A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
As promised, boys. I hope it was worth the wait.
“Is that why you stopped dating her? Because you tried to kick her ass, being a manly man, but she kicked you in the manhood instead and now you're not even a man?”
“I bet I could mess you up easily, after seeing her live demonstration, although I don’t know if that would still work on you now!”
“Does that mean you can’t jerk off anymore? That’s a surprise, since you’re such a wanker”
"Stop acting like a tough guy, I got a new sister the day she kneed you!"
Nightmares of her taunting him rang in his head every night, as he tossed and turned in his bed in his dreamless sleep.
It had been a few months since Grace had sent him to the ER by kicking him in the testicles. Hard. Harder than the time Vanessa forcefully thrust the pointed end of her boot into his reproductive organs, deliberately executed with feminine cruelty and flawless precision.
No, it had been different. Grace had hit him while he was still recovering from Vanessa’s assault on his manhood, repeatedly, with her wide kneecap, further critically damaging his two most precious organs beyond repair with each strike, until he was unable to withstand it any further, slipping into unconsciousness. While Vanessa had long, powerful legs, she was still of slim physique, while Grace was shorter and wider physically.
And to make things worst, his sister had been present to witness the entire melee ending in his emasculation.
He recalled waking up in a hospital bed, doctors and nurses by the side rushing him into the emergency room. They had for some reason neglected administering painkillers to him, and as a result he felt every twinge of his leg muscles aggravating the pain coming from his groin.
It didn’t help when a pair of young and inexperienced nurses attempted to remove his boxers gently, one of them slightly lifting him off his back and shaking him about. He felt like both his testicles had split open, pains so sharp and paralysing he could barely breath. They blushed as they did so, no doubt noting the state his balls were in. He dared not look down, and his logic had left him, taking away the anxiety from fearing that he had lost the ability to function as a man during the long journey, with stopping the pain being his only concern now.
By then, a doctor was attending to him, both her sterile, gloved hands grasping each of his organs, each of them large enough to fit in her palm, as she prodded and poked around his scrotum. He then realised that he was unable to locate where the pain was coming from, and that it was just flooding him from every direction.
And then he blacked out again.
It was three days later before he could leave, him hobbling to call cab to take him home with a pair of crutches.
He never told anyone what had happened, nor how it happened, but his sister had found his documents within his drawer one night while he had been asleep, after he refused to tell her what had happened after the incident.
Severe soft tissue damage in the pubic area, between abdomen and both thighs. Caused by powerful blunt force, believed to have been administered by repeated, specific knees, as no injuries found anywhere else on body. Possible assault from female, common in cases such as this. Patient was a male, and as a result, male anatomy in region was damaged beyond repair.
Penis managed to escape unscathed, although left and right testicles absorbed full impact of blows, resulting in ruptures in both. Much of the tissue responsible for testosterone and sperm production rendered unusable due to trauma.
Testicular damage treatable, although patient will likely remain sterile and feel pains during intercourse in future from residual tissue damage and crushed sperm ducts. Sexual function will return as normal once patient has fully recovered.
“She castrated him!”, she thought to herself.
It all made sense to Pete soon enough, once he noticed the girls in his college whispering as he walked past. Even the freshmen girls had heard of it, and they were even poorer at hiding their gossips.
“I heard that he cheated on Grace with Vanessa, and when she found out, she kicked him so hard that his penis got crushed!”, he once heard one of his sister’s classmate whisper to a friend.
“That’s nonsensical! You clearly haven’t been paying attention in biology! It was clearly his testicles that got affected. I wonder if he still looks like that diagram in the lab, or if he’s all flat and smooth down there!”, her friend whispered back.
“His testicles used to be so plump and hairy, what do you think a hard knee would have done to them? I mean it was so tempting to just step out and kick him when he dumped me, but I couldn’t bear to! He’s just so.. so perfect!”, a girl he had used to have sex with said, barely trying to keep it down.
“What a bitch Grace is! I heard she kicked him in the nuts good once she got tired of screwing him! What? Yes, and she kicked him extremely hard too, the doctors were unable to repair the damage she did to his privates. She could have saved some of that for us!”
“No, I was there at the mall when it happened! Vanessa gave him the hardest kick I have ever seen in my life after he got in a tussle with Grace!”
"Yes! I heard that the last time a boy messed with Vanessa like that, she kicked him in the balls so hard that he lost one!"
"Well, mess with a girl like that, get castrated!"
“Didn’t you hear what Anita said? Grace kicked him again a week later when he tried to rape her, which neutered him! If he still has his nuts, they're probably shrunken up and just for show now!”
"You're right, I've seen Grace running the track, and those legs of hers would definitely do a mean number on his love life, intentional or not. Oh well, I guess its karma for all the girls he's fucked over."
"And it wasn't a single kick, but that she kneed him repeatedly between the legs til he passed out! She definitely did some permanent damage to his nuts."
Where once he had been quite the male specimen, of virile confidence and cockiness, lean, and exuding charm, he was now reduced to a hollow, thin body. He lost 15lbs after the incident, and made his way home quickly once classes ended.
He still had a semblance of a sex drive, a mix of what function his testicles had retained, and synthetic testosterone, but it paled in comparison to the male fuel the two perfectly oval organs enclosed in his scrotum produced before Grace’s acute attack on his manhood. Although his doctor had assured him that he would eventually be able to have sex again, a constant nagging ache in his scrotum convinced him not to attempt masturbation, and often at night would he gently hold his permanently inoperative gonads in his palm.
He would often stand in front of the mirror, looking at his saggy reproductive organs, now much smaller and less hairy than they were before Grace kneed him in the balls repeatedly.
He could muster up an erection easily enough, but flashbacks of Grace's bare kneecap's final, fateful knee crashing into his reproductive organs at full speed would come to him as soon as he gained momentum, the feeling of juices churning and rising in his injured sex organs bringing back the pain of one of the many kicks Grace gave him in their brief altercation, and he would stop, with tears in his eyes.
And now, he will never be capable of pleasuring another girl again, let alone getting her pregnant with his infertile seed.
He had not seen Grace since then, she too was affected by what she had done, probably retreating home quickly after classes. He wondered if she knew of everything that was going on, whether she knew that she had castrated him.
Vanessa sought him out at times, Pete believed, just to see how he was doing. She would saunter by him at times while he sat alone to have his lunch, scantily clad as ever, in her tight leggings or miniskirt; and her tubes or singlets, showing off her best assets. He wondered if she was accentuating her feminine assets to mock his crumpled manliness, or whether she was doing it to test if he was still able to be turned on.
He was, and she would always be able to tell. It almost seemed to give her pleasure, knowing that he found her desirable, but was yet embarrassed, perhaps even afraid to interact with her, after what he had been through. That he was now unable to act upon his manly urges, she had believed, because to her, his obviously impotent testicles meant zero sexual function. To her, he was but a eunuch now.
It was karma, she thought. For all he had done to the girls, her sister, and herself.
The first time he had sex since his sterilisation was with Anita, a nerdy girl he knew. She had always been more into her poetry, and her comics, and her television shows than boys, but she was the only girl who seemed to not give him the look everyone else did whenever he attempted to make advances. Perhaps it was due to her not paying enough attention to the gossip everyone else cared about so much, he had thought.
“Oh Pete..”, she said as he laid upon her, pulling her top off while sliding a hand down her panties. It took him a moment to fully register what she had told him, as he fully took in the sight of the first pair of breasts he had seen in a few months. Her body was stunning, something she never gave off by wearing thick, baggy clothes all the time. She was unshaved, he noted, as he circled his finger around her, slowly inserting one into her first. She tried mouthing some words, but gasped and choked on it instead when he slid his fingers around her warm walls, increasing the count to two as soon as he felt her getting wetter.
“Oh Pete… I get so turned on imagining watching a guy curl up in pain after getting kicked in the balls…”, she finally let out.
“Y-you what?”, he asked in disbelief.
“What, you thought I didn’t know?”, she laughingly said, panting.
She seemed a different person now, with her clothes and round rimmed black glasses in a pile on the floor, than the shy, polite girl he had knew. “Come on, it’s my turn now!”, she said, flipping him off her and onto his back, as she straddled him, opening his shorts, her hand first gently grasping his penis. He almost creamed then and there, mouthing a scream as she grinned, deliberately stroking his shaft several times as she moved his throbbing member out of the way to view the dangly parts of his male anatomy.
She made a O with her mouth seemingly in surprise, putting one hand over her mouth as she bent over to take a closer look. He look up at the ceiling, wondering if she would get turned off by what she found.
She pushed his thighs further apart, cupping both his testicles and lifting them, watching as they moved around in his scrotum, retreating slightly to her touch.
“Aww, I’m not gonna hurt you”, she said cooingly, her mouth almost touching his impaired eggs, her warm breath driving him out of his mind. He was nearly hyperventilating by now.
“I’m not Grace, I’m not gonna kick you”, she continued, as both her hands fawned over his formerly large and plump gonads, now shrunken to a size slightly below average, still sensitive as ever, as if Grace had never even touched them before.
“I’m not gonna squash your with my knee”, her tongue prodding his intimate regions in a circular motion, her fingers teasing the tip of his penis. “In fact, I'm gonna take good care of you. I’m gonna make you forget that you could even feel pain like when she kicked you, and all you'll remember you can feel down here will be this”, she said, right before enveloping his penis with her mouth, her warm tongue gliding over all the right spots.
Where did she learn to do this!, the thought rang in his head.
She paced him well; the moment she had put it in her mouth, he would have came if she had gone any faster, but she tracked him by his breathing, keeping him on the edge for a good five minutes, as she voraciously glided her lips and tongue over his penis, her hands massaging his testes.
“I’m gonna make you glad you had balls”, she said with a gasp, pulling her mouth off him and sitting on his fully erect cock.
“You won’t even know her name after I’m done with you”, she breathed heavily into his face, as she started moving up and down. He was speechless by now, driven only with a primal hunger to achieve an orgasm, his hands rubbing her tear drop shaped breasts.
His toes were curling, his thighs almost cramping as she continued, her hand on his chest with each stroke she delivered with her hips.
“Did it hurt when she kicked you?”, she asked him with a cooing voice, slowing the gyration of her hips down each time she asked a question. He nodded impatiently, his eyes closed and tearing a little from the intense pleasure. “Did it hurt a lot?”, she asked again, with him reacting exactly the same way.
“And what did she do that made you hurt?”, she asked now, almost stopping her glide. “What did she do?!”
“She kicked me!”, he could barely take it. Her walls were by far the most pleasurable he had ever been inside, and her every move seemed to have been made for him.
“Where did she kick you!”, she said, almost yelling at him, as she started increasing her pace. His testicles were aching terribly now, although it was not anywhere as painful as the kicks he had received.
“In my testicles! In my nuts! In my manhood, let me cum!”, he begged. “And what happened to you after she kicked your nuts!”, she gasped out loud, her face flushed completely as she moved as quickly as she could.
“I.. I I I fell over, I was in so much pain. My balls, my stomach, my everything, and I was so afraid I would never be able to have sex ever again! And, and then I wet myself, and, and the doctor told me, that I cant... that my testicles won't function properly again, and that, that she stopped me from, from ever having.. or producing sperm and.. and.. can't make a girl pregnant... ”
He choked, as she closed her eyes, her vagina contracting around him as she moaned out loud.
He held his breath and closed his eyes, groaning loudly as his body lost tension, her movements slowing down, as he ejectulated for the first time since Vanessa had kicked him outside the mall, injuring his testicles badly enough for him to have to refrain from sexual activity for six weeks, only to have Grace geld him with her knee shortly later. Her vagina contracted more and more with each warm, sticky squirt he pumped out, his spent penis jerking with each shot. She finally stopped once she felt him softening, as she removed his throbbing penis from her vagina, her pussy messy and wet from his barren juices, both of them sweat and panting as she lay by his side, rubbing his spent gonads.
Thank you! It took me a long while deciding which parts to include and cut to keep it not too long, but dramatic as well!
Erica, your stories are *always* worth the wait. =)
Aw, thank you! I hope you enjoyed it.
I did enjoy it a lot, thank you. The bit at the end about her "rubbing his spent gonads" was an unexpected, but entirely welcome, flourish. =D
Great continuation, I'm glad he still gets to experience that. I like the idea of the nerdy girl getting off on his ballbusting, but letting hm finish anyway.
Aww, c'mon, the poor guy has been through enough now
I love this! Thank you so much for continuing it! I totally thought Anita was gonna crush him again at the end, and make it so that poor eunuch could never even cum again! Please post more! <3
Aww, isn't it poetic justice enough for this once very, very fertile bull who bedded almost every girl at his school and breaking so many of their hearts to lose his fertility/manliness after the most innocent girls of the lot kicks him in the same, plump organs that made all of this happen?
Great story Erica! But I think you should have had Anita say something like "It doesn't matter to me that you're now sterile. I just want to be able to suck and fuck your big cock on a daily basis without having to worry about getting pregnant."
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