This is a part of a series. Episode guide and discussion here: Toyfriend

Chapter 1 – Rivalry carried away

So, there was this popular board game at that time. I was quite good at it, won almost all games played with my friends. I knew the best tactics and even to counterplay any other player who tries the same tactics, or believed to find counterplay to my ways.

Sadly, there weren’t any championships, but luckily all my friends still loved to play it even against me, regardless of their winning chances. One day an old friend of mine invited me to come play this game, she had her own copy. She was a girl friend and not a girlfriend of mine, or as one of my co-workers liked to call it, my dry girlfriend. This meant that even we were good friends and we were both considered attractive, there was no romantic feeling or sexuality ever on the table.

It was early summer, and a Friday afternoon. People already wore just shirts with mostly shorts outside, only the evening rains could lead to some chilly surprises. I headed to her place after work and knocked on the door.

“Oh, hi, Craig” she greeted me with a smile “Come inside, the others will arrive soon. I bet.”

“Hi, Ally” I nodded, and went inside.

I checked her out, I usually did that, in fact. She was a brunette, with wide jade eyes. Her face was round, and very symmetrical. She was wearing capri leggings with a short top, revealing most of her belly. I checked out her so many times in the past, and I knew she was beautiful, yet I never thought of her with any romantic interest. Maybe because we had simply known each other for too long. When a friendship starts before or during early puberty, this can happen, as I heard.

“Who are the others?” I asked as we arrived to the living room, and she brought the game box.

“Oh” she answered “This is best with four players… So, I invited two of my besties. You will like it, I’m sure. Especially…”

The doorbell interrupted her. She rushed to the door and opened it. Soon later two other young women came into the living room. Allison directed one of them right in front of me and introduced us.

“Craig, this is Lory. She never lost a game, since we started playing it.”

I made an appreciating nod. I looked at the girl. She was dark blonde, with deep brown eyes. She had a somewhat smug smile on her thin lips. She was wearing a sleeveless tight top with hotpants.

“Lory, this is Craig, an old friend. Who also wins almost all the games.”

“Almost?” Lory asked. Her voice was soft and felt good to hear.

“Yeah, like 99.9 in every hundred” nodded Ally “And she is Heidi” she added as the other guest approached “She is the best strategist I’ve ever known. The only one who she could not best yet is Lory in this very game.”

“Nice to meet you” I told to them and shook hands with both of them “I am Craig” I added when my hand met Heidi’s. I checked her out as well, as discretely I could. She had dark hair, something between black and brown, thick nerdy glasses covered her deep grey eyes. The was wearing a scoop top with flared shorts which seemed more like a skirt from afar.

“This is gonna be interesting.” said Heidi.

“Yes” answered Allison “The battle of the titans… and me.” She chuckled.

We started preparations. As we were setting up the game, Lory turned to me.

“Wanna make this interesting?” she asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked back.

“Well… the best players know to Ally. We should make a bet.”

I looked her questioningly. “And what could we bet?”

“Hmm… the winner can ask the other rising star anything simple. Just a small thing. For example, if I win, I might ask you to strip down to underwear, or naked, and lay on the floor. I step on your belly with one leg, forming a winning position, like after a fight. And take a photo. I am not saying I would ask you exactly that, but it is possible.”

I hummed.

“That’s quite a thing.” I still looked a little puzzled.

“Okay” Lory went on “To understand the boundaries. Undressing or dressing up to anything is okay. Touching, kissing etc. But no sexual activity. I mean, kissing or licking a genital might play, but not an actual blowjob or eat-out.”

“Understood.” I nodded.

“So? Are you in?” Lory asked with anticipation.

“Why not” and we shook hands.

We finished preparations and the game went on. The first few rounds took a lot of time. Both Lory and me tried to think for a lot of steps ahead. Not soon after we started, it became clear that one of us will win, leaving the other two player no chances. After the hardest mind game, I ever fought, the most sweat I ever broke during a board game, I ended up winning.

Both Lory and Allison kept looking at the table for a good minute after it ended.

“Unbelievable” spoke up Lory finally “I must admit, you won. But you must admit that I was quite an opponent.”

“The hardest one ever.” I answered immediately “Best one, I ever played. Care for a rematch? I doubt I could win all games, even like five in a row or so.”

“Soon.” she replied “Let’s take a short break and relax. First of all, it was tiring, and secondly, I just a lost a bet… which I insisted.”

She let out a quiet swearing.

“Oh, yes” I acknowledged. I didn’t want to appear pleased with myself. She was really the toughest opponent so far.

I kept thinking for almost a minute. Then I finally spoke up.

“Okay, Lory. Please strip down to underwear, and…” I hesitated.

She took off her top right away and started pulling down her pants.

“And?” she asked looking at me, as she took off her pants, and dropped it to the couch next to her top.

I froze for a little bit. She wore hipster panties and a matching bra. She was extremely sexy and that just doubled up the tension I felt.

“And kick me in the balls.” let I out finally.

I couldn’t believe I actually said that. My first girlfriend sometimes tapped my balls or squeezed them, mostly playfully, but since then I had been fantasying about going further, way further. We broke up years ago, and I was mostly single. Yet trying how a groin kick or a harder punch or squeeze would feel kept lingering in my mind.

The girls looked puzzled as well.

“You want me to kick you in the nuts?” Lory tried to clarify.

I was a little embarrassed, but took a deep breath and gathered my confidence.

“Yes” I answered “And since it is me, setting up this favor, follow my guidance. Aim for the very middle…” I took a deep breath to gain some courage “So the impact hits both of the…” I hesitated again.

“Jewels” Allison helped me out.

“The jewels equally” I finished.

Ally and Heidi both looked still astonished. Yet they positioned themselves to have a good view of me taking the kick. Lory had a shy smile, and moved her leg a little, like a warm-up.

“You know” she said “You needn’t waste a bet on this, you could have just piss me off. But a bet is a bet, who am I to refuse. Ready?”

“I think” I became extremely nervous. I had already taken position. A moderate spread, hands by my side.

She went for it. I felt her bare foot hitting both of my nuts, quite equally. The pain hit me right after. At first in the testicles, then it slowly crawled up in my torso, forcing me to bend a little. My hands instinctively started towards my crotch, but I fought the urge to cup my sack. In fact, the kick was moderate, I could tolerate the pain very well, which started to withdraw only to my balls, and stayed just as a mild discomfort. A straightened back up, and looked at Lory.

“Wow” Lory was the first to speak “You took that quite well.”

“You held back” I replied.

“Well, yes, a little bit, maybe. I was afraid of hurting you, but you seemed to like it.”

“Oh, he definitely likes it” added Allison. She gestured towards my crotch.

I looked down. I was starting to form an erection, and now it stretched my short enough to take all my possibilities to hide it.

I noticed the dissatisfaction in Lory’s eyes.

“Wanna try again?” I asked. I felt I spoke before I thought. So, I took a deep breath and went on. “…With no holding back?”

“I never thought that you are into this” said Ally “Such a perv.”

“Well, I might…” I started but I could not finish the sentence.

Lory’s foot caught me well this time. It was way more forceful than the first kick, and hit me off guard. The pain radiated through my whole body for a few seconds, I crouched, and cupped my ball-sack with my hands. The pain withdrew again quite fast, but my balls and lower abdomen kept hurting. I needed a few deep breaths before I could look up.

“Yes, this was good.” noted Lory with a wide smile.

I nodded. “Yes, this really hit me.”

A few seconds passed. My breathing was returning to normal; the pain was still unneglectable. Lory came toward me a step and spoke again.

“Still not the whimpering, curling up, breath lost outcome, we see in movies” she shook her head.

Ally stood behind be. She grabbed me by my shoulders and stood me up. Then she grabbed my elbows, and pulled them behind my back. She did this to force me releasing my crotch, and I followed. I did not know what she had planned, but I did not want to risk holding in my balls, while my arms are pulled. She leaned around me and glanced at my shorts.

“Incredible” she said amused “He is still hard as hell. Maybe even more than before. Admit that you like it!”

“Well,” I hesitated a little “I might like it. It doesn’t mean that it did not hurt.”

“Still standing, still very… you know.” Ally turned to Lory. “I say, you should try again. Third time’s a charm.”

“Wait! Don’t!” I cried out.

“Why not?” asked Ally teasingly “You will like it, I know. I see in your eyes, that you want to try it. Come on, two kicks already, and you barely broke a sweat. I bet you can bear that third with a smile.”

I looked questioningly at Lory. She had a mischievous smile. I nodded with a mixed face and took position. Lory also stepped back to her previous place, and said:

“I would say, that you won’t regret it, but I am not sure, sorry. I will enjoy it; I can assure you.”

What have I done. I had set this trap for myself, and suffering awaited. I must admit, that I liked it somewhat. Under the pain and fear of even more pain I felt something good. A real enjoyment. With my hard on stretching my shorts I turned to Lory, and closed my eyes, anticipating my fate to come.

I couldn’t even put the pieces together. I couldn’t recall when it happened, I just found myself on my knees, instinctively covering my balls with both hands, fighting for air. Now the pain hit up to my head, and only withdrew to the middle of my torso. My nuts were on fire, and the cramp in my belly forced me to bend over my knees. In a few seconds, which felt minutes I could breathe, but it still sounded quite hysterical.

The girls were also speechless, my “Oh. Ah. Oh.” was to only sound for some seconds. Then someone pushed my left shoulder to knock me away. I fell on my side. Before I could react, I was forced on my back, and felt that a hand is raising my hands away from protecting my sack.

“I knew it” I heard Allison’s voice “Look at his face. He is in immense pain, and still rock hard.”

She even tapped my bulge, to make sure it was a dick, or just to show the others what she meant.

“Yo, come on, chick” raised Heidi somewhat her voice “This is how and why BDSM works. A lot of people tend to enjoy pain or being humiliated.”

“So, he likes it. Loves it so-o much. Do you?” Ally asked me.

I nodded. “Yes.”

“It’s no big deal.” added Heidi.

“It’s quite big, in fact, but we are dealing with it” said Ally chuckling.

She looked at me. I was still lying on my back, covering my sack with both hands.

“This makes me want to also kick him. Hard.” she sighed.

“That would be hot. But I’m afraid we could rupture his poor things.” added Lory.

“Well,” said Heidi scrolling on her smartphone “As I researched in this short time… It is incredibly hard to rupture the testicles just by a few kicks. It would need superstrength, or at least considerably above average. Until we don’t bounce on his balls, and stop when he passes out, throws up, or his nuts swell up to double their original size, or when he can’t stop wailing, he will recover easily.”

“We don’t know their original size, so that is out, but we can take on the others” added Allison “So you are confident that a few more kick won’t hurt? Well, I mean, it would pain him greatly, but he and his balls will survive.”

“Yepp” nodded Heidi.

All of them looked at me questioningly. Agony was still all over my face, but I felt curiosity and eagerness crawling in. I inhaled deeply, gulped, and spoke up.

“I will regret this.”

“No, you won’t” answered Lory.

“Maybe a little” went on Ally “But you will still like it, you must admit.”

I nodded; Ally continued.

“And I can assure you, that we will all enjoy it. Ready?”

She rose my hands, which were still covering my crotch, and Lory took them. She put those over my head, and stepped on them, rendering me unable to instinctively rush them to protect my balls. She was still wearing only underwear; this position let me a good view up between her legs. All this and the embarrassing setup just made me more erect. I felt that my shorts will tear up soon due to my bulge. In the meantime, Heidi sat on my left ankle, and pinned my right with her legs.

As I was unable to use any of my limbs, Ally stood on her left leg on my right near my hip, and checked the swing of her right leg. I could not see it clearly, but I saw sure she can make a perfect toe-kick to my groin. She glimpsed at the other girls, and swinged her right.

I closed my eyes in the last seconds, and tried to tighten my whole body, to endure the kick. Yet it hit me good. My nuts felt like breaking but just for an instant. They were back right away, and signaled all the pain I could imagine. All this pain radiated all over my body. Yet I felt, I took it quite good, and the pain was withdrawing well.

“Harder” I tried to mock her, but since there was no air in my lungs, I made no actual sound.

I would later consider this a luck, since the second swing was already on its way, and I would sure regret it enormously if it could have been any harder.

 Before I could open my eyes, gather any air for speaking, or just try to move any joint, I felt my balls exploding. This time I thought it happened for real, since they felt missing for a good moment, which could be just half a second in reality, but I could swear that it was at least a minute. I wished they were left exploded because as they returned, they immediately overrode the feeling that the hardest pain I had ever felt was after the previous kick. I felt all the blood vessels pumping, all my nerves in my sack crying for help, still unable to get any air to my lungs, and all my limbs just failed.

I barely got back any slight focus, my balls just exploded again. My consciousness left my body and lingered in the void for ages, just to return to my body, and remind me that I can feel literally all the cells in my ball-sack burning, emitting radiating pain, desperately crying for any help. I felt both of my balls bouncing back from my pelvis, fluttering in my boxer, and every small movement gave me a new wave of pain. I felt I was dying, but a new heave of my mind returned and allowed me to get a small amount of air. This felt good, but it was the slightest relief, while my body, especially my testicles were in the deepest agony I ever felt and could not even imagine before.

“Please” I gasped “No… please, stop… I beg…”

Even I was surprised that I could rush this many words while feeling I could still not breathe, think or even exist. Then I burst out crying.

“Third time is indeed the charm” at first, I was surprised I could even hear. Ally’s voice seemed distant at the start, but my hearing recovered quite fast and while I could not open my eyes, the sounds were clear and understandable. She went on.

“Just look at him. Almost dying of agony, and still rock hard.”

A moment of silence followed. I was still pinned by the other two girls, despite I wanted to curl up really bad. Yet I could not form any words; I focused on surviving the pain, so I just listened. Allison continued.

“This is… unbelievable. A guy, who could easily lift any of us, maybe even two of us at the same time, begging for our mercy. This is the most entertaining thing I’ve ever done in my life!”

“Entertaining?” asked Lory dismissively “Scorching hot! Freaking arousing!”

“Arousing?” Ally sounded surprised “You are turned on by this?”

“How come you not?” retorted Lory “If I had known we were doing this, I would have brought spare panties. I will wet these through soon.”

“Well,” Ally took a deep breath “I find all this greatly to my liking. I feel powerful, overjoyed, entertained, but not in a sexual way.”

“Wow” answered Lory “Interesting. If I happened to ride his dick or face right know, I would come in less than a second for sure.” she let out an intoxicated sigh.

“And you? What do you think?” asked Ally.

I could still not open my eyes, but I could guess that Allison and Lory are looking at Heidi questioningly. She answered.

“You mean am I feeling like ripping open those shorts to bite and lick that massive dick until there is juice all over the place? Or am I thinking about rubbing my already wet V on his also wet face until I cry out like a virgin at her first time? How could I?” she also exhaled yearningly.

“Anyway” continued Allison “This was wonderful. I bet we should let him rest a bit.”

I guessed that they are looking at me. I nodded. As much as I could move.

“Would like to recover a little?” Ally asked me with a mocking voice. “Pet your pathetic little balls?”

I nodded. Somehow all this mocking and teasing felt good. Being this abject to them actually felt ecstatic.

“I bet those are not that small right now” added Heidi “They must have started a good swelling.”

“So,” spoke Ally again “How about a new game? While he is recovering. Four-player has the best setup, but also good with three.”

Heidi and Lory agreed. As the pinning ended, I immediately curled up, hugging my knees. I focused on breathing, and was waiting for some lessening of the still intense pain. Some of the girls chucked, as they saw me curl up, I could not say who.

“Stay here, do not move” Ally instructed me with a strict voice.

In a few minutes I could open my eyes. I saw the young ladies sitting at the table, preparing for their board game. Lory was still wearing only underwear.

Their game went on and another few minutes passed. My pain started dampening, and I could change my position. As my discomfort weakened, I discovered that I am thirsty. I wanted to grab a drink, so I tried if I can get up. I easily got up on my hands and knees, when I remembered Ally’s order. I sat up, took a few deep breaths and spoke up.

“Can I?” I waited them to listen to me “Can I get up, and get something to drink?”

Allison hesitated a little bit.

“Yes” she answered finally “But you must strip down. And bring drinks for us as well.”

She returned to the game. Didn’t even wait for me to nod, or acknowledge in any way. So, I got up, removed my shirt and shorts. Dropped them onto the couch next to Lory’s still resting clothes.

I went to the kitchen and drank a soda. There was a six pack of drinks, so I got three others and headed to the table in the living room. I gave the first to Lory, who nodded thankfully. I stood next to Ally, and placed the can on free space on the table where she was sitting. She looked at me, frowned, and before I could figure out what is going on, she nut-shot me with her fist.

The swing was small, the force was moderate indeed, but I was still very sore from the previous actions. I doubled over a bit, and covered my crotch with my free hand.

“What did I tell to you?” she asked. Her voice had an imitated anger, but sounded more like mocking.

Before I could guess, what I did wrong, I noticed that Heidi is gesturing me to come to her. I stepped at where she was sitting, and as I placed the can on the table she grabbed on my nuts. The grab was perfect she trapped both of my balls in one hand, and the grip started tightening. My balls were still tender which made this almost unbearable. Before I could ask her, what did I do, she spoke.

“You did not strip” she said and tightened a little more “Ally clearly asked you to strip down. But you are not naked.”

She was right, I was still having my boxers on. She went on.

“So, please tell me” I gulped and focused hard on breathing “Did you clearly disobey…” I shook my head “…made a wrong assumption, or just forgot what she actually said?”

As I opened my mouth, she tightened her grip even more. The pain hit me seriously, and even I was forming my words, no sound came.

“Please” she said smugly “Answer my question.”

The act repeated. Now I just opened my mouth, and could not even form anything, just opened it for a slight second, before I grimaced in pain.

I opened my eyes, just to see her pleased face still looking at me. She increased the pressure on my balls again. I felt that if she goes one bit further, they will pop for sure. I gathered all my strength and spoke.

“Please” my voice was high-pitched and weak.

“Please?” she shook her head spitefully “That’s no answer.”

“Oh.” that was all I could say, before fighting agony for a few seconds, which felt ages again.

Now all of them were looking at me. Once again, I tried to gather my strength and focus.

“I… a… ash… oh… I assumed… huh… ah… wrong” my voice was even funnier than before.

She released the grip. I immediately fell on my knees, bent over, and gasped.

“Then correct it, before we punish you for it.” added Ally.

I sure as hell wanted to avoid any further punishment. I took a few deep breaths, and tried to stand up. I could not, as the pain hit me again, so I decided to remove my boxers in a sitting position. I held them up, and Heidi took them from me, and dropped to the opposite direction than I was sitting.

“Now enjoy the rest of your pause, until we finish this game” instructed Allison.

I went back, where I was suffering before and sat on the floor. I closed my eyes, and tried to relax as much as I could, in hope that the pain will slowly cease. A few minutes passed. Lory’s voice brought me back from the meditation.

“You know” she said to the other two girls “Okay, we did not bet on this game, but how about this… Whoever wins this game, can decide how to abuse his balls a little further.”

“Right” nodded Ally “Like it would not be you…”

“Well,” went on Lory “An if I win you two also strip to underwear as I am doing already.”

“Fine” agreed Heidi.

Allison also agreed.

So, they were planning to take a new round on me. I focused on my pain, and hoped that it will lessen even further as time passes. I also hoped the game to go on long.

I could not tell how much time had passed when I heard the chairs moving, and opened my eyes to see what’s happening.

“That’s no surprise” commented Heidi.

As the three of them went around the table Allison and Lory started whispering. Then they went towards Allison’s bedroom. I looked questioningly at Heidi, but she just shrugged. We had no other option, but to wait for them. I was still naked any Heidi did not miss the opportunity to check me out.

Ally and Lory came back bringing a pair of leather boots and a pack of wet wipes. Lory dropped them in front of me.

“Clean these, while the two losers undress.” she pointed at the boots.

I gulped and obeyed. I kneeled at the boots, and started to clean them with the wipes. I guessed, they needed them to be “indoor” clean, so I took good care of the soles and the heel. No doubt, they intended to kick my bare balls with them, so I paid extra attention for the fronts too.

I tried to balance the time in not to appear lazy or hesitant, but get some more time for my sore balls to recover. In the meantime, Allison and Heidi stripped down to underwear. Heidi was wearing a purple lace thong and matching bra, Ally had Brazilian panties with a T-shirt bra.

Once finished with the boots, I looked at Lory. She made an approving nod, and took the used wipes. I stood up and had a short time to check the other girls out good, before Lory returned. She slid into the boots.

“So, I guessed we should turn up the heat a little” she said looking at how the boots fitted on her feet “I wanted to kick you limp, but can I? It would just make you harder, right?”

I gulped.

“He can die due to agony literally, and his dick would be still harder than diamond.” shook Heidi her head.

“His balls would break before his kink” added Allison.

“So, nobody bets against it” summarized Lory “So, how about this?” she looked in my eyes “Let’s say, I kick you five times. If you are still hard, I will help you out. As I see fit.”

My embarrassment rose a few levels.

“Five?” I asked with notable anxiety “I barely endured three.”

“Three, but two times shortly after each other. That’s six in my book.” answered Lory, and made an encouraging smile “You can do it. Just five. I could’ve planned ten.”

My eyes widened. My concern turned to fear. She noticed it with smug satisfaction.

“So, stick to five?” she asked with a mocking smile. I nodded with embarrassment. She went on. “And it would be good, not to wait for you to get yourself together after every single kick.”

I wanted to ask what she meant, but the others made it clear. Ally stood on my left, grabbed my arm with both hands, and hooked my left ankle with her feet. Heidi did this on my right, holding me in a somewhat wide leg spread, and making me unable to drop to the floor. My heart was racing, as I looked at Lory, who already rose her feet to take aim for her upcoming swing.

I gathered my leftover courage, looked in her eyes, and spoke.

“Please…” I hesitated.

“Yes?” she asked with a joyful smile.

I knew I would regret this, but wanted to appear tough.

“Go… hard!”

Her smile grew even wider, and nodded. She imitated a kiss towards me.

I gulped, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes.

I could feel the first one very well. My balls felt like breaking between my pelvis and the boot. I felt every little detail with a different wave of pain emitting from both testicles.

“Ah” surprisingly I could groan. As my balls fell back to their original position, the pain started to spread over my body. It could only reach up to my stomach, when the second crushing pain arrived.

“Oh” I cried out again. My voice was so painful, I was sure that all the ladies felt my pain. The pain in my sack entered a new dimension, and the pain radiating up now over my belly, reaching my neck called on my whole body to curl up, and protect the sensitive parts. If only I could.

I had no more air to scream when the third impact arrived. My face just turned into a grimace of pure and honest agony; I was squinting my eyes so hard it started to hurt. I felt like I just discovered a new level of pain in my balls. I had no words to describe it anymore.

A second, which felt ages allowed me to inhale. The sound of my rush for this bit of air was embarrassing, but felt like eating after days of starving. I felt my warm tears filling my eyes, as I feasted on this little air that I could get over the agonizing spasm, which ruled my whole body.

“No!” I cried out, marking the fourth smash, losing that very little content of my lungs, I had been so happy about. Now the pain radiated up to the top of head. Anything below my shoulders were already overloaded with the radiating pain.

I was correct about the pain radiating and disrupting my sensory functions. They did not rise further on the last impact. But my nuts discovered an even newer level of pain, discomfort, and all the negative feelings I could imagine. For a brief moment I was sure, that both of them got exploded or at least ruptured, if not broken in two. But no. In a second, I felt every cell arriving at their place, happily firing at the maximal rate of pain, and distancing themselves in a good swelling, just to free up some space. Space filled with even more pain, doubling up the agony I thought was the maximum, just a bare second ago.

Again, I could not figure out, how much time had passed, but if I want to be honest with myself, and approve the ladies, they waited about a minute for me to get any other sign of consciousness than my shivering. I could finally open my eyes, as the pain withdrew into my torso and sack, my sack still being in three times of the pain I had believed to mark my death. A felt all the blood vessels pumping, felt all circulation inside and all my nerves still burning at the maximum. But I could still stand without being held, and could finally use my eyes and lungs.

Lory was looking at my dick with amusement.

“Still hard as fuck” she said “Looking at you, I was afraid that the last kick could kill you, but you asked me to go hard. No mercy.” her voice was filled with sexual tension.

She kneeled before me, and looked in my eyes.

“I promised you a reward, if you stayed hard all along” she said.

I looked down. She grabbed the middle of my dick and stroked it once. I just saw that my balls were swollen up to at least double their original size.

All signs of pain disappeared from my face. Pleasure replaced every bit of it. Even with my balls on fire, my body yearning for curling up, this felt too good. She went for a second stroke. The pain coming from my balls and the pleasure coming from this act collided in my mind. They merged, and I felt like floating.

I saw Lory opening her mouth aiming it towards the tip, while the stroked a third time. This was too much.

I let out the most girly moan ever known to mankind, and felt that my whole body started pumping, especially my penis. The moan alerted Lory, and she could draw her free palm between my dick and her face, to block the shooting semen.

The joyful moment of my orgasm ended quite quickly, but the pumping lasted for some time. Once it ended, I just wanted to collapse. Yet Heidi and Allison were still holding me.

Lory looked at her hand, and at the floor. The wet wipes were still near, she got one, and wiped her hand clean. Then she looked at the big puddle we made on the floor, then back at me.

“Clean this up!” she instructed me.

This was when I was let go. I immediately fell on my knees, and bent over, just to get a close up on semen spread all over the floor. I reached for the wipe pack and started cleaning up. Allison brought a trashcan, so I could drop the used wipes right away. As I finished, she took it away, and said:

“We need to punish you for this mess you made.”

I panicked. I knew that the testicles are even more sensitive right after an orgasm, and I had no intention trying what a bust would feel like on my already swollen nuts.

“Please no…” I cried out “Please, not my balls. I will do anything, but please, I… I beg you… don’t go for my balls.”

“Oh, Craig” said Lory “Never say ‘anything’. That just carries regret. Yet, we will let it slide this time.”

She stepped to me. I was still on my knees, so her crotch was at my head’s height. I noticed that she had removed the boots, which felt like a relief.

“Okay, I admit, that you bested me in my favorite board game, but you must admit, that we owned your balls.”

“I admit” I rushed my answer “I never wanted to say otherwise.”

“Good boy” Lory answered “Now time to return a favor.”

She pulled my head towards her crotch. Her panties were still on. I opened my mouth, and started caressing her sensitive area with my lips through the underwear. The panties were not just wet, they were soaked. I went on with my caressing, and heard a soft moan. She slowly pulled down her panties, opening my way. I drilled my tongue in between her lips, and licked wide. I felt, she was close. I kissed her clit, and heard her moan again. She grabbed my head in the back with her hands. I buried my mouth as deep as I could, and sucked on her clit, exciting it with my tongue while it was trapped between my lips.

Her next sound was not a moan, it was a scream. I felt the waves of pleasure pulsing through her body, as she dug her nails into the skin under my hair. After a second, she pushed my head away from herself. She took two steps back and collapsed.

She sat on the floor, gasped and looked at me in awe. It was my time to wear the smug grin.

“Oh, did you like it?” I asked mischievously.

She was catching breath for a few seconds, before answering me.

“Shut up!” she said and almost cried.

I didn’t push it more. I looked at Allison and Heidi. They both had a heartwarming smile. A minute passed in silence, then Lory stood up, grabbed her panties, and took back on.

“Shall we dress up?” asked Heidi.

“Yes” nodded Allison.

They all picked up their clothes, and I stood up, looking around.

“Not you!” interrupted Ally “You have to earn your clothes back.”

I sighed. I stood in the middle of the room, naked. My balls were swollen to double their size, my dick was flaccid after the orgasm. I felt the deepest embarrassment again. And had more challenges to face.

“But…” I started, but Allison cut me off.

“Balls are off limits, yes. So, we keep it simple. All of us has one piece of your clothes. Each one of us can ask you a small favor in exchange.”

Lory and Allison were already dressed, Heidi was just holding her clothes. She turned to Allison.

“Ally, can you help me out?” she looked down at her groin “These are totally…”

She did not finish, but I could see as well. She also soaked her underwear.

“Excuse us” said Allison, and they disappeared into her bedroom.

In a few minutes they both returned, now Heidi was also fully dressed and looked relieved.

“Okay, thanks for waiting” said Allison “Care to start, Lory?”

I turned to Lory.

“So, what would you like me to do?” I asked.

“Hold me in your hands.” she said after small hesitation “I mean, like the bridal carry.”

“Fine” I nodded.

I stepped to her, placed my right arm on her back. She held on my neck and allowed me lift her knees with my left. We looked each other in the eyes, and smiled. We must have looked ridiculous since I was still naked with my swollen balls, yet it felt excellent. The tension was extreme, I felt like kissing her. But I did not dare. A broke this tension by spinning around. Once, slowly, and when I saw that she liked it, I made a faster spin.

“Woo-hoo” she shouted during the second spin.

Then she got back on the floor on her feet. She smiled at me again, and turned her eyes to Heidi.

I went to her, and asked.

“So, what can I do for you, Heidi?”

She pulled down her pants, and revealed her borrowed thong.

“Kissing both my butt-cheeks would work a charm” she said.

I went behind her, kneeled, and kissed her left one at first. I kissed it several times, covering most of its area with my lips’ touch, and sometimes licked her skin between my lips. Then I moved to the right one and repeated this act. I could feel her pleasure.

I stood up, and headed toward Allison. After a few steps I stopped to check on Heidi’s face. I could say she enjoyed it much. She looked at Ally, and opened her mouth to speak, but Ally cut her off.

“I’m not lending you more” she said.

Heidi bit her lip and popped a “Fuck!”. She pulled up her pants.

“Ally, what would you like me to do?” I asked her.

“Oh, yes. On your fours. I fancy a ride.”

I went on my arms and knees. I felt she sitting on my back.

“Just around the room” she added.

I started walking around on all fours. I soon felt confident, that she would not fall, so I increased the pace. I felt great, but she seemed to like it even more.

“Faster!” she shouted while slapping my butt.

I tried to speed up even more, but started feeling my balls bouncing between my thighs, which caused a terrible discomfort. She slapped me again, so I tried to balance between delighting her and holding an endurable uneasiness of my testicles.

She pulled my hair, signaling to stop, as we finished a circle. The run at the end made my balls feel like I got a mild kick again.

“I would make an excellent jockey” she said while getting off.

I stood up, and looked questioningly at them. All three of them grabbed one of my previously removed clothes, and gave them back to me.

As I dressed back up, Heidi spoke up.

“It’s becoming late. We’re better off.”

Lory stepped to the table where the board game was still prepared.

“Leave it” said Ally “I will take care of it.”

“Okay, then. We’re going home.” nodded Lory “Thank you for this evening. I wasn’t expecting half of this, but this was the best event I ever had.”

Heidi nodded excessively in agreement.

“I wish I could say, I set it up” said Allison “It would make me a criminal mastermind. But no. It was a welcoming surprise for me too.” She looked at me. “And I enjoyed every bit of it.”

I smiled.

“We should do this again, some time, it was a great pleasure” added Heidi.

“Definitely!” replied Lory.

They all looked at me questioningly. Well, my pain and my embarrassment fueled their entertainment, but they knew clearly that I enjoyed it almost as much. I took a deep breath and spoke.

“I’m in. I wouldn’t even think to deny I loved all this. You all know I did.” I paused. “The four of us, similar activities, and not leaving the game out… anytime soon. I just need some time to recover, if you…”

“We understand” nodded Ally smiling.

We kissed each other on the cheeks, hugged, and everybody headed home.

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