  4. PayPal initials ZC
  5. PayPal initials TD
  6. PayPal initials PJ
  7. PayPal Smoo
  8. PayPal initials MB
  9. PayPal 2swollen
  10. PayPal init' SdB
  11. PayPal initials JK
  12. PayPal initials NM
  13. PayPal initials ES
  14. PayPal initials BB
  15. PayPal initials EJ
  16. PayPal JK (again)
  17. PayPal PJ (again)
  18. PayPal initials DG
  19. PayPal initials JR
  20. PayPal initials SS
  21. PayPal initials EZ


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