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The Wood Elf & the Orcs
Please let me know what you think of my story :)
The caravan convoy was at the center of the valley when the orcs descended from the hills. Armored knights, mercenaries and spearmen formed a rallying point as merchants desperately tried to circle their wagons in a defensive position. The little wood elf Aryula found herself at the end of the defensive line as the first wave of orcish marauders crashed into the ranks. The spearmen formed a phalanx and tried to push back against the onslaught as the knights protected their flanks.
Aryula ducked and weaved, avoiding the slow, heavy orc blows whilst delivering whirling attacks with her razor sharp sickle knives. All around her men and orcs fought desperately, churning up the loose soil as they pushed and parried, hoping to catch their opponents off guard. Suddenly Aryula found herself facing a giant orc chieftain, clad in animal skins with a horned helmet and a necklace of bones, his tree trunk legs towered over the little wood elf. She stared up at him, for a moment lost in awe at his size and power, at the last moment Aryula came to her senses and ducked a powerful blow of his war axe. The blade skimmed past the top of her green forage cap, trimming the top of her feather.
The great chieftain let out a low, guttural laugh as Aryula rolled to the side, clearly thinking he had found an easy prey. He took another swipe at her with his huge war axe but this time Aryula was ready and brought her knives up, taking care to twist the curves towards her so that the blades wouldn't catch. The power of the blow almost toppled the little elf and she moved back further, taking care to avoid the desperate fighting which continued around her.
The big war boss came on and Aryula realized that if she was going to defeat this beast she would have to get in close. The huge orc lifted his axe for another enormous swing but this time Aryula rolled forward, taking him by surprise, she swung up quickly with both her sharp, curved blades and cut a long swathe across the warchief's chest before he was able to react.
Unfortunately Aryula now found herself directly in front of the immense orc with no way to escape, it was too late to jump back and she couldn't go over him, so she took the only route left open to her - she went down.
As quick as a flash the little elf ducked under the orc's leather apron and crawled between the gap of his legs, the musky stench was almost unbearable and on the way through something thick and meaty slapped her in the face.
The little elf tumbled into daylight behind the huge orc, somewhat dizzy from her unusual experience. She choked and coughed, trying to get rid of the stale taste in her mouth left by the smell. Before she could do so the chieftain was turning around again, trying to get her with his axe. There was nothing for it, she would have to go back in. Taking a huge breath Aryula ducked beneath the orc's apron again.
This time Aryula lingered a moment and her eyes grew wide with horror and amazement. The large meaty thing which had slapped her in the face was in fact the orc's private parts; or to be more precise, its most private and sensitive part. The huge member dangled in front of her and swung from side-to-side with the orc's movements like an enormous pendulum. It was mesmerizing to watch, she had rarely seen one so big, except for her encounter with the daemon in the forest. Perhaps this was evidence that all beasts of evil had large appendages?
Without fully realizing what she was doing Aryula slipped her knives into her belt and reached forward to touch the thick, green shaft. The skin felt dry and leathery but was warm to touch, as she pulled the foreskin back she was almost overcome with a fresh wave of nausea as the reek hit her. Aryula felt the head jump in her hand and begin to expand, faint roars of the orc chieftain reached her ears as the slow beast realized where she was hiding and what she was doing.
The noise of the orc chieftain brought Aryula back to reality as the danger of her position dawned on her, she had found the orc's main weak spot though, 'this was the way to beat him' she thought smiling.
With a swift jerk of her hand Aryula wrenched the orc's foreskin back hard, exposing the sensitive head. Then with her other hand she hit him as hard as possible in his big, green balls.
The chieftain bellowed out in a mixture of rage and pain as Aryula skipped out in front of him. The rest of the fight was dying down now and it appeared that the men had won, some of them were looking over at the standoff between Aryula and the mighty orc chieftain. The pretty little wood elf looked up at the huge orc and smiled, then slowly lowered her gaze to his groin, just as she had expected, a stiff green rod was poking up from under the orc leader's apron.
Aryula looked up at the war chief and smiled again, this time with a broad grin showing her sharp teeth, then before the huge orc could react she flicked her twin blades from her belt and swung them in a heavy underarm cut, right at the chieftain's groin. Many of the men watching winced and covered their privates with their hands. The huge orc's legs started to shake uncontrollably and he left out a high-pitch whinney as the little elf held her sharp knives in place. Aryula knelt down so that the orc's throbbing erection was only inches from her face and tried to stifle a giggle, there was something deviously humorous about causing so much pain and anguish to this particular area.
"Aaaah, has someone got a stiffie?" she chided as she looked up into the orc's face, then with a flick of her wrists she brought both her curved knives together under the leather apron and something long and green fell to the ground with a satisfying splat.
Aryula tried to control herself in a fit of uncontrollable giggles as the orc roared out in a slightly higher pitch than normal, it was loud enough to silence the entire battlefield. Then, after what seemed like an eternity to the shocked onlookers, one of the knights took pity and smashed the orc in its face with his war hammer, cutting the scream off with an abrupt halt.
"Tis no way to kill a greenskin", he said. "Even if he was a dumb brute." Aryula looked up at the knight from her kneeling position as she waved the orc's green appendage around. "Oh Sir Knight" she cooed. "Won't you let a girl have any fun?"
The knight looked down at her and sneered "Just stay out the way of my men, they're a chivalrous type and don't take kindly to fighting dirty."
Aryula swung the green appendage across her shoulder and grinned. "Surely it isn't dirty if the enemy enjoys it too?" She slunk off away from the horrified knights and to the rear of the caravan party out of sight. Taking her pack from the back of one of the wagons she carefully cauterized the end of her stiff prize and then wrapped it in some spare cloth and packed it away in her rucksack.
Aryula made her way to the edge of the caravan camp and followed a small path up to a cave in the side of the hills. Here she set about making her own camp away from the prissy knights and their high ideals of noble combat. As she lay down by the entrance to the cave she heard the clip-clop sound of hooves coming up the trail. Eventually a red faced youth hove into sight on the back of a pony, he had floppy brown hair and an air of naive innocence written on his face.
The young man caught sight of Aryula and steadied his pony. "Woah girl, easy there."
Aryula eyed him coolly, her bright blue eyes sizing him up. "What do you want boy?" she spat, her voice low and menacing.
"I err, thought I'd see you safe, it's quite dangerous up here on the hills away from the party.
"I don't need any help from a knight" snapped Aryula.
The young man flushed, his cheeks turning a brighter red. "Oh, I'm not a knight, I'm just a squire. My master was wounded in the attack and he's in the healer's tent now."
Aryula observed him a little longer, it was obvious a mere squire wouldn't be much use in protecting her, the lad had obviously come here for something else, and his behavior betrayed the fact that he was here to try his luck.
"That's very gallant of you Mr squire, why don't you have a seat by me down here?" Aryula patted the ground next to her as she beamed up at the youth, his cheeks turning a slightly brighter shade of pink again. She watched as the young man awkwardly dismounted his pony and tied it to a tree, then adjusted his skin-tight jodhpurs to try and disguise his obvious bulge.
The squire sat down beside her and stared straight ahead awkwardly. Aryula laid her head on his shoulder and sighed, then draped her wrist across his leg, letting her fingers drop down to his inner thigh and allowing her index finger the merest flicker against his bulge. She was rewarded with an almost instantaneous bounce as the young man's groin responded to the touch and after another moment he had a throbbing erection stretching painfully against the tight fabric.
"Ooooooooooooooooooh!" cooed Aryula in a voice like honey as she looked down at the engorged fabric. The poor squire felt like he was going to explode.
"I'm quite hungry" said Aryula, "Why don't you get a fire going and I'll see what I can find? Maybe I can have some sausage after?" The squire felt his cheeks burning as he caught the pretty elf glancing at his groin. He wanted to say something back but was afraid his voice might come out all squeaky so went off in search of firewood.
It was cool and dark inside the cave, Aryula's elf vision worked just as well in dark shadows as in daylight. She crept through the entrance and into a chamber, it appeared as though the cave might be inhabited.
The little wood elf kicked idly at some dusty bones on the floor and suddenly there was an enormous roar beside her. A young orc had emerged from the chamber, probably too young to partake in the battle but old enough to be an adolescent. The orc swung its long, wooden club and Aryula ducked at the last second as it went crashing into the wall, causing bits of rubble to fall from the ceiling. Aryula scurried back to the cave entrance, the orc hot on her heels.
There was a mighty crash as the orc swung its club again and Aryula dived through the cave entrance. The club had hit the wall again but this time it was bringing the whole house down. The orc bellowed in surprise as it was enveloped in a swirling cloud of falling dust and debris.
When the smoke cleared Aryula saw that the young orc was on its back at the cave entrance desperately trying to hold up the roof, his torso and legs were splayed on the grass outside whilst his head was precariously positioned under the entrance. There must have been tons of stone above him and his arm muscles bulged as he tried to contain the weight.
Aryula stood over the orc's waist and looked down at his trembling body, it was the size of a large man and very well built, her eyes wandered lower over rippling muscles until she looked directly down at the thin lion cloth covering the orc's modesty, then a familiar gleam of malevolence flickered in her blue eyes.
The squire dashed back just in time to witness Aryula crouching over the orc and cutting through his lion cloth.
"What are you doing?" Cried the squire, his eyes almost popping out of his head.
Aryula glanced over her shoulder "Oh, hello. Just having some fun, care to join me?"
The squire sloped over, almost zombie like, and gaped as he watched Aryula tug the large orc penis free and start running her delicate little fingers up and down the shaft, quickly manipulating it to a full and impressive erection.
The orc cried out in anguish as Aryula giggled and viciously squeezed the engorged head, but was unable to move due to the immense pressure of the cave ceiling it was struggling to hold.
Aryula looked up at the wide eyed squire, he was blushing profusely again as he observed her playing with the orc's large penis and there was a familiar bulge twitching in the front of his jodhpurs.
"I wonder if the orc boy is as big as you?" she smirked as she gave the thick shaft a playful smack.
The orc bellowed at the little wood elf as she spitefully teased him and there was a deep rumble from the cave as he almost lost his grip. Sweat was starting to bead on his forehead as he fought to hold the weight.
"Gotta be careful orc boy otherwise your head will become squishy" chided Aryula as she jerked the foreskin back hard and dragged her sharp fingernails up and down the stiff shaft.
Aryula felt the orc's penis throb fiercely in response as she pinched and manipulated it. The orc cried out again in desperation and looked down helplessly at the little elf as she tortured his penis. Aryula smiled back as she spat on her hands and gently massaged the throbbing head.
"I wonder how far I can go before your head goes splat?" queried Aryula as she pulled the foreskin back again to reveal the bright pink head. She smiled back at the orc as she pinched the very tip of his penis between her thumb and forefinger, right on the sensitive nib.
The orc gave a high-pitched squeal and his legs thrashed up and down in frustration as the little elf giggled and pinched harder. Aryula felt a familiar fire burning between her legs, she loved to torture cocks and it was even more fun with the young squire watching.
Aryula looked up again at the squire and gave him a broad grin, he appeared speechless as she patted the bulge. "I wonder if you would squeal and become stiff if I did this to your cock?"
She winked at him then released her pinch from the orc's sensitive tip, but then in a ruthless gesture she circled her fingers around the head and pulled down to open the urethra, then drove her sharp fingernail deep into the hole.
As the orc screamed a little louder and higher the squire's bulge began to stiffen out into a full erection and bobbed up and down, inches away from Aryula's face.
"Your clothes are very revealing my boy" giggled Aryula as she flicked the tip of the squire's penis. The squire mumbled and gasped at her touch.
"I think it's time we put this poor orc boy out of his misery, but I think it's important he dies happy, don't you?"
The little wood elf spent the next several minutes pinching and squeezing the orc's most sensitive spots, being careful to give the head of the throbbing shaft an extra hard squeeze to prevent him from spurting his seed. She massaged the shaft and squeezed his testes in turn, bringing him to the edge of climax only to suddenly stop and squeeze the tip, jam her finger in his urethra, slap the head or punch his balls. Sometimes she did a mixture of all four in quick succession until the orc was wailing and sobbing.
After several minutes of this ideal the orc's pulsating cock was painfully erect and covered in scratch marks from the elf's sharp fingernails. The head and tip of the penis were a sore and angry red, covered with a with a thin, sticky residue.
"I think it's almost time!" Said Aryula as she pulled the orc's foreskin down as far as it would go. She felt the heat from the thick shaft as it raged in her hand, it seemed so stiff it might burst.
Suddenly Aryula released the orc's hard member from her grip and stood up, her heart racing in anticipation for what she was about to do next. The thought excited her beyond all measure and she felt a familiar wetness between her thighs. Deliberately giving men erections and then teasing them until it hurt is what she lived for, but she had always wanted to do this next bit and could hardly contain her arousal.
Aryula selected a large, flat and very heavy rock from nearby, she struggled to lift it but managed to get her hands around the edges and manoeuvre it to the height of her chest, then she waddled back to her position over the orc.
The young orc looked down at Aryula again and started screaming desperately as he realised what she was about to do, the pretty elf smiled in response.
"Time for Mr orc to have a squishy head!' she chided as she ran the toe of her foot up and down his bobbing penis.
There was silence for a moment as the little elf lifted the heavy, flat rock as high as she could and then deliberately let it drop - right over the top of the orc's throbbing erection.
"Gnaaaaaaaaar! Noooooooo noooooo! Azulfaaaar elfgirl!" Cried the orc.
Time seemed to slow down as the rock fell and then landed with a sickening splat, like a slab of wet meat hitting a tiled floor.
An animal like shriek of agony filled the air but was abruptly cut off as the orc lost its grip and tons of rock crashed down on its head, squashing it flat.
Aryula was trembling with excitement at what she had just done, she had never been so aroused. She kneeled next to the gaping squire and ripped his jodhpurs down, letting his hard cock bounce into the cool air. Aryula immediately stuffed his penis into her mouth and sucked as hard as she could, letting her hands slip under her green tunic to stoke the fire between her thighs, her mind filled with images of hard orc cocks being crushed flat.
"Aaaaah, uuuuh oh gods!" moaned the squire as his head swam, the little elf was sucking his penis so hard it was a mixture of agony and ecstasy.
Aryula moaned too as she approached her climax, she rubbed herself harder and swirled her tongue around the engorged head. Then she felt between the squire's firm cheeks with her finger and shoved it rudely into his bottom. She felt his hole contract at the sudden invasion and then moan as her mouth filled with his seed. Aryula sucked harder as she went over the edge herself and drained the boy, her mind replaying images of smashed cocks and orc screams and she exploded in a wave of pleasure.
"MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhmm..." sighed Aryula as she convulsed from her hard orgasm.
The pretty elf kept sucking the last spurts of seed from the trembling squire, turning his agony of ecstasy into an ecstasy of agony. He felt as though she were sucking him dry and his insides would be pulled out.
At last the trembling stopped and Aryula looked up at the squire with a mischievous sparkle in her eye.
"Are we still having sausage for lunch Mr squire?" She asked as she ran her fingers down the length of his shaft. "I seem to have broken my last one."
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