The weakness of men is that we think with our dicks, not our brains, and that this can cause us pain is something I've been made very aware of.

Ellen and I have known each other some time, and to say that I fancy her like crazy is an understatement! She's a very pretty young woman, with dark hair and flashing eyes, and though she's quite slim, she curves in all the right places. One day I bumped into her in a pub, and we chatted. I can't recall how the subject came up, but we discussed women wrestlers. Ellen expressed her admiration for their athleticism and ability, to which I replied that women can't really wrestle, it's a well rehearsed fake. Clearly annoyed by what I'd said, Ellen said she was sure she could beat me in a wrestling match. This is where me thinking with my dick came in. I knew I'd never seduce Ellen, but here could be a chance to wrestle with her, and my mind was concentrated solely on that. I challenged her, and to my delight she accepted. We agreed to meet at her place the next day, and that I would wear briefs while she would be attired in shorts and bikini top. I didn't sleep much that night as I looked forward to grasping this lovely girl in wrestling holds, and had to, um, relieve myself!

The following morning I arrived at Ellen's flat, and when she opened the door I saw she was already clad in the afore mentioned outfit. I went to the bedroom to change into my shorts, almost trembling with excitement, unable to think of anything other than the lovely creature I was about to wrestle with. So when I joined her in the main room, the bulge in the front of my tight blue briefs made my excitement very apparent!

Ellen looked at my groin. “Looking forward to things, aren't you? Well if you think I'm going to let you rub your hard on against me, think again.” And with that she swung a fist right into my balls! It wasn't a hard blow, it didn't hurt that much, but it sure took me aback. We hadn't discussed rules, but I hadn't anticipated any low blows. Still, I thought, perhaps I can't blame her, as my erection probably irritated her. So, I, with my arms outstretched, took hold of her shoulders, and after a brief struggle, I got her in a headlock. “Now,” I gloated, “whose the stronger sex?” Ellen struggled but to no avail, as I, grinning triumphantly, taunted her and her gender. Until, that is, she swung a fist round and hit me in the testicles good and hard! “Argh!” I gasped, as I released my hold on her and doubled over, while she regained her breath.

“That's fighting dirty.” I protested, still clutching at my crotch.

“So what?” Ellen mockingly replied. “I never promised to fight fair. You know I've never hit a man in the balls before, looks like it really hurts you. What a weapon for us girls to use!”

With some difficulty I stood upright. “I ought to punch your face in.”

“Ooh, big man,” Ellen mocked, as she grabbed me with both hands and aimed a knee at my groin. Seeing the blow coming I avoided it, and pulling on one of her arms, spun her round, so I was behind her. Wrapping my arms around her throat I applied pressure that soon had Ellen struggling to breathe, and I gloatingly told her I could now take her to the floor and sit on top of her any time I liked. Actually I wasn't that much in command of the situation, as Ellen's struggles were frantic, and I was struggling to hold her. Eventually she'd wriggled free enough to elbow me in the midriff, and as my grip on her subsequently weakened, she raised a fist above her head and brought it down in my already painful crotch! This really hurt! I let go of her, covered my wounded balls with both hands, and only just managed to not sink to my knees, while Ellen hit me with slaps across the face, again and again, she was really looking wild, and slapping as hard as she could. When I raised my hands protectively over my face, she grabbed my hair, pulling downwards. Weakened by the blows to my balls, I couldn't stop her forcing me to the floor, on my back. She then jumped on top of me, her face above my crotch, wrapped her thighs around my head, and squeezed. It's amazing how much strength women have in their legs, and my face was squashed. She looked back over her shoulder with an evil smile.

“You're helpless and I can do whatever I want to you. How about this?”

This turned out to be taking hold of my testicles and squeezing them. Hard! She was out of control, and apart from the agony caused by her squeezing my balls, I feared she'd do me some real damage,

“Ellen, stop!” pleaded, “you'll castrate me!”

Perhaps she realised she was going to far, for she released her hold and stood up, while I, whimpering, cradled my battered testicles, and told her she'd won. Grinning, Ellen went across the room to where her handbag lay on a table, took her camphone from it, and returned to where I still lay, moaning with pain.

“Lick the sole of my foot,” she ordered me, as she put one of her bare feet on my face. “Or I'll kick your bollocks into pulp!”

Cowed and beaten I did as she said, while she filmed it. “Now, I'll put this on Facebbok, and the world will see how you've been humiliated by a girl.”

What I'd thought would be a pleasurable groping of Ellen as we wrestled had turned out to be a painful humiliation, and it didn't finish after our bout. She'd told all her friends of what happened, and they'd seen the video of me licking Ellen's foot, and they were going to let me know that. This became apparent the next time I saw Ellen, which was in the street, in the company of a friend of hers called Rosalyn. Now Ros is a beautiful girl, tall and curvy, with long red hair. She was dressed in a blouse and very short skirt, with high heeled boots on her feet. She and Ellen giggled as I approached, I knew they were talking of how I'd been humiliated, and as I neared them Ros asked me to stop. I should have kept walking, as she grabbed my shoulders, pulled me toward her, and slammed a knee into my balls with all the force she could, both girls then strolling away, laughing as they went, while I was on my knees, whimpering.

It became a regular event for Ellen and her friends to assault my groin with knee, foot or fist, and I wasn't the only man suffering this, quite a number of men were finding these girls committing violence on their tender bits. We talked about it, but could think of no way of stopping it, we were having to live with the fact that every time we walked the streets we were likely to end up with a pain filled crotch! The only person I thought might be able to help us was Miriam. She is a psychologist, and, I thought, if she can explain why this group of girls is doing this to us, perhaps that will give us a way to stop their behaviour.

Miriam as a tall, very attractive woman in her mid thirties. I'd seen her once in a swimsuit so knew she had an impressive figure, with a full bosom, big tits in simple language, and powerful thighs. But today, when she arrived at my flat, her figure was hidden in a business like suit, fawn coloured, with a skirt that went to the knee. Still, with her pretty face topped with blonde hair, she was still an eye catching sight. Slightly embarrassed by what I had to say, I told her of the problem I and some other men had with Ellen and her friends. I finished my explanation by saying that we couldn't go out the door without one of the girls kneeing us in the groin.

Miriam was thoughtful for a moment before replying. “I know Ellen, and she's talked to me about this. The fight she had with you, when, let's be honest, you were humiliatingly thrashed by her,” I blushed with embarrassment, “has emboldened her. She'd never hit a man in the crotch before, and she's honest enough to admit that she enjoyed it. As to why she and her friends, who all think what she did to you was hilarious and exhilarating,” I blushed again, “are now going around hitting you and others in your boy bits, we need to examine what makes these girls tick. They don't hate men, most have one in their lives, an they don't knee them. Just certain types of men.”

“Men they don't like?” I suggested.

“No, men they have contempt for. Most women like manly, masculine men. Men who are weak they see as contemptible, and that description fits you and all the men they are attacking the balls of. Ellen enjoyed, and was excited by that day she gave you a real pair of achers, and so were her friends when she told them of it. You even,” Miriam smiled briefly, “let her film you licking her foot. They all think you're pathetic, and a couple of them, as you know, gave you a knee where it hurts, then a group mentality took over. They all started dong the same to men who are weak, found it was great fun, and empowering. They've a weaker group they can assert authority over. I've heard that when one of the girls knees a man while their boyfriend is watching, their boyfriends laugh about it.”

“They do, we get no sympathy from anyone.” I acknowledged.

“I'm afraid you won't, the entire community sees you as pathetic. All you can do is stay away from these girls as best you can.”

“Okay, well thanks for what help you have been able to give. I'll show you out.

I escorted Miriam to the front door, when she turned to face me. “There's one more thing I almost forgot.” I looked at her. Puzzled as to what she meant, when with both hands she hauled me close to herself, and then gave me the most painful knee in the balls I've ever received! I collapsed to the ground, my face contorted with agony, while Miriam looked down at me with a satisfied smile.

“Ooh, it is fun!”

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Replies to This Discussion

Excellent! Please expand more on this series, I would love to hear the stories of the other weak men in that town!

I may write another tale like this. Meanwhile here's a picture that though the girl looks a bit different from the character of Ellen, (it's a drawing I did some time ago) it does fit the theme of the story,



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