This is a part of a series. Episode guide and discussion here: Toyfriend

Chapter 7 – Wedding time

In a few days we started to talk about the wedding, and went on organizing it. I did not know how big a hassle it could be. One day Lory cheerfully showed me something.

“Look, what I found” she said.

“What?” I asked.

“A professional dominatrix…” she started.

I thought for seconds. Previously she mentioned that we might go to a professional as a couple, to ask for some advice and demonstration on how should we advance in ballbusting and humiliation play.

“… who can issue marriage certificates.” she continued.

I blinked in awe, she went on.

“She holds BDSM and Femdom themed weddings. So, I thought…”

“That would be…” I said with an interested smile, but stopped “And should we invite our friends and families?”

“No, no way” she shook her head giggling “How about this? We go there with just the witnesses to sign the papers. We get the official paperwork. Then we hold the big wedding with a fake ceremony and a dinner and drunk dance with our families.”

“That’s an awesome idea.” I nodded.

She e-mailed the contact given on the website. We got an audition in a few days.

We were led to an office. A woman awaited us, she was tall and fit. She was wearing faux leggings and a leather corset.

“Good afternoon” she greeted us “I am Mistress Wilma. You must be Lory and Craig.”

We nodded, then we shook hands.

“So, you are interested in holding a BDSM wedding. Focusing on femdom and…”

“Ballbusting” interrupted Lory and blushed “Oh, sorry.”

“No problem” answered Wilma “Most couples I met, are really excited about all this. So, we should discuss the basics, and figure out the details later.”

“Yes” nodded Lory “I have a question. Can we keep the details a surprise for him? I want his suffering to be honest, genuine.”

“We can do that” nodded Wilma “The only thing I refuse is to make it fully secretly. If he knows, when and where, just don’t know how, that is usually the best case. But no surprise torture wedding party, those are regrettable.”

We both nodded with understanding.

“We are quite new to this…” started Lory.

“We were never wedded, and been hardly to any wedding.” I continued “Not to mention, we haven’t been to any BDSM themed event.”

“That’s fine” answered Wilma. “So, tell me, how you imagined things, and we can work out the details. Almost anything works. I’m doing this for a while now, and I had some memorable cases.”

We looked at her with anticipation.

“Care to hear some examples?” she asked.

We both nodded.

“That can help to inspire some ideas for yours… So, once the bride and the bridesmaids kicked the groom’s balls until he fainted. Then they drank champagne, until he recovered. I’ve married couples who both appeared naked in front of their families. Sometimes just the groom, naked on a leash… Once I was standing on the groom’s dick during my whole speech. Then he tried to say ‘I do’ with the bride standing on his balls. He was gathering air for some time, you can bet.”

We were thinking. Lory wanted to keep the details secret, so I was just thinking about what to expect. Wilma kept on speaking.

“What we must avoid is blood. That’s almost impossible to clean. Keep your hardcore away, it’s just a wedding, with some kink.”

“That’s fine” nodded Lory “We are not into blood. Just kick, punch, crop, smash his balls, until he cries, begs, and does or says anything in return for a short pause of mercy. Am I right, sweetheart?”

I gulped.

“Yes, in fact.”

“That’s fine. I think, we can discuss the date.”

We fixed the date, and postponed working out the details, as Lory wanted to keep it surprise for me. We needed two witnesses to sign the certificate, so it was obvious that we asked Ally and Heidi for this role. They would be the bridesmaids for the big wedding as well.

So, we started organizing things. Lory took care of the “real wedding” as she called the kinky wedding, and mostly I was working on organizing the “fake wedding” with our other friends and our families. And with a ceremonial unofficial officiant who was to hold the fake ceremony.

It was energy and time consuming, but everything went well. We had quite a short deadline, as we wanted to get wedded in still good weather, but without waiting for over a year. Still, everything was in order and went almost smooth.

And the day came. Everything was double-checked, fixed, well organized, double confirmed, yet we were nervous. Lory kept running in circles in the room fretfully. She kept freaking out about her dresses, about if something which had been already double or triple checked would work. I tried to calm her down, and allowed her to let some stress out on my balls.

I got a few fierce punches, and a few kicks, and she got a little calmer. Then I offered eating her to ease her stress even more. It worked. For some time. In an hour she was on the nerve again. This act went on for the whole day. I pleased her five times already by the evening, and she was turning anxious again.

“Shall we go to bed?” I asked “It can make tomorrow come earlier… and I could use some help to unload as well.”

She looked in my eyes with a warm smile.

“You know…” she said “I haven’t told you earlier, but the luckiest ladies get only wedded once in their lifetime.”

She was about to ask something; I became a little more nervous.

“Since we are together, I imagined that my groom would be blue balled during the wedding. So can you keep it until the consummation?”

“You plan to consume it?” I asked smiling.

She punched me in the balls.

“Funny…” she made a half-smile “I meant the wedding night.”

“Uh-hmm.” I needed a few deep breath “Understood.”

So, this was it. Her will was to keep me blue balled. Soon we went showering, and slept. She got a new releasing pleasure, while I got some more arousing bust, to ensure my blueness for the next day.

Next morning, we woke up, and after a fast coffee and breakfast, rushed to the beautician. Lory got her hair, make-up, and nails made, and by her wish my pubic was also done. So, there was I, and two beauticians were working on eliminating all signs of my pubic hair, both on the front and on the back. It was a little embarrassing, but after all the humbling I had been through this felt like nothing.

Then we went to the ceremonial place of our official wedding. We needed two witnesses to cosign the papers, naturally Allison and Heidi accompanied us. We arrived in our civil clothes to the place, so, both of us needed a change in a separate changing room. Allison went with Lory, and I got Heidi to assist me. I didn’t even know what I was going to wear to the “real” wedding, I only got my suit for the “fake” one.

So, Heidi already in her pink minidress, led me to a small room to change.

“Okay, drop all your clothes, shoes included” she instructed.

I followed. I stood there naked soon. She checked me out.

“Good” she nodded with a smile.

She started unpacking a from a big bag. At first, I saw a pair of leather shoes, and soon socks followed. Fine, I thought. Then she handed me a bow tie. A single bow tie, without shirt, to tie around my neck. Then I got a pair of cuffs. Just cuffs, still no shirt or trousers.

Finally, she took a paper bag from the big bag. On the side of the paper bag a tuxedo boxer brief was printed. I wasn’t surprised. I looked at the bag and made a relieved sigh.

“Oh, yes” said Heidi “At first we planned that you will have a tuxedo boxer… but later we ordered…” she took a tuxedo thong from the bag and showed me “But, by the time it has arrived we changed our minds. Well, you can keep it for occasions later, but you cannot wear it today. Today, you will put this on.”

She took the thong back to the bag and got a big wristband-like ring from it. I looked a little puzzled.

“A scrotum ring” she explained “You will wear this for the ceremony.”

I blinked in awe.

“Come on” she said “It will be only us; we have seen you naked on our first time we met… so, please… let me fix this on you.”

I nodded, and let her fix the ring on my sack above my testicles. I felt a little weight, but it wasn’t pulling down my nuts or constricting blood vessels. It would prevent the testicles flapping around when busted, causing them to crush against the ring. Which would make every kick or knee way more painful.

I put on the shoes and everything else. Then she showed me a blindfold.

“You cannot see Lory’s dress before it’s time” she said with a heedful voice.

I got what she meant, and I let her put the blindfold on me. Then she led me out of the room. I followed her, until she told me to stand still. I stood, waiting.

I heard footsteps, steps of high heel shoes. And distant chatter getting closer. A calming ceremonial music played in the background, softly.

I heard the steps approaching, and ceasing nearby. Then suddenly, Heidi took off my blindfold.

Then I saw her. Lory stood in front of me, in a white bandeau dress, which just reached down to the very top of her thighs, ornamented with lace and flowers. She was stunning, the most pretty I had ever seen her. She was wearing a wail, already behind her head, and she was holding a white riding crop in her right. She had no tights, and was wearing white ankle boots.

I sighed, and I felt that I was smiling warmly. She looked at me with the most adoring smile ever. Mistress Wilma cleared her throat. I looked at her.

She was standing near a table. A big table which looked more like an altar to me. She was wearing a leather bandeau body, and thigh high boots, which covered almost all her legs, just leaving a small gap between the bodysuit and them.

She went around the table, stood next to us and started her speech.

“For centuries, well, millennia, people thought that males are the stronger sex. These beliefs are nowadays proven to be wrong. As we all know, may it be God, or may it be evolution, or anything else, males were given testicles. The very thing that makes them man, makes them vulnerable, weak, pathetic. Some still try to deny this fact, but the intelligent males are accepting that women are superior. Some cleverer specimens love being reminded about their weakness, but the most intelligent ones cherish and enjoy being rendered puny by their weakness, and worship the superior sex for doing so. Such intelligent man is rare to find, and it’s even harder to find one who is attractive and nice. Lucky is a man, who finds himself a Lady, who loves to remind him of his pathetic weakness, but does it with care and delight. Now, such couple appeared in front of me, to testify their will to be bound by the law, as they go on with their journey together.”

She gestured me to spread my legs. I gulped, and obeyed. Wilma turned to Lory.

“Lory, will you take this man as your lawfully wedded subordinate, love him, punish him for his weakness, but still honor him every day?”

Lory looked me in the eyes and swinged her crop. She hit my balls with a flapping sound, which echoed in the room. As I cried out, bent a little, and cupped balls instinctively, she said:

“I will.”

I was still trying to fix my breath when Wilma turned to me with a commanding look. I gathered myself, and straightened my back, while holding my hand on my sides.

“Craig, will you take this lady as your lawfully wedded queen, love her, cherish her, serve her, and always please her by your best efforts?”

Before I could say anything, Lory struck again. I lost my breath, bent over, and cupped myself driven by reflexes again. I was panting for some seconds, then I straightened back up, and took a deep breath. This was a bad idea, as Lory saw I was about to say something, she hit my balls again with the crop.

Now I dropped to my knees. A clenched my eyes for a second, then took a few deep breaths. I was more cautious now. I gathered enough air before I stood back up straight, and as I reached my original position, I immediately said.

“I will!”

The next hit came regardless. But know as I fell on my knees with my face in the grimace of agony, I was still smiling. I was bent over totally, and tried to fix my breath as I felt that someone was pulling my shoulders to make me stand up.

“Please, sign the papers. May I ask the groom to be the first.”

I stood up, and fought my urge to curl or bend. Wilma led me to the chair behind the table, and handed me a pen. She pointed where to sign, and so did I. Right after she pointed under the table, and I saw that there are handcuffs and ankle cuffs on the bottom of the table. She showed me where to lie, and tied my wrists and ankles to the bottom of the table. I could not see for clear, but my balls were in position to anybody sitting on the chair to rest her feet on my balls.

“Now the wife.” I heard Wilma’s voice.

Then I heard Lory’s footsteps. I saw her thighs and hip as she sat on the chair, and she rested one of her shoes on my balls. It wasn’t painful at first, just some slight pressure. As she signed the paper, she occasionally added some force, but nothing fierce.

“Now, since you are here” I heard Wilma’s voice again “Can you sign my contract as well?”

“Naturally” answered Lory.

Now she was applying some pressure on my balls, while she signed the next paper. I did not want to give in easily, so I clenched my teeth, my eyes, and tried to endure the pressure on my balls, as long as I could without a sound.

Lory was clearly finished with the paperwork, and now she was focusing on squishing my balls. I fought it for a few additional seconds, but then I made a miserable whimper.


I heard Lory giggle, then the pressure ceased.

“Now, the first witness… may I ask you to cosign?” said Wilma again.

Luckily both Ally and Heidi made it fast. It does not mean, that I did not get a good squeeze between my scrotum ring and their soles, but it was fast, and neither of them forced any cry out of me.

Then Wilma sat to the table.

“Let’s check if everything is in order” she said.

She sat with crossed legs, and her right leg was swaying, generating a pulsing but tolerable pressure on my nuts.

“Fine” she said after some time “Everything is in order. I can forward these to the bureau.”

The pressure ceased, and Wilma crawled under the table to free my limbs. I climbed out, and she showed me to stand at my original place. As I took my position, Wilma spoke again.

“Now, since the rings will be at the other ceremony, I ask you to hug each other, and whisper your vows.”

Lory stepped to me, and hugged me tight. She moved her mouth next to my ear and whispered:

“I love you. I promise to persistently humble you, and make your balls hurt, but not damaged.”

I smiled, and also whispered to her ear.

“I love you. I will keep pleasing you with my best effort regardless the pain it costs.”

She stepped back. We looked each other in the eyes filled with love. Then we turned to Wilma. She continued.

“Now, by the authority vested in my by that cheap course, I pronounce you as wife and husband!”

There was a little pause. She glanced at us and said:

“Time for the kicks. Or kiss? I suppose kicks first, then the kiss.”

I gulped. I checked my position. I had expected that Lory will go for a kick at some point of the weeding. Well, it is a good finale for the ceremony.

She swinged her leg. I felt my balls squishing between her beautiful white boot and the scrotum ring, and immediately felt the pain not just in my balls, but all over my insides. As her feet returned to the ground, my body followed.

I dropped to my knees, cupped my balls with my hands, while my squeal echoed in the room. I could not breath for a good second, and as my senses returned, I felt that my balls are on fire, my eyes, and most of my face is wet, and that I cannot move from my curled-up position.

Lory made an intimate sigh. I was focusing on my breath, and trying to survive the pain somehow. The other ladies made expectant sighs, as they were patiently waiting for me to do something. After several seconds, Wilma spoke up.

“It was just for the sake of word play, but I said kicks, plural. Please, Craig, don’t let me down, and endure at least one more.”

Just as she was saying it, I felt that my upper arms are grabbed from both sides. Ally and Heidi were forcing me to stand up. I took a deep breath, gathered myself, tried not to focus on the nauseating pain emitted from my balls, and stood on my feet once again.

I could even smile warmly at Lory. Even I was in immense pain, I loved all of this, loved her, and felt how much she enjoyed doing this to me. It all felt worthing my pain, which felt like it would kill me in itself, and was just about to reach an even higher level.

And it did. Now I could not even squeal, shout, or cry. I was out of air for quite some time, and as I started regaining my senses, I was already on the ground, in fetal position, by balls were feeling like and exploding boiling eggs, my face was soaked with tears, and my dick was still presenting the most committed erections I ever felt.

Delighted about the fact that I can gather some air again, I started whimpering. The others waited for me to recover a little, clearly enjoying my suffering.

Once it eased enough to allow me to open my eyes, I looked up. Wilma was leaning over me, and gestured something, I thought was instructing me to lie on my back. Once I did, she showed me to extend my limbs wide apart. I obeyed.

Lory stood above my head; her feet next to my ears. This allowed me to peak up her dress, and saw her white ruffle short panties. It was extremely sexy, and I saw her slowly pulling it down. Then she dropped it on my crotch, and lowered even more to place her groin on my face. As my lips touched her genital lip, I heard Wilma again.

“Oh, yes, this is the kiss I was talking about. An Australian kiss seals a marriage even better than a French kiss.”

So, this was it. I would lie if I said I did not enjoy pleasuring Lory as a seal of our marriage almost as much as her. Every bit of her sweet vaginal fluid tasted better than ever, and all the pain radiating from my testicles just made it even better. All the joyful trembling I felt from her was heavenly, and her soon arriving delighted moan caused me feel better than any orgasm did.

I didn’t know how long it was, just that I wished, it could last forever. She slowly stood up from my face, picked her panties, and pulled them back up under her dress.

Her face said it all. This was the perfect wedding; she couldn’t imagine better. I stood up as well, she stepped to me, and we hugged for long. She slid her thigh up between mine, and enjoyed how my smile gets mixed between overjoyed and pained, as she caught my balls between her thigh and the ring.

Once we finished hugging, we held hands, and glanced at our bridesmaids and the mistress. Everybody was happy and touched by the moment.

“I would like to congratulate you.” said Wilma.

She stepped to Lory and hugged her. I heard her whispering in Lory’s ear.

“You are the luckiest ever. I barely see any man who has this much endurance for ball-pain, while being handsome. He is the best catch ever, keep him happy.”

“Thank you, I will.” answered Lory. It was quiet as well, but I could hear it.

Then Wilma stepped to me, and said:

“Congratulations. Your wife knows the drill. Most men, I know, would greatly envy you, and your balls.”

“Thank you” I nodded.

Wilma glanced at Lory, who gave her an approving nod. I realized what she was up to, so I spread my legs a little more to make space. Wilma noted it with a wide smile.

She kneed me. I got some time to recover from Lory’s last bust, but my balls were still tender. I cupped myself, wet my eyes, and slowly landed on my knees. My pain almost rose up to the maximum again. As I arrived on my knees, Wilma grabbed my hair on the back, and pulled my head towards her. She turned around, and me face was closing her ass cheek. She led my head, until my lips touched the exposed half of her bum. I gave it a small kiss, and my head was released.

I looked up, just to see, that as Wilma stepped aside, Ally stood before me, expectantly. She already congratulated Lory, so, she was awaiting me. I stood up, and clenched my teeth in expectation.

Well, her knee was way weaker than Wilma’s, but I was already more tender, because it just happened. I fell to my knees faster, and bent over. Ally held up her shoe, and as I figured she expected me to kiss it, and so did I.

I gathered my remaining might to stand up and face Heidi, who was not hesitant.

Just as I stood up, the next thing I could figure that I was on my knees again, instinctively cupping myself, fighting for air, and thinking about if my balls had survived the impact without deformation. My hands felt they did, yet it did not ease the pain which rendered me moveless. Slowly, I recovered enough to look up. Heidi turned her back to me, and pulled up her dress a little bit, revealing her butt-cheeks, which were not at all covered by her thong. I understood what she wanted, and kissed one of the bums, before I fell back to the curled position on my knees, waiting for the agony to ease somewhat.

A few good minutes had passed once I could stand up confidently. All the ladies were smiling at me. We held hands with Lory, and went back to the dressing room.

Now we went to the same room. There was no secret about the dress now. Ally helped Lory to get out of her white dress, while Heidi removed my bow tie and cuffs. Then I was waiting there, still naked. When Lory was finally out of her dress, wearing only panties, the two other ladies left the room. Lory showed me a thong. It was lace, light blue, and quite a small size.

“I want you to wear this for the fake wedding. Under your suit, of course” she said.

I made a disturbed look at her. She continued.

“It is my first thong ever. I bought it when I was thirteen. It was not very comfortable, so I did not wear it much, but kept it. It is old, blue, and since you will wear it, it will be also borrowed.”

I nodded with understanding. She went on.

“I know, it will be quite uncomfortable for you, and you think it will just dig in between your balls, separating them for even more discomfort. This is why you should keep the ring on. It is brand new. So, your crotch in itself will fill the superstition.”

I sighed.

“Well, according to the superstition, the bride should wear all these, no? And the borrowed item must be from a happy wed couple. If we knew any…”

She shook her head.

“Okay… you can think about all this like an excuse to humble you in a way, which will not make all our relatives uncomfortable. Right?”

I shrugged.

“I just want to make you happy” I said.

“You are making me, just by being at my side. But, please, do this favor for me. I also dreamed about wearing ruffle short panties and also ruffle thong, and since we have two occasions, I can fulfill both.”

I nodded, and took the thong from her.

“Have a coin for my shoe?” I asked, smiling.

She nodded with a warm smile.

We went to the other ceremonial place. We got dressed.

The fake ceremony went very well. Lory had another dress, a long one, going down almost to the floor. I got my suit, and could mostly handle my bulge, created by the lack of compression of my underwear and the slimness of my suit trousers.

We finally put the rings on each other’s fingers. We did not repeat the vows, just whispered “I love you”. All the guests acted fine; the dinner was fantastic. We danced with every relative and friend. I got through all the event without my balls getting busted, aside from a few soft knees sneaked by Lory and Heidi during dancing.

Not much after midnight we got to our hotel room.

“This was good.” I said smiling. I was a little tipsy.

“Yeah, it was magnificent” Lory nodded. She was also a little drunk “And my parents could keep it together, so, everything was in order.”

We kissed and said “I love you” to each other.

She got out of her dress, leaving only her ruffle thong on. I also undressed, finally getting rid of the girly thong and the scrotum ring too. She checked me out, smiling.

“Since we are married” she asked “Are you planning changing anything?”

I thought for a second.

“Not much. We are already living together… Well, I plan to wear thong more often, well, mainly. I would like to gather courage to wear swimming thongs to the beach as well.”

She nodded.

“Do you have anything in mind?” I asked.

“Well… I am eager to try some longer blue balling, with even more distress… And more role reversal. Punish me sometimes, make me beg and cry!”

She smiled at me, and kneeled before me. She massaged my balls for a few seconds, then caressed my dick.

“Oh” I said “Are you planning to… I wanted you to have the first orgasm after our marriage.”

She looked at me with a mischievous smile.

“First of all,” she said “I already had one, just after we got officially wed. And secondly, when this one is reciprocated, I would like to drop back in the bed and sleep… So, let me relieve your blueness.”

She started teasing me with her hands and mouth. She had usually started blowjobs only when I was already aroused to a great extent, and had to barely do anything with her mouth to make me ejaculate. But this time, she was on. She slid her lips back and forth for long, and when she needed a little break, she got my shaft out of her mouth, and started punching or squeezing my balls, biting the side of my dick or my nuts, licking it all over, then going back to sucking it.

It was one of the greatest blowjobs ever. I wished it to never end, until the point she punched my balls so hard, I almost cried. When she got back on with her mouth, and I felt it coming. She felt it too, and grabbed on my balls, while exciting the tip with her lips. As I reached the peak, she was squishing my balls, like she was trying to squeeze the juice out of them.

It was my biggest orgasm so far. Every nerve of my body pumped joy, as my shaft pumped out all I could give to her. She was still grabbing on my balls firmly, creating intense pain, which enhanced this great feeling. I was floating in the world of delight.

I felt like an age passed, as I returned to my body, to start feeling that my balls were indeed pressured for too long and too much. I was still in the pleasure of my orgasm, but the pain started to become significant. Lory, smiling mischievously, stood up, and kissed me with her half-filled mouth.

She always did that. She never wanted to overflow my mouth with my juice, yet she made sure after every blowjob, that I could taste what she had just tasted. We kissed for long, and enjoyed every moment of it. Then she stood back a step and looked at me.

I realized that the wanted to kick me, and tried to cover myself while begging her not to do it. Yet, before I could say a thing, I saw her strict, commanding look. I found it better not to say a thing. I gulped, closed my eyes, and stood with legs apart, awaiting the kick shivering with anxiety.

It hit me good. All the joy just evaporated from my body, and got replaced with pure agony. I felt like my eyes were popping out, my balls were exploding, and my stomach was being replaced with sharp nails.

I fell on my knees, instinctively cupped my nuts, curled up, and started heaving. I could not open my eyes, and the most I was hearing was my heartbeat. A few seconds, which felt like hours, passed before I heard her voice.

“Since we are married, all your orgasms will be greatly retributed. Your birthday and Christmas are the only exceptions.” she said.

I felt how overjoyed she was made by my suffering. I started to feel good, despite all the sickening pain. I was sure that it all worth it.

“I’m getting rid of this makeup” she said “While I wash my face, gather your strength. You have to lick me goodnight, remember?”

Her voice was delighted and mischievous. This made me feel great. I heard the bathroom door closing, and focused on the order or my breath.

As I was kneeling there curled up, easing my ball-pain, I was sure that this was the best feeling in the world.

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