Having kneed a man in the groin for the first time, Miriam just couldn’t get it out of her mind, she so wanted to do it again. And again and again! After giving the matter some thought, she had an idea, and arranged a meeting with Ellen to tell her of it.

As the two of them enjoyed a coffee in a cafe, Miriam described her meeting with Jim, the man who’d discussed with her how Ellen and her friends were kneeing men every chance they got.

“They’re all wimps,” a giggling Ellen told her, “and it’s such fun! They're terrified of us, and it’s a real power rush when you can frighten men, even if they are wimps.”

Miriam smiled. “I know what you mean! I loved it when I kneed him, felt the impact on his balls, and watched him sink to the floor, whimpering. Now I’ve an idea of how we can enjoy ourselves attacking their balls, and I think you’ll love it.” Ellen did indeed love it, and a few days they put their plan into operation.

It began with Ellen approaching one of the men she and her friends had been tormenting, Archie by name. She saw him in the street, and he, on seeing her, placed his hands protectively in front of his crotch, a sight that made Ellen laugh. He was visibly nervous as she approached, and no doubt surprised when she soothingly assured him she’d come to feel sorry for him.

“I know somebody who can help you, a psychologist, who can teach you how to be more assertive, so girls would respect you. It was clear that Archie wasn’t convinced, but Ellen persisted, suggesting they have a drink together. Now Ellen is a very attractive girl, her behaviour was almost flirtatious, so despite some misgivings Archie agreed that they’d have a chat over a drink.

“It worked!” An excited Ellen told Miriam from her phone. Archie had left the pub now, and a delighted Ellen informed Miriam that he’d be arriving at her home the following day.

The next morning Archie knocked on the door of Miriam’s house, a large detached property, and gasped as the door opened to reveal one of the most breathtakingly beautiful women he’d ever seen. Miriam was a stunning sight, tall and blonde, clad in a light blue dress, so tight that every undulation in her body could be seen, and Archie said not a word, he just gawped at the angel before him.

“Archie I presume?” Miriam’s voice was soft, elegant, her smile welcoming.

“Yes.” He blurted. She ushered him indoors. “Go to the living room at the end of the passage, and relax, I’ll join you in a moment.” He did as she told him, and sat on a chair, waiting for her. He did notice that the room had hardly any furniture, with a large space in the centre, but what concerned him was how Miriam intended to help him, so he’d be a confident example of masculinity that women would respect and admire. He had no idea how she intended to achieve this, but when Miriam joined him the sight of her banished any speculation from his mind, for she was clad in merely a tight pair of shorts and a bikini top, both coloured blue. He could have wondered why she was so attired, but the enticing spectacle of this goddess captured his entire attention.

“You looked shocked,” Miriam smiled, “don’t worry, I don’t bite.”

“It’s just that,” blurted Archie, and then fell silent, staring wide eyed at Miriam, who now sat beside him. “No doubt you’re wondering why I’m dressed like this, though I’m sure you like it.”

“Yes!” Gulped Archie.

“I know there’s some girls who think it’s fun to kick you in the balls, which must really hurt.”

“It does! Women have no idea how much it hurts a guy if he’s kicked in the balls, and those girls laugh at us.”

“What we need to do then is show these girls that you’re a strong man who can stand up for yourself, and here’s how we do it.” Miriam stood up. “I’m pretty strong for a woman, I did a self defence course and I work out, so if you beat me in a fight, that would impress the girls, they might even be a bit scared of you., don’t you think?”

Archie was silent for a moment. “Yes, I suppose it would. But are you suggesting we fight then?”

“Yes, I’m happy to help you.” She lent down so her breasts were only inches from Archie’s face, and a tingle of excitement went through him as she took his hand and beckoned him to rise. “Rules are simple, no punches to the face or head, though slapping’s okay, and take your clothes off except your underpants, as I can grab you by your clothing. I don’t want to have an advantage.”

The young man did as he was told, excited, even if a little scared, and with no idea what to do next, so he made a sort of half-hearted attempt to grab Miriam by her shoulders. She responded by looking into his eyes, smiling whimsically, and then bringing a knee up into his groin like a battering ram!

“Ooh, right in the nuts!” Miriam purred with pleasure.

“That’s dirty fighting!” Protested Archie, who’d sank to his knees.

“Alls fair in love and war dear boy.”

“I’ve a good mind to kick you in the cunt!” Archie spat, after struggling to his feet.

“No need for foul language, and anyway, do you really want to hurt me?” As she spoke Miriam stepped forward, close to Archie, and pulled his head down so that his face was almost in her sumptuous cleavage. For a second he gawped at the wonderful orbs, less than in inch from his eyes, then reeled as Miriam’s left hand delivered a slap to his cheek. She’d hit him as hard as she could, and immediately followed it with a slap to his other cheek with her right hand, and as he raised his arms protectively she swung a fist in an arc, connecting with his sac, that showed prominently in his underpants.

“Oh god,” Archie gasped, as he cupped his hands round his pain filled reproductive organs, his knees buckling. With some effort he managed to straighten his legs, though still bent over, with his hands covering his crotch, and looked up at Miriam, his eyes watering. “It’s not fair, how women always go for the balls!” He exclaimed.

“Of course we do,” laughed Miriam, “it’s up to you to protect them. Come on, you’re not so pathetic that you can’t beat a women, or are you?”

His ego stung, Archie determined to teach his tormentor a lesson, but before he could act Miriam got him in a headlock, then forced him to the floor, on his back. Weakened by the blows to his groin, and the consequential sickly feeling in his belly, he couldn’t stop her sitting on his chest and wrapping her powerful thighs around his head.

“Learnt this from watching wrestling,” Miriam informed him, as she squeezed his head between her legs, and laughed at how his face was squashed as she applied pressure. He tried to free himself, but found Miriam was far to strong for him. To his horror Miriam then reached behind her and took hold of his scrotum. Grinning maliciously she squeezed, her fingers pressing deep and agonisingly into his testicles. “Does it hurt sweetie?” Miriam asked, which Archie couldn’t answer, his face being so squashed. It was only for a couple of minutes that Archie’s sexual organs were squeezed by Miriam, though it seemed much longer to him, the pain being appalling! So his relief was immense when she relaxed her hold, and also released his head from between her thighs. Tears filled his eyes, while a cruelly gloating Miriam changed her position, now sitting on his chest, trapping his arms under her legs. “You’re a pathetic little wanker, aren’t you?” She spat.

“No.” He cried in reply, but within seconds regretted that statement as Miriam viciously slapped his face, alternating between left and right hands, with all the force she could muster. Trapped and helpless he could do nothing to resist, as slap after slap stung his face. “Stop, please!” He blurted, but Miriam ignored his pleas, and continued this torment until she was satisfied she’d done enough. Enough of slapping that is, for she was not content that she’d made her victim suffer enough, and anyway, she was enjoying herself! So she changed her position again, sitting firmly on Archie’s tear stained face. Unable to breathe Archie was in a state of panic, fearing that he was going to be suffocated, and gasped with relief, as well as for air, when Miriam stood.

“I take it,” Miriam addressed Archie, as she assisted him to his feet, “that you’d like to surrender.” Looking at the floor, to ashamed to make eye contact with her, he nodded. “Look at me when I’m talking to you!” Miriam commanded, “and tell me you surrender, if you don’t want me to kick your nuts into pulp!”

“I surrender.” Archie hastily stated.

“Good. Sit down, I’ll get you a taxi to take you home, as,” Miriam smirked, “I doubt if you feel like walking. I’ll even pay for the taxi, isn’t that nice of me. Are you grateful?” A few seconds of silence followed. “I asked you if you’re grateful?” Miriam repeated, in a firmer voice.

“Yes, I’m very grateful.”

“Have a rest and then get dressed, I’ll call you a taxi in a moment, but there’s something you should see before you go.” Miriam left the room briefly, then returned with her phone. “That mirror on the wall has a camera behind it, that’s videoed what we’ve been doing. I’ve loaded it to my phone, here, have a look.” She handed Archie the phone, and while he watched the video of his humiliation, she continued to address him. “You won’t want the whole world to see this video, and what a pathetic excuse for a man you are, so I’m not expecting you to tell anyone of our fight, but do remember I can put this video on the net if you ever offend me.” Miriam then laughed. “You know you’re such a wimp no woman with any self respect would ever fancy you, the only thing your balls are good for is as a target for girls to kick. Agreed?”

“Yes,” Archie mumbled, looking at the floor. A second later he was crying in pain, for Miriam had pulled him to his feet and mercilessly rammed a knee into his crotch. “I told you to look at me when I address you. Don’t forget that again. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” he hastily replied, making sure he was looking at Miriam.

“Good. I’ll call you a taxi, you’ll hear from me if I ever want to see you again.”

The following day Miriam met Ellen and two of her friends, Nicky and Cheryl, at her home, and they all watched the video of the beating Archie had been given. Again and again they all burst into laughter as they watched, enjoying it so much they watched it a second time, after which Miriam told the others of her plan.

“What you do now girls is invite those jerks you’ve been giving a hard time to come and see me, and I’ll treat them in the same way I did Archie. None will have been warned by any of my previous victims, as no one of them will want to tell anyone of how I thrashed and humiliated them, and you can all see the videos. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it!” All the girls agreed, eager to see Miriam dish out painful humiliation to more men.

“And then,” Miriam continued, “I’ll tell you of something even more exciting I’ve got in mind. I’ll keep it to myself for now, but you’re really going to like it!”

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Love it! Please continue this series! 

I will. Might be a while before I've got the time to continue, but it will be exciting.



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