Kalin had crawled back to his cell and waited for a few hours before one of the Viridians dropped by with his jumpsuit and undergarments. The day had been a unique one by any metric. The next morning, Kalin was still grappling with the impact to his psyche that had come from experiencing an orgasm while looking at Zara’s smiling face, as though it had further imprinted his attraction to her deeper within his mind.
One of the Viridians Kalin had barely spoken to entered the room. She seemed to be focused on performing a number of checks. She seemed to ignore Kalin.
“Excuse me,” Kalin asked.
She was checking the security system connected to the containment cell and her eyes shot down at Kalin as he approached the transparent wall. “What is it, human?” She had a similar shaped face to Zania, but with a slightly less vivid shade of green to her skin.
“What’s going on? I’ve never seen you doing this stuff before.”
“Visitors coming.”
“Oh. From where? Who? More Viridians?”
“Zara will explain.”
“Oh, ok. What’s your name, by the way? I know Zara. Then Zylara’s the short one. Zania’s the thicker one, I think.”
She stopped, puzzled by the gesture. “My name is Zolena. We met before. I kicked you between your legs.”
Kalin tried to shrug off what was most likely an attempt to intimidate. “I guess your culture loves that Z sound, hey?”
“It’s a part of every feminine name.”
“Aren’t you all feminine?”
“Tell Pixie that, I dare you.”
“Pixie? I thought all names had a Z in them.”
“You catch on quick.” A look of visible annoyance flashed across her face. “I wonder if Zara would mind if I kicked you between the legs again.” Her tone made it clear that it was more a threat to get him to stop bothering her than it was a firm plan.
“Sorry, Zolena. I’ll stop.”
Zolena growled. She finished her checks and left. It was not until several hours later that Kalin saw anyone.
When Zara came in, she was wearing her mini dress and combat boots again. Kalin noticed a few ceremonial looking pins high on her dress. They looked official. She was followed by two other Viridians of around the same height. One wore a striking red skirt-suit and had long golden hair, tied up in a single long pony tail. The other was even more striking. Something told him this must be Pixie. They had a shock of blue hair, with the sides of their head shaven. Their face seemed naturally stern, but their make-up, especially their eye shadow, seemed to magnify this trait drastically. They wore a tight grey long-sleeved shirt, a colour he had never seen a Viridian wear. Finally the look was topped off an asymmetrical skirt-shorts combo in a darker grey, along with the one thing he’d come to expect as standard for Viridians in the form of combat boots. However, even the combat boots seemed to contrast the wedge heels being worn by the golden-haired Viridian.
Kalin raised his hand to wave at the newcomers in a faint hope he might avoid anybody else after his disastrous attempt to converse with Zolena.
“Toy,” Zara began, “this is Lady Vizora and her bodyguard Pixie. Pixie is nonbinary and you will adjust your language to reflect as such. Do I make myself clear?”
Kalin nodded. Kalin did not know what to expect, but the appearance of more Viridians would likely not mean good things for him, regardless of how unusual their appearances seemed by Viridian standards.
“You may go,” Lady Vizora waved to Zara.
Something shifted in Kalin. He experienced a fresh discomfort at the thought of being left with strange Viridians without Zara there. As Zara stepped out, her eyes met Kalin’s just before the door closed. Kalin was not sure, but it seemed like both of them felt strange about being separated from each other by an outside party.
“You are a human, yes?” Lady Vizora asked.
Kalin nodded, perplexed by the question. “I am, yes.”
“Good, then we won’t need the barrier. Pixie will be more than enough to defeat you should you try anything I don’t like.” As if by her signal, the transparent wall opened. “Come out, let us get a proper look at you.”
Kalin moved sheepishly into the more open space of the lab. He felt the two circling him like predators. While days ago, he might have tried to do anything, he was now just certain an attempt to flee would likely only make things worse for him.
Lady Vizora stopped in front of Kalin. “Get on your knees,” She commanded. “Then, spread your legs.”
“Wait, pl-” Kalin did not manage to produce as much of his usual pleading before he was interrupted. Pixie had landed a brutal snap kick to Kalin’s testicles from their vantage-point behind him. He crumpled quickly, but Pixie seemed to catch up as he fell, propping him up on his knees.
They whispered in his ear, “I would advise you comply with any requests the lady has of you, human.”
Kalin did what he could to fight his preservation instincts. With his body surging with pain, he tried to control his breathing as he slid his knees apart and put his hands behind his back. Before him, he saw a knee-length pencil skirt, a pair of decidedly human-designed wedge heels and in between the long shins of Lady Vizora. He could see the curves of her calves as she stood before him.
“Put your hands behind your head,” Pixie whispered. Kalin complied.
Almost shaking, Kalin raised his arms, and intertwined his fingers behind his head.
“Now close your eyes,” Lady Vizora demanded.
Kalin complied once more. He tried to focus on his breathing, but he could feel Pixie step away behind him. He heard a loud thud on the ground before him as Lady Vizora stepped towards him, and a second much more sickening thud as her instep collided hard with his testicles. She stepped away and Kalin crumbled into a heap, clutching at his aching testicles.
He heard a light chuckle from Pixie, but rather than the more raucous laughter he’d become accustomed to from other Viridians, what he heard from Lady Vizora could only be described as a long, slow, satisfied sigh of relief.
When Kalin could finally focus enough to look up at Lady Vizora, he saw her simply staring at him. She had taken a seat on a large white block that had emerged from the wall. She seemed relaxed as she seemed to simply drink in the sight of Kalin’s helplessness.
“Please stand up when you are able,” Pixie stated, their voice seemingly caught between a natural playfulness and the duties of their current role.
Kalin struggled to all fours and turned his body to face Pixie. As he did, he noticed Lady Vizora’s wedge heel slide along the ground between his legs. He froze. The leg ascended gently, cupping his testicles harmlessly between her instep and ankle.
“Would you like me to help you up?” She offered, her words dripping with a malice that felt intended for someone else.
“Pl-” Kalin began, but was once again cut off as the leg rushed upwards, carrying him with it. As soon as he was on his feet, the foot receded, and as if her calf had stored all of the energy like a coiled spring, connected once again, thoroughly knocking the wind out of Kalin. As agony surged through his body once again, he saw only a playful smile on Pixie’s face as it withdrew from view and he collapsed on the ground again.
Kalin heard the long, slow, satisfied sigh of relief once again as he curled up into a ball. On his thigh facing up, he felt Lady Vizora put up her wedge heel. Another light impact suggested the other was now on top of it. Kalin struggled to take in a long, ragged breath as he realised he’d become a human ottoman.
“So weak,” Lady Vizora remarked to Pixie, “they really should know their place.”
“I think any Viridian should be able to exploit this weakness whenever they feel like it,” the words seemed to carry a hint of glee.
“Oh, well, by all means, help yourself. Would you like me to move? Perhaps you could stomp on his vulnerability orbs.”
Kalin could not stop himself from letting out a fearful whimper.
“Thank you, I’ll happily try that out when he’s recovered a bit. There’s no fun in striking a defeated foe. I want to be the one who puts him on the ground. I want to put him in his place. Once he’s down, there’s not much in it for me in adding to that pain.”
“Unless of course he were to require to be subdued,” Lady Vizora chuckled.
Pixie let out an almost dismissive laugh. “I think you’ve adequately subdued him enough for now. Congratulations, my Lady, a Viridian diplomat was able to overpower a human warrior.”
“I would have preferred to do this to the human diplomat.”
“I mean, my Lady, you did overpower him. You kneed him and you kicked him. You just didn’t get the pleasure of using him as a footrest.” They both chuckled at the shared memory.
After a few minutes Lady Vizora lifted her shoes off Kalin. “I think it’s time Pixie got to play with you.”
Kalin climbed trembling to his feet. He looked up at Pixie who had a surprisingly warm smile on their face, contrasting the earlier stern look, the intense eye shadow playing a very different role on this face now. “We’re going to play a game.”
Kalin’s body was still ablaze with pain, and he struggled to contain his fear. Pixie was either too enthused about their game idea or completely unfazed by it. He had been used to detectable displays of fear spurring the Viridians on, but he’d never seen it go unnoticed. “Mmhmm.”
“I’m going to kick you. You’re going to guess on a scale of one to a hundred how hard I was trying. If you get it right, you’ll get a reward. If you’re off by five or more, there’ll be a few more kicks. Off by more than 10 and I’ll replace the kicks with stomping between your legs. If you’re off by more than 20, however, it will be much worse: I will grab your vulnerability orbs and squeeze them in my hand for a full minute. Do you understand?” She slipped a small device from her pocket, keyed something into it and put it away. Lady Vizora got out a similar device and read the communique, her expression inscrutable.
“I really don’t want to p-” The kick came anyway. As Pixie’s shin collided hard between Kalin’s legs, the word he had been forming transformed instantly into a sharp voiceless exhale. He crumpled helplessly to the floor, landing artlessly on his side. The pain shot through his body in waves and his world was too overpowered by it to properly clutch at his aching manhood. All he could do was curl up, adhering to a primitive instinct to protect the area, and hope that would keep him safe. As his eyes filled with tears, hoping that it was over became all he could do. The silence was somehow mildly disconcerting. He’d become accustomed to the Viridians’ laughter in these moments, but knowing that these two were just staring at him in satisfaction seemed more uncomfortable. ‘one hundred’ he thought to himself. ‘That had to be one hundred percent.’
It was several minutes before Kalin could breathe in any way that wasn’t rasping wheezes. As he finally managed to gain some control of himself, he looked up at Pixie, who had also summoned a white block of some kind from the wall and was sitting near Lady Vizora.
“So, on a scale from one to 100, how hard was I trying?”
With a touch of trepidation, Kalin decided to give his answer. He was certain that, even if it had not been exactly 100, it should minimise the ongoing punishment. “one hundred,” he ventured.
Lady Vizora, who had generally been very good at keeping her mind’s inner workings from view, threw back her head in a laugh, her golden ponytail cascading down her shoulders as her melodic tones echoed around the room.
Pixie’s laugh had been more subdued and paired with a growing smirk on their face. They simply held out their hand towards Kalin, their palm facing up. “Place them here. I will not ask a second time.” Lady Vizora’s eyes seemed to light up at the idea of Pixie calling for Kalin’s submission in this way.
Kalin, having learned the lesson that resistance would be met with considerably more pain, approached Pixie cautiously. “But… but I guessed well.”
When Kalin was within reach, Pixie impatiently reached out and gripped Kalin’s aching balls. “Lady Vizora, would you be so kind as to tell the human what the number was?”
Pixie’s tight grip on Kalin’s testicles brought him straight back to a state of agony, an agony that was not going to end any time soon.
“Fifteen,” she replied coolly, a hint of amusement colouring the word.
“Off by eighty-five,” Pixie chuckled.
“So, if it was a minute of squeezing for every twenty you were off by,” Lady Vizora trailed off, her mind lost in thought. “I guess,” she snapped herself back, “I guess Pixie is going to crush them.”
“Please,” Kalin begged, “please let go.”
“Why?” Pixie asked wryly.
“Please don’t crush them!” Kalin whimpered. “Please, it hurts so much.”
“We promised Zara we wouldn’t break her toy,” Pixie stated, “and I had assumed these and wasn’t just about you as a whole.” Pixie glanced down at their fist wrapped tightly around Kalin’s aching manhood. “I just want to teach you one last lesson about Viridian supremacy.”
“I know about Viridian supremacy!” Kalin promised. “I know all of you are so much stronger than me.”
“So,” Lady Vizora purred, “you know your place.” She looked down at Pixie’s tight fist and back up at Kalin’s agony-ridden face. “Perhaps you could come with us.”
“I want to be with Zara!” Kalin shrieked. The statement seemed to catch all three of them off-guard, not least of whom Pixie who loosened their grip on Kalin’s balls.
Pixie and Lady Vizora quickly stood up and left the room. Kalin collapsed clutching his balls. What had just happened?

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