This is a part of a series. Episode guide and discussion here: Toyfriend

Chapter 5 – Blue ride

The next morning I woke up with similar light swelling as before. Both the discomfort and the swelling were somewhat smaller, but I could still feel it. Heidi was still half awake, as my mind cleared up. I decided to keep lying in bed, until she wakes up. She rolled from one side to another for a few minutes, then she stretched her limb, and looked at me.

“Huh,” she said “The night was super. If you happen not to be tied in the future, we can definitely do it again sometime.”

I nodded. She hugged me, then she pushed me on my back, and held herself with her hands, pinning my shoulders. She glanced at my morning wood. She smiled at me, and swinged her knee into my nuts.

I groaned, clenched my teeth, closed my eyes, but as I could recover somewhat and open my eyes, I was smiling again.

“That’s your reward” she winked “For all the pleasure I got.”

She kneed me again. A little harder this time. My body curved a little bit. Then she just jumped off me, as I was still fighting the pain. She noticed my boxer on the floor, picked it up and left the room.

“Hey, I was gonna wear that!” I called out as she left the room.

I just woke up, and the humiliation play was already on. I went to the living room naked, and ate my breakfast without putting anything on. They were all wearing their sleepwear during breakfast, and I did not want to give them any alibi to start busting me this early. Heidi would tell that I had spelt naked, so taking my boxer would be found righteous by the others. Ally and Lory noticed that I was naked and gazed at my morning wood for some time, but did not add any comment about me being undressed.

“So,” Lory looked at me during breakfast “Did you discover her little secret?”

“What secret?” asked Heidi. Lory turned to her.

“That you go off in like four seconds.” she said.

“Come on” shrugged Heidi “That’s no secret. With a handsome guy and proper foreplay, you know… it’s kind of automatic… You are just jealous because I can easily cum three or four times on a good night.”

Lory did not answer. Was she, in fact, envious?

We kept silent for the rest of the breakfast. As we finished, Ally looked out and said:

“It’s already hot out there. And it seems the Sun will shine the whole day. How about we hop to the beach right away?”

The others agreed. Ally brought the four swimwear again for me to choose. I chose the pinkish white swim boxer this time. It wasn’t as compressing as I thought at first, but it was low rise. My erected penis could only fit in it if I tilted it a little, otherwise the tip would be peeking out. They were enjoying my struggle, before they went to change into their swimwear. As everybody returned Allison spoke up.

“Well, it’s a new one. So, we need to hold an inaugural again.”

“Is it drinks or kicks again?” I asked.

They nodded. I was in the mood for a good kick, before we go, but also would not mind some alcohol.

“Can we make it a drinks and kicks?” I asked elaborated “You can all kick me, then we drink.”

Everybody found it a good idea. I adjusted my swimwear. Better have the tip of my dick out, when I’m being busted than having a messed-up order at my groin due to my tucked in manhood.

Now they were more confident kicking me. And as they thought there will be no opportunity soon, they made it count. Lory kicked me first, and that made me crouch, groan, and gasp for several seconds. As I stood up Ally gave me her mightiest, and I fell on my knees with wet eyes. Heidi made me yelp, let out a good flow of tears, and keep curled up, fighting for air for the time she prepared the drinks.

I expected a good round, but since it was still the inaugural, I had to drink with them one by one. As I was becoming tipsy, I forced my dong back into the swim boxer, and folded myself into the beach mat. The girls got on their cover-ups, and we left.

Ally was wearing a pink cheeky bikini with bandeau top, Lory got on a low-rise scrunch bottom with a bra-like top, and Heidi was wearing a thong bikini again with a triangle top. I positioned myself next to her as we were walking and asked.

“So, you like thong bikini?”

She nodded. And told me:

“Yes. You know… Doesn’t matter what kind of bikini does a lass wears, her features can be seen. Might be my ass covered, you can still see its form, so why hide it? My bikini top might cover my nipples, but I cannot lie about their size. I just wear them for the little support they give. The worst is to have a panty line, digging into the bums making it look like a double hill. You know, a woman’s body keep changing even during a month. Even a good fitting pair of panties can dig in sometimes. So, I say: cover them all or not at all. Just thongs or boxers, almost nothing in between.”

I hummed with understanding. She went on.

“And you know, I find it unfair that lasses must show off everything they got on the beach while guys are just wearing shorts, pants. Insane. I promote guys wearing stuff, that also exposes them. Tight swim boxers, sport briefs, thongs. We should make this normal, popular. Guys shouldn’t hide their bulges; they should be proud of them.”

“Interesting.” I added.

“And luckily all my male friends got a good understanding of this. Some of them were easily convinced, some of them were a little forced. And some of them were let go.” She explained smiling.

“You know” I said “Some guys simply don’t have the confidence… and some guys will not get it from drinking a few shots.”

“We must change that as well” answered Heidi with enthusiasm “People should be educated. There are growers and showers, and size, especially flaccid size does not matter that much. The small bulges are cute, the big ones are funny to look at, the medium ones are the best. But all of them are sexy.”

“I see.” I nodded.

We soon arrived to the beach. There was no lifeguard busting this time. The girls asked me to apply suncream on them. At first, I thought about just creaming their back, as those are the area they could not reach, but I ended up doing it all. Even the bikini lines, which meant the edge of all their breasts and the whole butt-cheeks of Heidi. Needless to say, my bulge was at its maximum again, with my dick facing to the right side, and it was quite discomforting.

They said that they must return the favor so the three of them were rubbing the suncream on all my uncovered skin together. As we waited for the cream to dry up a little, we just walked over the area and took a short sunbath on the math. Before the sun gets really strong.

Then we went into the lake. The water was nice, we swam, sprinkled each other, enjoyed our time greatly. At lunchtime we went to the bar where we met Maya before. She offered us free drinks, which we refused, the girls just asked her to make my drink extra strong while making theirs a little softer than original. Maya got invited over again.

So, we stayed until closing time. The afternoon passed by similarly. I applied the suncream to them again, the same way as before. Then they did it to me again. This time Lory stealthily massaged my balls when creaming my thighs.

As we were walking back to the house, I noticed that my swelling is almost totally gone, and all my ball-pain were gone. Well, the pain from any busting was gone, but they were becoming blue, after a day of pleasantly playing with Lory and Heidi, wearing only bikinis.

When we arrived, we changed into indoor clothes. Well, the ladies changed into something to wear inside such as hotpants and top or minidress, while I was asked to wear only a boxer. I was the waiter again, and since I was not after orgasm this time, they usually thanked me for the drinks by playful nut-shots or mild grabs.

We played a few tabletop games, and soon Maya went home. Since my balls were already quite blue, the goodbye punch left me on my knees, breathless for a few seconds. She noticed it with a cheerful smile, and let Heidi see her out.

We went for shower, and I was told that this day is for Ally to sleep beside me. I awaited her in the bedroom, already naked.

“Good.” she said “So, you know it.”

“I know you couldn’t stand if I was wearing anything for sleep.” I answered.

She gestured me to stand next to the bed. I figured out that she wanted the goodnight kick. I hesitated.

“It’s time to sleep” she said “And I cannot let you in the bed without a good kick.”

I stood where she wanted.

“You know…” I said “They are… a little…”

“Blue?” she completed “I could guess. That’s great.”

“No, actually it’s a little discomforting.”

“This is why I must kick you real hard.”

I gulped. This sounded terrible, but my whacky mind wanted it. I stood in the position with anticipation.

Then she kicked me. It was her hardest one so far, indeed. The well-known agony returned in a split second, paired with my blueness and created a new kind of sensation again. I fell on my knees, lost my breath, and wanted to get rid of my balls, which were sending waves of thrilling pain over my body, again and again, as I moved any of my muscles. I coughed instead of breathing on the first few tries, but in some seconds, I could calm down, control the pain and regain the order of my breathing.

I looked up. Ally was sitting on the bed, smiling, waiting for me to recover. I stood up pathetically slowly, and crawled onto the bed. As I was positioning myself on the bed, she asked:

“Can I use your belly as a pillow?”

“Well, how would we do it?”

She checked over the bed and said:

“You lie on the very side of the bed. And I sleep sideways, so my head can rest on your abs.”

We did so. I placed myself where she asked, then she placed her head on my belly.

“Good night” she said.

“Good night!”

We fell asleep easily.

I woke up to the feeling that she lifted her head from me. She smiled, mouthed a “good morning”, and sat up in the bed. As I made my first movement of the day, the pain hit me. All the swelling and aching due to bust were gone, but my blue balls were not discomforting anymore, they started to hurt. I blinked the few times, and fought the feeling. I could get up easily and to my surprise Ally simply let me to go eating breakfast in my intended sleepwear boxer.

The weather was the same as yesterday. They suggested again that we go to the lake right after breakfast, and everybody agreed. Then Ally offered the four pieces of swimwear for me to choose.

“It might be the last time we go” she said “And I really wanted to see you in the tight one.”

Both Lory and Heidi made a reassuring smile. Well, I considered this a lucky option, as it was clear that I could not fit into the fourth one easily, and shoehorning my blue balls into it would be a terrible idea. So, I took on the super tight boxer. It was stretchy so did not compress my balls greatly, yet I could feel a little pressure on them. This somewhat increased the already existing soreness, but I thought I could live with this. At least for a few hours. The thought that there is a whole day ahead of us thrilled me. I noticed the ladies’ anticipating faces, so I made a turnaround to show it to them all. It really held onto my crotch, making it easy to figure out every bit from close. It had a really dark shade, almost black, so, at least it was not so noticeable from afar.

“Nice” said Ally.

“Bold and sexy” added Lory.

“And…” started Allison.

“I know, I know” I cut her off “Inaugural.”


I decided to drink this time. I hoped that a few shots might ease the pain, but had not much use. They all changed to swimwear, took on the cover-ups, and we headed to the lake.

Allison was wearing a cheeky hipster bikini this time with a bandeau top again. Lory went for a ruffle Brazilian bottom with an also ruffle swimming bra. Heidi was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, which had a moderate coverage on the front over her breasts, belly, and lower parts, but had almost nothing on the back, leaving her bums and whole back exposed.

We arrived, and did the same as the previous day. I rubbed suncream on the three of them, to all the exposed skin, and they jointly applied some on me. Naturally this whole act made me aroused again, and as my bulge was growing, the pressure somewhat rose on my balls, as my swim trunk was stretching differently. In the end of the creaming, it was already causing a disturbing, dull pain. I tried to hide it, and acted like everything was normal, but I bet they could notice my discomfort. Once we thought that the cream was absorbed by our skin, we rushed into the lake.

The water wasn’t even cold this time, even though it was just the morning. I lost my hope of the cold water somewhat easing my pain. To make it worse, the girls were more active than before, so I moved, jumped, swam way more than last day. Once we got out from the water to get lunch and a few drinks, it was hurting already. Not just some discomforting dull pain, actual, weakening pain.

I was walking funny and slow, but I was stubborn. I got to the bar somehow with the others. We got our drinks on similar terms as yesterday, and I was sitting, hoping some lessening of my pain. Maya got invited over again, but she told us that she could not join today.

I could barely eat because of the pain, so, it took some time to finish the meal. The other three were patient, they got another drink, and watched me eating, enjoying my struggle.

Once I finally finished, they jumped from their seats and rushed back to the place where we used to settle. I ran after them, and didn’t want to drop behind, so clenching my teeth, occasionally clenching my eyes as well, I did what I could.

I was keeping up, but as we arrived to our beach mat, I needed to lie down to fight my intensifying pain. The ladies chuckled and almost laughed at me, as they watched my pathetic struggle with my aching balls. They waited for a few minutes, but my pain only lessened a little bit. Then they asked me to suncream them again. I wanted to refuse, but now I was afraid that any kind of busting being stealthy or in the open would cause me fainting, maybe fainting while ejaculating.

Clenching my teeth, breathing deeply, I applied the suncream all over their bodies. Then I got my turn as well. Lory massaged my balls again as yesterday, and I almost cried when she did that. There was just a slight pleasure in it, most of the act was overrun by the pressure coming from the inside of my blue balls.

Then we went to the water. I tried to comfort myself by thinking about something I like, in hope that I might forgot somewhat about the pain, but it helped just a little. We were enjoying the water again, but I could not keep up this time. My movements were disturbed sometimes, and at some point, I had to take a short break. They mocked me and teased me, but it was a must. It was a different level of embarrassment. As we were playing around in the water my pain somewhat eased, and I could catch up.

Now we did not wait for the closing time. We went back to the weekend house early enough to have plenty of time to play our tabletop games. Since it was the last night, they asked me to be their naked waiter again. They even offered me two choices: I could be naked and they would be in underwear, or I could wear my boxer brief, and they would be fully dressed up. Even though I did not find it quite fair, I chose the first option.

I was bringing the drinks and snacks as usual, and my dull pain made it quite slow, for their immense entertainment. Thankfully there were no nut-shots as a gesture of thanking me, but mild grabs still happened. Those would be considered mild in normal circumstances, but they felt like the cruelest squeezes in this case. Sometimes I could barely focus on the game as my mind was occupied with my blunt but eager pain.

But somehow, I survived. We played a lot of games; I made at least twenty trips to the fridge; my pain just grow as I was still aroused by my exposedness and the beautiful ladies wearing only panties and bra at the table.

When I was showering, I made a long cold rinse to my balls which somewhat lessened my problems. I did not dare to finish myself off this close to my night with Lory. Better start it blue balled than having a post orgasmic state, as that would make my nuts even more sensitive to any potential bust.

As I finished, I wished the others goodnight, and awaited Lory in the bedroom, standing in the middle in my loose boxer shorts, with my bulge forming the “tent”. She stepped in wearing ruffle Brazilian shorts with a babydoll. She looked at me, eyed my bulge, and looked in my eyes.

“Shall I?” I asked, gesturing taking off my boxer.

Then she punched me in the groin. I fell to my knees in an instant, cried for a few seconds, as the already existing pain met a new wave of nauseating pain from the fresh impact. I looked at her with my wet eyes as she said:

“You shouldn’t even wear that.” she shook her head “Get up, and apologize!” she commanded.

I took a deep breath, gathered my strength and slowly stood up, using my hands for support as well. She gestured me to put my hands by my side and open my mouth. As I was about to speak up, I fell on my knees once more.

She had hit my balls again. The agony hit even higher this time, I was instinctively cupping my testicles with my hands, and was crying for several good seconds now. The radiating pain crawled all over my body, as my balls were on the hottest fire, the secondary pain hit my head, then my limbs, bounced over my torso, and returned to my groin to double up the already existing agony, which I had thought was the worst just seconds ago. Once I could control my movements again, I opened my wet eyes and glanced at her again.

“You are still in those ugly boxer shorts” she shook her head playfully “And I still not heard you saying sorry.”

I took a deep breath and spoke up.

“I am sorry, I am very sorry!” my tone was a little higher than normally would be “Please, have mercy on my balls. I will do anything… almost anything!”

“Oh, my boy…” she said as she stepped closer and caressed my head “How about this then? We finally get rid of that boxer, and you pleasure me.”

I nodded. I rose on my knees, pulled down my underwear somewhat, then sat on my bottom, and slid it over my legs. Then threw it to the corner of the room.

“Until you pleasure me” she said “Your balls can rest, I can promise that.”

She pointed to the middle of the bed. I crawled onto it, and lied on my back. She slowly climbed over me, removed her panties and started lowering her crotch on my face.

I was at it again. The thing I loved the most. Pleasing a lady, while my balls are aching like hell. I took in, I loved every second of it. She was slowly riding, and I swept all her vagina with my tongue. I started kissing her inner lips, her clit, and went on with the exploration. It felt more than pleasing, our bodies moved together, I felt her trembling with pleasure.

She grabbed on my hair, and increased the pace. I was as deep in her with my mouth as I could be, and caught up to her. This went on for God knows how long, when she suddenly stopped, stretched all her muscles, almost tore my hair out, and moaned so deeply that the pleasure I felt though her body almost made me ejaculate as well.

She took a few deep breaths, and slowly rose from my face. She sat next to me, took on her panties, looked at me. I had a confident smile, but tried to make it appear not so smug.

I guess, I could not hide my proudness enough, because the next thing she did was slapping my nuts. I curled up on the bed on my side, clenched my eyes, squeezing out a few tears, but I could not groan, moan or cry out, as I was struggling greatly to even inhale once. Which I could make after some seconds, with extremely funny noise. She seemed to be satisfied with this result.

Once she felt that I can focus, she said:

“You know, the first time we met, when you came into my hands, I was ready to put it in my mouth. Now I see you are on the edge again, so please don’t ruin it again for me.”

I gulped. As I was cupping my balls, I was thinking about, how could I last a little, if she starts teasing me for real. She spoke again.

“How about this… if you can take a kick, I will try it again.”

I gulped again.

“I…” I was somewhat stammering due to my pain “I am not sure, I could… I could stand back up or even… ah… straighten after a… kick.”

“Can you stand up now?” she asked with a teasing voice “For me?”

Once again, I gather all my remaining strength and consciousness to sit up on the bed and then stand up next to it.

“Good” she said with a smug smile.

She looked at my swollen balls and my vastly erected manhood. I was breathing heavily, filled with anxiety. She kneeled before me, opened her mouth, and clasped her lips right at the end of the tip of my penis. Then she grabbed my balls and started squeezing them.

Just after a second of hard squeezing as I was about to cry for mercy and try to bend my body, I felt it. The enjoyment exploded in my brain, made my body float with overwhelming pleasure as my dick was just pumping like an engine.

I heard her groaning, as her mouth was overloaded with the juice. As my orgasm was over, I was standing there finished. My body felt empty, but I was well pleasured. My blue ball pain started easing slowly, as she let go of my balls, and slowly slid her mouth off. She stood up with her half-filled mouth and kissed me slowly.

I returned the kiss, and we kissed for a good minute.

As she broke the kiss and stood back by a half step she said:

“I’m glad you gave in. Most guys don’t like it. But it is a must. No way of giving a blowjob without letting the guy know how he tastes.”

I nodded. We looked in each other’s eyes, and smiled with joy. She sighed, and spoke.

“And now for your kick…”

“What?” I gasped.

“You know…” she answered “I was about to kick you. I didn’t say I wouldn’t, I was just convincible to delay it.”

“But…” I said trembling with anxiety.

“I know” she nodded with a mischievous smile “They are very sensitive now.”

She bowed a little and looked in my eyes naughtily.

“Just one good kick to your miserable, tender little balls. You will like it…”

I gulped.

“I am not sure I will” I said embarrassed.

“Oh, sorry. I will like it. Greatly.” her smile was even brighter. Filled with smugness, anticipation, and something that made me feel warm and delighted.

I gulped again. I made disturbed smile at her, took position, and closed my eyes.

I thought I died. But just for a split second, then I felt that my brain is working. Well, working is a little overstatement as what it was doing was lingering in the void filled with the deepest agony and distress. As many times before, my level of pain exceeded what I had thought to be the maximum. This time there wasn’t even any arousing, rewarding sensation besides, it was pure pain, the cleanest suffering. After some time, I realized that my body still existed. With all limb numb, with all my muscles in my torso cramping. I was sure that my balls got exploded, or at least ruptured, leaving my nerves hanging in the nothingness, sending me an insane amount of pain. But no, I could feel them in my hands. Not even deformed, way less swollen than the last few days, they felt very normal from the outside.

I wanted to throw up, but I could not. Well, I couldn’t cough or even breathe. Every slight movement of my body just restarted the pain, and rendered me back to this curled position. I could feel that I’m on my knees, but forget where I was, and how did I get there.

I didn’t know how much time passed in reality, but I felt it ages. Once I could open my eyes, and ease my clenching mouth, I looked up.

Lory was looking at me with anticipation. And she was radiating joy and fulfillment. I wanted so smile back, but agony still ruled my expressions. Now the usual rewarding arousal which usually lingered in my brain accompanying the biggest ball-pains was not present. I could not smile, I wanted to faint, and wake up, when the pain is somewhat gone.

“Did I break something?” she asked. She seemed a little worried, but could not hide, that she found this pleasing.

I shook my head. At least, I tried to shake, but my movements were the tiniest.

“Let me check them, alright?” she said.

I nodded. She straightened my back, and lifted my hands a little. The touched my sack, and nodded.

“Just a little bit swollen, no sign of deformation” she noted.

She released me. I immediately cupped my balls again with my hands, and returned to being curled up. She sat back on the bed, and I focused on my breath. If I inhaled too little, I started to feel dizzy and nauseated, if I inhaled too much, my pain started pulsing again.

So, I was breathing. With the deepest agony I could ever feel, and I could not even imagine before. Without any hard-on, without any reassuring, rewarding sensation.

“Good night!” said Lory suddenly “Join me, once you can.”

And she lied on the bed. I felt astonished. She cared enough to check if my balls were okay, but my pain was up to no sympathy of her. I didn’t know why, but found this sexy.

I suddenly started believing that it was worth it. Until I made my next deep breath which created a new pulse of sickening agony, and I felt it was indeed too much. A kept focusing on my breath for a few good minutes, maybe an hour.

Slowly but consistently, my pain lessened. Finally, I could actually move without the pain rendering me back to the curled position. I stretched my limbs, sighed a few times, and crawled up onto the bed. The only comfortable position was the fetal on my side, so I chose that. As Lory saw me next to her, she hugged me from the back, kissed my neck, and whispered something I could not comprehend. She pushed her face against my shoulder blade and fell asleep.

I was thinking about what she was whispering, and yearning for my pain to weaken even more for minutes before my dreams came.

To my surprise I woke with all the pain and all the swelling gone. I felt really good and it was a relief. I turned onto my back and turned my head towards Lory. She was still sleeping, but with a wide pleased smile. I didn’t want to appear creepy, so I was not staring at her. I turned my head towards the ceiling and relaxed with closed eyes. Soon I felt her moving. I looked at her, she was waking up. She yawned, and half-opened her eyes.

“Good morning” I said quietly.

“Good morning” she answered still smiling.

She stretched. This made the blanket almost slide totally off her. Her sleepwear was still very arousing.

“How do you feel?” she asked.

“Amazing” I answered “Never felt better… well, in fact… it’s too early for breakfast, but I could eat something…”

She pulled herself closer.

“I can offer you something” she winked “With crushed nuts on the side.”

She started to slide off her panties. I lied on my back on the middle of the bed, facing upwards, and waiting. Soon she stepped over my head with one of her knees, and lowered her crotch onto my face. She was facing backward. As I started exploring and exciting her sensitive part she leaned forward and started caressing my dick. Soon she turned to my balls with light taps at first, but as I started getting down to business, she started punching and squeezing them. I wanted to cry out a few times, but my mouth was filled with her lady parts. So, regardless of any pain and sudden impact I went on as I could.

This went on for some time, I could feel my eyes releasing tears in pain, but I went on. My tongue and my lips must serve her, even if my body wants to curl up, shiver, and focus only on my breath.

And I succeeded. The rewarding tremble of her body arrived, with a repressed moan. She grabbed on my thighs, and renewed the nail marks, Heidi had made before. It actually hurt a lot, but was still a relief after the number of punches and hard squeezes my balls got in this short time.

She climbed off me, and sighed with satisfaction. She put her panties back on, and laid herself on her side. I closed in and spooned her. She led my hands to hug her, but as soon as she felt my wood pushing against her bottom, she grabbed my balls.

“Oh,” she asked “Do you want something?”

“May…” I started to say, but could not finish, because she hardened the grab and made me exhale suddenly.

“Sorry, what were you trying to say?” she asked with a mocking tone.

“I…” this was all I could say.

She waited for some time, to see if I could say anything, but every time I tried to speak, she sabotaged it after the first syllable.

“Well,” she said with a teasing voice “If you can’t come up with anything, I will… Would you prefer to start your day blue balled or post-cum busted?”

This morning tease would not cause that much of a blue ball, I thought, so I would go with that. This time she finally let me speak.

“I prefer the blueness” I said.

She turned to her other side to face me, instead of being the little spoon. She started to massage my balls, and caress my shaft. I could not say a thing, but I was gaping with pleasure.

She practically edged me like a professional. Just as I started to feel reaching the top she suddenly stopped, jumped out of the bed, and headed to the door.

“Time for breakfast, I think” she said with a mischievous voice.

I got up, and followed her. Now even without clarifying, I was sure I must go out naked. I felt nothing bad yet, but I knew that my blueness would kick in in an hour.

After breakfast we discussed how should we spent our last, not full day. We agreed on packing up, organizing everything in the house, and play one or two rounds of board games, before we go. Ally gave me the swimwear she brought for me; they were mine from now on. Considering what I had discussed with Heidi before, I thought I would wear them, maybe buy a few similar ones, and get rid of all of my old swim shorts.

We did as we planned. Everything went smooth. Just as we started playing, I started feeling the discomfort in my balls. During the game, Lory suggested to make a bet. The winner could kick me in the nuts, and if I win, my balls are spared. The others agreed, so we went on with this. Ally won the first game, and was happy to deliver a good kick to my slightly blued balls. It was moderate though, and after all the torture I got this week, it was just like a relaxing stretch after a workout. I bent over, and had a hard time breathing for a few seconds, but that was all.

Luckily, I won the second game, so I avoided the next punishment. Then we started to get ready for leaving.

“How about a farewell ceremony?” asked Allison “And since we can’t all drink now…”

“It would be nice to kick my balls?” I cut her off “How about my bare balls?”

I was half joking, but since they all liked the idea, I had no other choice. I undressed, and stood in the middle of the room.

Ally stood before me, did a curtsy, and smiled. I readied myself the usual way.

I felt this one better than the previous. She was going full force this time, minding this was her last opportunity. I made a hysterical wail, bent over, and somewhat bent my knees as well. I was cupping my balls with my hands, and was catching my breath. Ally bowed, and stepped aside. As they all were adoring my suffering, Heidi stood into position, and looked at me with anticipation.

I gathered my might, made a few deep breaths again, and stood up straight with hands on my side. Heidi also did a curtsy, smiled, and checked her way of swing. I gulped, made a disturbed smile, and closed my eyes.

She was also going full force I could tell. Well, not in the first second, as my brain was overwhelmed with pain, and all I could focus on was finding some air for my lungs, as I felt like I was suffocating. As my senses recovered, I realized that I’m on my knees, curled, and my clenching eyes sent a few tears on their way. A minute must have passed by the time I could breathe and think somewhat normal. The pain was intense, but still bearable, considered what I went through in the past days.

I slowly looked up, controlled my breath, and smiled at Heidi. She bowed, and stood aside. As I slowly stood up with clearly visible signs of my numbing pain, Lory took position. She gazed my raging boner for a few seconds, then she also did the curtsy and smiled, while looking at me with anticipation. I took a deep breath, wiped away my tears, shook my head with anxiety, inhaled deep again, and closed my eyes.

My senses returned to find myself in the fetal position on my side lying on the carpet, fighting for air once again, holding my balls in my hand, like I expected that somehow it would magically heal them. The pain radiated to every part of my body again, but I felt most of it still in my sack. The burning agony played with my mind, somewhat lessened, just to strike again in a new pulse, second after second. I felt the cold tears running over my face, as I could finally force some authority over my lungs. I made girly noises, and heard the others giggle at my struggle. The arousing sidekick of the pain was present again, and I could not deny, that I found all this suffering to my liking.

Once I could finally open my eyes, and control my expressions, I looked at Lory, and smiled at her. She bowed to me, smiling, eyed my raging boner peeking out behind my protective hands, then she also stood aside.

“Wow, this was a good closing” said Heidi with amusement.

“Indeed.” nodded Lory.

“Yeah. Shall we go?” added Ally.

They started heading towards the door with their bags and luggage. They seemed not much concerned about the fact that I’m still lying in the middle of the living room, naked, and barely able to get up due to my crushing agony. I spent some time alone recovering, when Ally returned to gather her pack of tabletop games.

“Still resting?” she asked looking at me “Hurry up, if you don’t want some more” she added chuckling.

This felt like an actual threat, so I gathered my might, got up, and dressed up as fast as I could, which was, for my surprise, way faster than I imagined when I was rolling around in pain. I grabbed my bag, and headed towards the car. After I placed my bag in the trunk, Lory touched my shoulder. I turned to her. She caressed my arm, took a deep breath, and spoke up.

“You know… I… I was wondering… if you would like to spend some… free time together? …With me… sometimes.” she blushed as she was talking.

She sighed nervously. I looked in her eyes.

“You mean dating?” I asked.

She broke eye contact and stared at the ground.

“Yes, I mean dating” she said with a timid voice.

“Yes, I would love to.” I answered smiling.

She made a cheerful yell, and jump-hugged me.

“We can work out the details on the way.” she whispered in my ear. I nodded.

We got into the car, and left the weekend house. My swollen, aching balls were Lory’s supplemental handrails once again.

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