This is a part of a series. Episode guide and discussion here: Toyfriend

Chapter 6 – Box game

So, I started dating Lory. At first it meant watching movies, and going for a walk, a jog. or to the gym together. Also, a lot of board game or card game nights. Sometimes with others, sometimes two-player setups. Soon it turned into sleeping at the other one’s places most of the time, so in a few weeks we moved in together to a new apartment, without any rent-mates.

My life changed. Living with my ballbusting girlfriend naturally meant that my balls were crushed on an almost daily basis, but it was much more. At home I mostly wore sexy underwear, meaning lace, leather, and mesh boxers at first, but soon thongs too. I was even surprised that I liked them, and was happy to wear them, not just playfully, but sometimes as an everyday underwear. She was also dressing up sexy at home, but this meant a much wider variety as she was wearing mini dresses, leggings, hotpants, and anything, I found sensual, sometimes lingerie sets or erotic costumes, naturally.

In public or in company of my old friends and family she treated me equally. We discussed everything, made decisions together, and participated in conversations. Well, when we were among her friends, or at house parties she was perky. Depending on the circumstances, she would just sneak a few squeezes or punches, or make up petty quarrels to settle it by punching or kicking my balls, or would outright start busting me to show off how much I can endure with a smile and raging erection. Yes, all her closest friends had seen me crying for mercy naked with swollen balls, or even pleasuring Lory with my mouth while she smashed my tender balls. She even let her closest female friends take turns in busting my balls a few times, but there was no sexual engagement from anybody other.

Except for Heidi. We still held game nights for the four of us, and it sometimes resulted in Heidi busting me, until it was sexually tense, and Lory instructed me, or as she would frame, allowed me to make out with Heidi. It was strange at first, but I got used to it. We were on monogamic terms, but Heidi was somehow an exception.

I was happy and satisfied with my life. As I heard, relationships grown from sexual interest would fade in time, if the couple did not keep up introducing newer and newer activities. This was not our case. We explored our kink, bought lot of toys, tools, experimented, tried new methods, but still enjoyed the most simple, vanilla kind of busts and sex as well.

I didn’t say, that we never had bad days, bad moods, or petty fights, but we could always settle and discuss everything. We were happy together and in the everyday life as well as in the bedroom. Our life was lived up to the fullest, we cherished each other after months just as the very first day.

This inspired my idea.

On a Saturday morning as we just finished breakfast, I turned to Lory and said:

“My Lady” she loved when I called her this was “I have a surprise for you! Please wait here with your eyes closed.”

She smiled, closed her eyes, and even covered them with her hands.

I brought a wide cardboard box. It had six racks in a row, each had a number on its cover. I put the box on the table in the living room.

“Okay, you can open it.”

She looked at the table.

“Wow.” She said “How could you hide this?”

“Wasn’t easy. But nothing is impossible. Not for a guy, who cannot imagine a good sex without crushing ball-pain.”

She smiled, and spoke.

“O-okay, so, I think I need to open it in order.”

“Yes” I nodded.

She opened the top of the first rack, which had the number one. There were three smaller folded papers inside and a bigger one. On the bottom of the cover some instructions were to be found.

“Hmm” she started reading “Pick one of the small ones for the bondage, then unfold the big one.”

She picked one of the small pieces of paper, and unfolded it.

“It says frame. Alright.”

I started preparing the frame. We had bought a BSDM frame, which could be easily assembled and disassembled. I started setting it up in the living room. It was a 2 meters tall rectangle with rings and hooks to attach handcuffs or bonds. As I was setting it up, she read the instructions on the bigger slice of paper.

“Choose something to wear” she read “Nothing, boxer, or thong… I guess it means for you.”

“Yes, it means.” I answered.

“Okay, so I will go with… nothing.”

I almost finished assembling. She went on.

“I shall also get into something sexy, for the fun… and, while you set this up, can I check the other options? To see what did I miss…”

“Of course, you can.” I answered.

“Well” she said “Pillory with spreader bars… would be also good… and… tied to a chair… also fancy, but the frame is better.”

I finished the frame, and dropped off my underwear I was wearing. She picked the bonds and tied me up tight. She caressed my upped body, checked me out, and stepped back.

“Okay, time to hop into something sexy.”

She went to the bedroom and returned in a cheeky boyshort with lace edges and a lace bra.

“How do you like it?” she asked and made a turnaround to show her back as well.

I was already fully erect since I was tied up, so that was not enough proof for her.

“Sexy… stunning, my Lady” I said.

She made a mischievous smile, and went back to the table.

“Time to open the seconds box, I guess” she said and opened it.

There were three folded papers inside, and instructions on the bottom of the top cover.

“Hmm” she started reading “Warming up. Pick one.”

She picked and unfolded a slice; and read it.

“Legs… two knees, one soft, one moderate, each leg… then two kicks, one soft, one moderate, also each leg.”

She came to me. She slightly shook off and moved every joint in her right leg, then kneed me. At first playfully, it was more arousing than painful, but the second one immediately came, and made me exhale suddenly. I would instinctively cover my balls, but I was tied up. She did the same with her left knee. My sudden exhale turned into a groan on the second knee.

Then she stepped back, and readied for the kick. She was a gamer, played with respect to the rules, so even the kicks were playful, and I was more aroused than suffering yet.

She shook her legs as she finished.

“Fine” she said “Let’s check number three.”

She opened the third rack. A piece of paper was on the top, hiding its contents. She read it out loud.

“Are you warmed-up enough? If not, pick a new one from number two before proceeding.”

She looked at me, and then at herself.

“I could use some more…” she picked another slice from the second box. “Hands… a soft grab and a hard grab, each hand… then punches, a soft, a moderate, each hand… hmm. Ready?”

I nodded. She came back to me, and grabbed my balls with her right. Once just touching, and right after squeezing until the first muscle on my face twitched. She did it with the left as well. Then she crouched and proceeded with the punches. Now I started to feel them, and made repressed groans after all four.

“Nice” she said shaking her hands off as she returned to the box. She looked into the third rack, and said “Well, still not warmed up enough… better check the last one.”

She picked the last slice from the second rack. She read it out loud.

“Hands and legs… One slap, each hand, one thigh-squeeze, each leg.”

She stood in front of me. Now she started with the left. She crouched and slapped my balls. This sheet did not state a thing about the power of the impact, and she noticed it. The slap was stronger than anything before. It made a popping sound, and I yelped. I shivered a bit, and the second slap came.

“Oh!” I cried out, and tried to move my hands, resulting in a pathetic wiggle.

Then she stood up and rose her left thigh to squeeze my balls between it and my pelvic. After my breath was gone, she switched legs, and squeezed the air out of my lungs again through my ball-pain.

As she walked back to the table, she stretched, shook her limbs, and said:

“Feeling good now. Let’s check number three.”

She put away the covering paper and read the instruction on the inner side of the rack.

“Pick two, and roll the amount.” she read.

Inside the box, there were six folded papers, and a six-sided die. She picked one, and rolled the die.

“That’s… punches. And a two.”

She went to me, and punched me two times in the balls. I cried out for both, and now my face showed pain besides my enjoyment. Months of consistent busting helped me build up some tolerance. She went back, and picked a new one and rolled.

“That’s a four of… combos” her voice was delighted “Oh, my!”

Combo was a practice we had created together. It meant that she squeezed my balls until the first flinch, bend, or cry out. Then she suddenly released them, and punched them or slapped them. If my movement was restricted allowing both, she sometimes went for both.

She approached me again. She grabbed my balls and started to apply pressure. She proceeded slowly, looking for every sign of agony on my face. It started to become painful, but I could not deny that I enjoyed at least as much as her.

“Oh!” I cried out when the pain hit the threshold of my smile.

And she went for it. A slight moment of relief was followed by the sharp pain which now radiated up to my stomach, making me wiggle miserably, as I could not curl up. And right after the pain bounced all over my body, a new pulse of pain just emitted, as the second impact arrived.

“Mm…” I made a painful groan. So, she was going for doubled impacts after the squeezes.

I didn’t have time to think about that, as the pressure just arrived to my balls again. She looked in my eyes with a naughty smile. I tried to smile, but pain was over my face.

“Ah” I cried out.

Then the slap and the punch arrived in no time. I wanted to curl up so bad, that my pathetic wiggling made her chuckle. The first tear appeared in my eye, and my breathing was in between normal and sobbing.

She kissed me during the next squeeze. This eased it somehow, yet all the softening just helped for a few seconds. I tried to fight it, but I hummed painfully in her mouth at the end.

And I was punished greatly for it. Both the slap and punch, after my balls were let out of her firm grab, were stronger than before. I yelped after both, and started actually sobbing instead of breathing. Just the thought of that there was one more to endure thrilled me. I inhaled hysterically, and held my breath in hope that it would somehow ease my suffering.

It was in vain. Just as she applied some pressure I started gaping and fighting for air. When the first harsh grimace went through my face, she let my balls go, just to slap them.

“Ah!” my voice was painful and pleading “I…”

I could not say anything as the punch arrived, and as the pain hit up to my brain, twisted all my insides, making me cough with a desire of throwing up, I could not say anything. I was breathless for a few seconds, then started inhaling like I just escaped deep water. Not to mention my balls already felt like they were replaced with blazing coal.

She stepped back and enjoyed my suffering. The pain was slowly withdrawing, leaving only my sack and torso on fire. My mind was clearing. I tried to smile at Lory. My smile was filled with pain and joy. She looked in my eyes, and asked:

“You what?”

“I love you” I said. My smile became a little more confident.

She looked at my crotch, and so did I. I was still erect to the fullest, and I felt that my testicles started swelling.

“Do you need a break?” she asked with a mocking voice.

I shook my head. Actually, I craved some, but she loved when I appeared though against the torture. I also suspected that she would not let me rest, would just mock me more if I dared to ask for anything like that.

“Good. I love you too.” she smiled, kissed my cheek, and went back to the table. “Let’s see, number four.”

She opened the rack. There was a blindfold and a gag inside. She read the instructions on the bottom of the top cover.

“Apply one of these… or both.”

She was hesitating for some time, and grabbed both. She brought them to me. She smiled at me mischievously again.

“Which one would you like?” she asked, but just as I opened my mouth she went on “Because I will put both on you.”

She made an even naughtier smile. She put the gag on my face, and looked me in the eyes again.

“Is it comfortable? Do you like it?”

“Mm” this was all I could answer.

“Good” she nodded. She made the last, playful, heartwarming smile, I could see.

Then the world was covered for me. I heard her footsteps, as she went back to the table.

“That was all for number four” she said “Let’s see.”

She opened the fifth rack. She read the instructions on the bottom of the cover.

“Pick one.” that was all she could read.

The box had eight folded paper slices. I heard her picking up and unfolding one.

“One really hard grab… then pick a new one” she read.

I heard her footsteps and soon after I felt her grab. She went really hard in no time. I tried to scream in agony, but I could only let out some pathetic hums over my gag. When she was satisfied with my insanely fast breathing and constant cry-like humming, she released my nuts.

I was gasping for air, and I could feel my heartbeat all over my body. I felt every blood vessel in my testicles pumping, and every beat renewed my pain. I clenched my eyes, and felt my tears running down on my face. She must have noticed this, and said:

“Oh, you liked it this much?” her voice was teasing.

I heard her steps, as she went back for the table. I tried to calm my breath and pain as much as I could in this short period of relief.

She picked up a new one, and I could hear the sound of the unfolding.

“Three punches” she read “Then pick another one”

She approached me again.

“We will do all of them?” she asked.

“Mm-hm” I answered.

I was sure she was smiling despite I could not see her. Then the sharp pain hit me. Even before the first wave of pain could reach my brain, and made me want to puke, curl up, and cry, the second one was on the way. The third one came so fast, my brain got tangled between the pulses of pain, falling into a void, which left me with my ball-pain ruling over my body, instead of any command or thought. Now I could not even open my eyes. Not that I could see anything otherwise, but I could not stop the clenching for several seconds. I felt my tears running over my face, my neck, and my upper body.

I heard her sighing with pleasure, as she was watching me suffer and slowly recover from the three punches in short reiteration. She waited for several seconds, adoring my suffering, then I heard her going back to the box. She picked another slice.

“A playful bite, then draw a new one.”

She approached again, and I could not see, but was sure that she kneeled in front of me. Then she somewhat pulled my balls, and started scraping my sack with her teeth. It felt good for a split second, then I was miserably humming into my gag again. She ceased the scraping and clenched the middle of both my balls between her teeth. She slowly started biting on, gradually increasing the sharp pressure.

I was gasping as fast as my heartbeat, and I was trying to cry for mercy.

“M-hh-mm. Phm-mm” this was all she could hear.

She kept the clench on for a few seconds, but thankfully wasn’t closing her jaw more. Then she suddenly released me.

“Mm. Hmm” this was what I offered instead of saying thank you.

“Oh, you liked it this much?” she teased me “Only if I knew… I could have done a little harder.”

I went pale just by the thought of it. She must have seen it, because I heard a small giggle.

And she went back to the table to pick a new one.

“Okay, let’s see… Wait, there is something on the bottom of the box.”

Now that she picked fourth, she noticed that I had written instructions to the bottom of the rack. She read it out loud.

“Once there is nothing left to pick, repeat your favorite one, then proceed. Good.”

Then she opened the slice she just picked.

“Two kicks. And a new one.”

I was already in pain. She stood before me, and by the time spent, I was sure she was adoring my shivering, naked body with my greatly aroused hard-on, before she swinged her leg.

And she swinged it good. I lost my breath, cried into my gag with all force I could. I was wiggling again in my bonds, desperately trying to ease my pain, but I could not move more than that.

She made a delighted sigh. Then she kicked again.

“M-m-m. Hmm-mm.” I hummed.

My balls were on fire again. I wanted to curl up, I wanted to put my burning nuts into fresh cold water. I tried to open my eyes to see the blackness of the blindfold, but agony kept them tightened. I felt my tears running again, and all my muscles stressing in vain. The pain slowly eased, and the pleasuring counterpart of my agony ensured me that this was all good. If my mouth hadn’t been gagged, I would have been smiling for sure. Not to mention, my dick was at its fullest.

“Huh.” she sighed again. She was joyful and turned on, I could say.

She went back for the box.

“Flicking three times, and a new slice” the read from the next piece of paper.

And she went for it. Just receiving flicks was a relief after the previous ones. One sudden sharp impact, but it was gone in no time. My breath became ordered again, and I was standing on my legs again, not relying much on my bonds. It gave me pain still, but it was way more tolerable than anything before.

Her going back and forth was also helping to recover some in this given little meantime.

“Oh, yes” she said as she unfolded the next slice “Good old slaps. Three of them, before the next.”

The first slap returned me to the point where I regret everything. The two additional was just the icing on the cake, making me hum pathetically again. As she was going back to pick the next one, my slowly easing pain made me feel euphoric again.

“Knees, I would have guessed” she noted “Two. Before I check the last one.”

She came back and kneed me. The first one made me cry into my gag, but on the second I thought about giving up the game. Luckily, I could not say anything other than “Ph-mm. Hm-mm!” which she took as encouragement.

I felt my balls pumping with all the pain I could withstand, while my brain was teasing me with being eager for even more. I felt pleasure radiating from Lory, and it made me elated as well.

“Oh” she suspired “Two combos. How thoughtful of you” she added with a happy voice.

Since she could not see my grimaces as well as during the previous occasions of the combos, she was squeezing me until my first hysterical hum, before slapping and punching my balls, making me float in the world of pain.

All my body called for help, I was not sure that my balls existed or were replaced with pain emitting nerve stimulators. All my muscles tried to make my body to the fetal position, resulting in a miserable wriggle once again. Lory giggled, and clearly loved all my suffering.

This encouraged her to go for even more during the next combo. She squeezed me until my hum was clearly resembling a cry, and then slapped and punched even more powerful.

My tears now filled not just my face, but nose as well, which caused a really worrying sound as I was panting. As I was in the greatest agony, fighting my urge to throw up, faint or simply stop breathing, my arousal also stepped into new levels. I heard her going back to the table.

I was focusing on breathing, and trying to calm myself to survive the pain running back and forth in my body, while my balls felt like a pulp of still hot ash.

“Hmm” I heard Lory’s voice “I must pick my favorite, before going on. Hard choice, I enjoyed all of them… I love when I see you and your balls suffer, you know.”

“Mm-hm” I answered. If I could say I would add that I love it just as much, but I could not. Maybe this was for the better, as I doubted, I could survive if I encouraged her even more.

She thought for some time, for my relief. Then she said:

“Let’s go for the bite. I do that quite rarely.”

I gulped. She came back, and I felt my balls being pulled by her towards her mouth. They were now swollen, and more sensitive. The scraping at the start felt the same, more playful and arousing than actually painful. But since my balls were bigger, the actual bite felt like a real torture. They could barely fit between her teeth and her cramming them in already hurt like hell. And then she slowly closed on them, making me want to die on the spot. My gag almost broke due to the force of sound it had to withstand as I was crying with everything I got left.

By the time she released my nuts, I could not think and not feel. My muscles were not stressing anymore trying to escape and curl up, I was all numb. Seconds, which felt like hours passed by the time, my body functions returned, just to remind me of my pain, which felt like renewing. I started wiggling again, miserably humming with my filled mouth, and letting a rich flow of tears running down my body.

“This was good” she said.

Just the pleasure in her voice made me feel that it was still worth it. I felt the satisfaction in her sound, which made me feel great as well.

She went back to the box to open the sixth rack. The contents of the box were covered by a folded paper on the top. There were no instructions on the bottom of the top, so she picked the paper. I heard her unfolding it.

“Oh my!” she sighed, then kept silent for some time.

On the paper she faced the following question: Will you marry me? Under the question there were two options: Yes – Hard kick; No – long squeeze.

I heard her making a deep breath again, then I heard her footsteps moving away. In a few seconds I heard her approaching again. Then I heard knocks on the floor. In a few seconds, some smaller knocks followed and then a zipper sound. This could mean only one thing: she was putting on boots. I was anticipating nervously and beathing heavily. I could not tell how much time passed, when I finally felt the impact.

All my pain renewed, my muscles twitched, my balls were on the hottest fire again.

“Mm-hmm” this was what I cried out.

Even my agony was peaking, so was my excitement and arousal. And a relief. This was the last punishment, and it meant a yes.

“Yes” she said with a happy voice.

I made a disturbed exhale. Then I felt my balls exploding. She kicked me again, and I felt my nuts crushing against my pelvic, and bouncing back, with every movement emitting additional pain. Every wave of pain made me want to collapse and roll around, until I finally faint. I felt the swelling exploring new space to give me pain, all my nerves felt like they could suddenly signal just a little more pain than I though was fatal, just a second ago. My tears were flowing, my muscles alternated between being the numbest ever and pathetically wiggling in my bonds.

“Yes” she said again with a confident voice.

I tried to exhale, but the air was replaced with agony. I clenched my eyes again, and waited for all the pain to lessen to an extent which lets me breath and think.

I thought I could not be in bigger pain and regret ever, and even I was surprised that I still enjoyed it. Even if my agony could grow any bigger, I would pass out or die for sure, and would not enjoy it anymore.

At least this was what I thought. Lory proved me wrong. A third kick arrived, and I could not even figure what was going on. I felt every bit of my testicles, every nerve, every cell, every blood vessel. Everything was outlined with the purest pain I could ever feel, and could not even image before. I felt all my blood cells arriving to every little neuron in my balls, just to be used to signal even more pain. This was a new sensation, and that felt fatal or lethal, but and I could not understand how, I still liked it. For a split second I was sure that my balls got ruptured, but I could feel their whole volume, and they were full, and in normal form, just greatly swollen. And still the pain which rendered my body functionless, and kept my brain feeling only the inside of my balls, drawn with the deepest and most sincere agony, held a taste of pleasure. It made me feel that it all worth it.

“Yes” she repeated for the third time. Her voice was satisfied this time. This reassured my feeling that it was worth it, and filled me with even more delight.

I heard her walking back to the box, and coming back to me. She suddenly removed my blindfold.

“I wanted you to see me putting it on” she said.

She opened the ring box, and turned breathless for a second.

“Oh my, oh my!” she said finally “This is… this is beautiful!”

She tried to kiss me, but noticed that the gag is still in my mouth. She bent, and kissed my nipple. Then she slowly placed the ring on her ring finger.

“This is…” she sobbed “perfect.”

She removed the gag, and kissed me for long.

“I love you so much” she said after.

“I love you too.” I said smiling. My smile was mixed, as I was still in the deepest yet arousing agony.

The grabbed my nut sack with her hand.

“Can you feel my ring?” she asked with a perky smile.

I nodded. Then she caressed my dick with her hand.

“And now?”

I nodded again.

“How about…” she asked looking in my eyes “… that I untie you, and you show me how much you love me? Just to confirm this engagement.”

“With delight, my Lady” I answered with the widest smile ever.

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