"I really think Canada would be a fun trip," Dave said. He casually swiped up and down his phone, looking at the details for a skii resort. Nicole lifted her head off of her pillow to look at the screen, with one hand casually resting on Dave's leg, just under his boxers.

"Yeah, but it's cold enough here, I don't want to go even further up north, where it's gonna be even worse," she said firmly. "Why don't we just stay here, where we can stay in bed, under the covers?"

"As if I even get the covers," he retorted, slightly tugging on them, barely managing to cover one of his feet. "Besides, I thought you said you'd be all for it a month ago! I've been looking forward to this!" As he said that, Nicole did remember distinctly having a conversation about this trip a month ago, but she remembered it completely differently. A smile crept across her face.

"Actually, I do remember saying that. I'm sorry, why don't you go ahead and book it?" she said, slowly moving her hand to his crotch.

"Finally. Alright, let me just book this hotel," he said. As he navigated the website, Nicole grabbed his balls and squeezed hard. Dave dropped his phone and reached for his crotch, only to reach Nicole's hand. "Fuck, my - Nicole, please!"

"I remember agreeing to go on this trip, if I got to have fun with your balls. If you still want to book this trip, go ahead, but I'm gonna get started," she said, giggling. "I'm just gonna squeeze em a bit, stop being a baby and book the trip already! There's so much more stuff I wanna do to you!" She loosened her grip slightly, just enough for Dave to catch his breath for a second, then clamped back down, causing Dave to groan. "What's the matter? I'm not gonna stop squeezing till you book this trip."

"I - can't! Please, just let up for like fifteen minutes... I'll take everything you dish out," he begged. She shook her head.

"I can't accept that. They're so squishy though... I wonder if they'll make it," she said. This went on for about two minutes, at which point Nicole loosened her grip slightly. After all, she had big plans for later, and she couldn't have the fun end so soon. "If you don't get booking, I'm gonna squeeze even harder than I was before." Hearing this, Dave grabbed his phone, curling up his legs in an attempt to lessen the pain, to no avail. He filled out all of the forms, submitted them, and dropped the phone.

"Done! Please, Nicole... can you let my balls go?" he pleaded.

"You've earned it," she said, releasing his balls. Dave rolled onto his back, pulling his knees into his chest and clutching his balls. Nicole stayed on her side, facing Dave. "Hey, honey, why don't you bring your knees down and put your hands under your butt? I heard it helps with the pain." Dave, relieved to be free of her grip, straightened his legs, and moved his hands.

"This kind of hurts more, are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, positive. My friend told me that this helps with the pain," she said.

"So are you not gonna bust my nuts anymore?" he asked, hopefully.

"No, I didn't say that," she said. With that, she took the same hand that had squeezed the life out of Dave's balls, made a fist, and slammed it into his unprotected nuts, holding it there so that Dave could not grab his nuts. Dave made an attempt to move his hands to block the punch, but with his hands under him, he was not able to do so. He howled in pain. "It really does help with the pain!" Nicole gleefully cheered. "Oh... I should have clarified - it helps me with the pain, by giving me a free shot!" Dave again reached for his nuts only to feel Nicole's hand blocking the way. "Now, you've got two choices - you can either leave your hands under your butt and let me have fun, or you can let me squeeze your nuts. We figured out last time how much more fun squeezes are after a nice juicy punch... so I'll leave it up to you." Dave obediently moved his hands. "Awesome! Now for the fun stuff."

Nicole climbed on top of Dave, with one leg off to the side and one knee resting on Dave's crotch.

"I'll give you a choice," Nicole said, as Dave prepared himself for the inevitable onslaught. "You can either have 20 quick knees that aren't too hard, or 5 slow knees, that will be a lot harder." Dave figured that even if the 5 knees were harder, they would go by so much quicker, and so he made up his mind.

"I'll take the five knees," he said.

"If you say so," she said. "OK, here goes the first one." She raised her knee back, and took a couple of practice strokes, gently brushing her knee against Dave's balls on each one. Dave closed his eyes, the anticipation making him start to regret his choice. She finally quickly through her leg as far back as it could go, then brought her knee down into her target. Dave yelled out in pain, wondering if he could take four more of those knees. "You look so cute when I hit you in the balls!"

"Just... get on with it," he groaned.

"Well, if you say so. I was gonna let you rest, but," she said, slamming her knee down again. Dave yelled once again. Nicole took another couple of practice shots. "You'll have plenty of time to rest..." She kneed him again. Dave screamed in pain. "On this vacation!" she finished, yelling the last word as she kneed him again, putting as much force as she could into his balls, holding her knee in place. Dave grabbed her leg, again unable to reach his crotch, coughing. "One more..."

"Please... I took four, doesn't that count for something?" he begged again.

"Four? Dave, this is just the beginning of the night! Don't crash on me yet!" she snapped.

"I'm not sure how much more I can take," Dave said.

"You can take as much as I can dish out. I agreed to go on this stupid vacation with you," she said. "So... get back down, put your hands under your butt again. This is gonna be over in a second." Dave complied, slowly. Nicole stroked her hand down the center of Dave's chest, towards his crotch, then traced back upwards. As her hand reached his chest again, she rammed her knee into Dave's balls for the fifth time, making him scream in pain. Dave began to tear up. "This is gonna be a fun night!"

(I'll leave the rest up to your imagination).

If you have any advice on how I could improve this story, and / or future stories, please let me know.

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why don't you continue this story; maybe bust his balls at the airport. bust em on the plane bust em on the ski slope. bust em in the chalet. bust them again on the plane coming home etc.

if i get a good amount of time, I'll pick it up again

i can only dream that this would happen to me. 



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