Here is a wholesome story I wrote starring Moomintroll:

The Snork Maidan was in the woods tossing a large fruit back and forth with the Silk-Monkey.

"You like Moomintroll why?" Asked the silk-monkey.

"Well," answered the Snork Maiden indignantly, "because he's so strong and manly, and he's very very sweet."

The silk-monkey giggled, "he's a bit of a klutz too."

"He is not!" defended the Snork Maiden.

"Is too!"

The silk-monkey was so distracted by this argument, she lost track of where she was throwing the fruit, she flung it hard and it hit the Snork Maiden right where her legs connect.

"Ow!" Cried the Snork Maiden, falling backwards on her tush, her hand going between her legs.

But then, after a moment… "Actually, that didn't hurt so bad," the Snork Maiden realized, standing up, and removing her hand from where the silk-monkey had hit her (that was embarrassing, good thing Moomintroll hadn't been here to see it).

"Good thing you aren't a boy," the silk-monkey giggled.

"What do you mean?" Asked the Snork Maiden confused.

"I hear," replied the silk-monkey, "if you hit a boy there, they'll go down for good."

Snork Maiden gasped, "Not Moomintroll!" She defended.

"Every boy," the silk-monkey declared.

"No," said the Snork Maiden, "Moomintroll is so strong and manly, he would never go down like that!"

The silk-monkey shrugged, "Well, that's what I heard."

With that, the Snork Maiden stormed away, "Moomintroll would never go down like that," she grumbled as she went, "not when I recovered so quickly."

But then, that would make sense why Moomintroll looked so funny there compared to her, she realized with a blush. She'd always wondered about that, but she'd always been too self-conscious to ask.

But no! Moomintroll would never succumb to something like that. He couldn't.

Fortunately, as the Snork Maiden stormed away through the woods, the silk-monkey found something else to distract her attention that she didn't feel abandoned in any way by the Snork Maiden leaving her like that.

The Snork Maiden found her way to Moominhouse and found Moomintroll waiting there, playing with Sniff. When Moomintroll saw her coming, he smiled.

"Hi Snork Maiden, come join us, we're playing Hardy Boys. You can be Nancy Drew."

Snork Maiden didn't know what to say, she had to prove the silk-monkey wrong.

"Hi Moomintroll," she said shyly.

She went up to him, looked him in the eye searchingly, they held hands for a moment. Should she…?

She had to prove the silk-monkey wrong.

Then, without another moment of hesitation, she drove her knee up through the opening in his legs as hard as she could.

The contact felt so weird.

Moomintroll's entire face went red, his hand's grasp loosened on hers.

And then he dropped to his knees, his hands going between his legs, clutching himself with heavy desperation.

Moomintroll moaned in agony, so pitifully, the Snork Maiden couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"No!" She cried, her face going red "You're supposed to be so strong and manly! That wasn't supposed to happen to you!"

And why did he have to look so cute folded up like that.

Sniff looked at her in horror. "What did you do?" He cried.

The Snork Maiden felt so horrified and betrayed by Moomintroll's fate, she turned around and drove her knee through the opening in his legs as well.

Sniff's face went red as well, and in an instant, he'd dropped to his knees moaning as well.

Now that was a bit funny.

Then, wailing - mostly in distress, but partly in humor - she ran straight into the Moominhouse.

Moominmamma stopped her in the kitchen. "Snork Maiden? Is everything okay dear?"

The Snork Maiden turned to look at her, confusion in her eyes, "Is it true that boys are weaker than girls when you kick them…" She blushed, not sure how to finish the sentence, "Down there?"

Fortunately, Moominmamma knew what she was talking about. "What brings this up? Did something happen?"

"It's true, isn't it?" The Snork Maiden wailed, "It's true that Moomintroll's not strong and manly and can be taken down with just one kick like that!"

Moominmamma thought a moment before she answered. "It's true that boys have a weakspot, but that doesn't mean they're not strong and manly." She chuckled, "I still remember the first time I found out with Moominpappa." She blushed, obviously it was a very cute memory. "I think having a weakspot doesn't make one less manly, I think in a way it makes one more manly. I mean, it wouldn't be able to happen like that if they weren't, if you know what I mean," more blushing. "It's because they're so strong and manly that it's so special that they can be taken down that way; seeing them so weak and vulnerable reminds us of how fragile that strength is, and how much more it means when they stand up for us." Then she giggled, "And besides, it's also reminds us that boys can be very cute."

The Snork Maiden blushed, Moomintroll had been very cute out there.

"You see," said Moominmamma, "boys and girls are very different from eachother, and that's what makes them special to us, and us special to them, so next time you wonder why the two of you are so different, just remember it's because both of you are very special."

"Thank you Moominmamma," said the Snork Maiden giving her a hug.

"Now what brought this on?" Asked Moominmamma curiously.

The Snork Maiden blushed, "Oh nothing." And with that, she rushed back out the door to where Moomintroll and Sniff both lay crumpled on the ground still moaning.

Moominmamma was right, boys were cute this way (and charming, not to add), the fact that this scenario was unique to them certainly made Moomintroll very special.

She shifted her legs, she also knew why it hadn't been that bad when it had happened to her as well, did Moomintroll know that? Did that make him see her as just as special as she saw him now? She blushed, she sure hoped so; it certainly made her feel very special.

"Are you okay?" the Snork Maiden asked Moomintroll.

"Why did you do that?" Moomin moaned, still holding himself.

"I was figuring some stuff out, but I'm done now," The Snork Maiden replied, "Do you still want to play Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys? Okay, how about Nancy Drew and the Case of Who Kicked The Hardy Boys?"

The boys just moaned.

"We already know who did that?" Sniff moaned, 'Owww… Why me."

"Well then, case closed!" Announced the Snork Maiden victoriously.

No response from the boys.

Note to self, the Snork Maiden realized, when boys are being cute like this, don't expect them to be very productive.

"I'm going to take a nap," the Snork Maiden decided, "You boys are awesome." And she meant it.

So, with that, she went back into the house and went to bed. When she got there, she felt herself beginning to crack up. Immediately, she began to wail into her pillow, hysterical over all she had just learned.

And into her pillow she poured out all her laughter about the differences between boys and girls, and how glad she was to be a part of it with Moomin.

Back outside with Moomintroll and Sniff, it'd be a while before either of them could stand up again.

Unfortunately, it was then that the silk-monkey happened out of the woods.

"What happened here?" She giggled.

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